ARA Review by Asif Imran of Tears of the Gumbo Limbo

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ARA Review by Asif Imran of Tears of the Gumbo Limbo

Post by Asif Imran »

[Following is an ARA Review of the book, Tears of the Gumbo Limbo.]
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4 out of 5 stars
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Wayne Watkins’s Tears of the Gumbo Limbo is an enthralling story set against the beautiful but threatened backdrop of the Honduran Rainforest. It follows the life of a young girl, Gabriella, who has to deal with a myriad of issues including deforestation, poverty and the exploitation of her community. While the book places heavy emphasis on both environmentalism as well as humanitarianism, it manages to have some positive aspects as well.

Watkins’s writing strengths are most notable in the broad imagery that captures the reader’s heart, showing them just how stunning and intricately detailed the rainforest is. His ample detail surrounds the reader with the enchanting scenery, making them empathize towards the cause behind it all. Likewise, the development of Gabriella’s character reflects a mixture of composure and grit that compels one to be concerned about the issue that Gabriella supports. The story also manages to add a poetic touch to the narrative by referencing the Gumbo Limbo tree as a symbol of survival and mutualism.

Most of the time, the book does a good job moving the plot along but sometimes there are instances such as the environmental exposition that feels a bit forced and because of it, might be unappealing to some readers who like a fast paced plot. Other supporting characters enhance the story but some are not as fleshed out as others, thus their purpose is nowhere near as critical as Gabriella’s.

One of the things that I believe makes Watkins a great author is his ability to transfer important life lessons throughout his novel. In addition to telling a captivating story, the environmental elements provide a clear and necessary context that makes the book an appeal to all. At some points the people might consider the conversations to be a bit too heavy on the storytelling.

There are a few of these issues but even then, Tears of the Gumbo Limbo is a heroic story that brings forth understanding and educational aspects of society. It tackles both the issues of climate change and how it affects vulnerable populations but does it in an optimistic fashion. Watkins effectively prompts the audience to analyze their part in preserving nature without overwhelming them with guilt.

In short, Tears of the Gumbo Limbo is not only a great novel filled with passion but also is very sobering in terms of how it is able to tackle the issue of environmentalism. The dialogue feels more dynamic and less linear and it is highly recommended for people who are interested in reading more.


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Post by watkins »

The setting of the story is SW Florida, not Honduras.
There is no one in the story named Gabriella.
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