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Re: Re: Myra and Sergei

Posted: 05 May 2019, 05:30
by YL_Eytka
I have not had the pleasure of reading Strong Heart, but even from just reading Adrift, I thought Myra and Sergei had alot of chemistry and would have loved a follow up on their relationship

Re: Myra and Sergei

Posted: 07 May 2019, 14:40
by Azrevread
Myra and Sergei appear to have a good friendship and worked well together when searching for her father,
William. If there is a sequel novel to Adrift, it should include the characters of Myra and Sergei because they
are both likable characters.

Re: Re: Myra and Sergei

Posted: 24 May 2019, 17:01
by Rachel Lea
I want to know if anything will happen between Myra and Pete. Pete admits to himself that he has a bit of a crush on her... I'm curious to see if the author plans to do anything with that or not.

Re: Myra and Sergei

Posted: 04 Jun 2019, 08:49
by Kaylee Elmer
I totally agree with you! I want to know more about them. I actually read Adrift first. So, when I started reading Strong Heart I thought I would learn more about their relationship. I technically did, but there still wasn't much to it. I was really disappointed.

Re: Re: Myra and Sergei

Posted: 04 Jun 2019, 08:54
by Kaylee Elmer
Rachel Lea wrote: 24 May 2019, 17:01 I want to know if anything will happen between Myra and Pete. Pete admits to himself that he has a bit of a crush on her... I'm curious to see if the author plans to do anything with that or not.
Yes that would be so interesting! Maybe a love triangle type thing between Myra, Pete, and Sergei?

Re: Re: Myra and Sergei

Posted: 10 Jun 2019, 02:30
by Jeconiaomolo
Charlyt wrote: 02 Apr 2019, 04:58 Perhaps the beginning of their story was being laid down in the first two books to be explored further in future books. I, too, want to know more about where their relationship with each other will go.
Exactly, this is what I also thought the author's plan was. It seems their story will be will appear in future book by the author.

Re: Re: Myra and Sergei

Posted: 12 Jun 2019, 13:56
by a-b-c-
I think it was wishful think on the others and were just friends.

Re: Re: Myra and Sergei

Posted: 23 Mar 2020, 09:34
by siusantos
What's going on with these two anyway? Do they like each other or not? It seemed they do, otherwise why would Sergei rushed to Myra's side as soon as he heard the news?

Re: Re: Myra and Sergei

Posted: 30 Nov 2020, 04:12
by Sarah Schmidt
The fact that there was major distance and they appeared in a limited number of scenes together made their entire thing come across as more abstract than anything. I think Sheldon wanted to keep most of the focus on what was happening with the people on or related to the ship, and Myra and Sergei, at least in this book, were mostly peripheral characters. Maybe there will be more depth to their relationship in another book.

Re: Re: Myra and Sergei

Posted: 01 Feb 2021, 07:30
by Yvonne Monique
I really thought that this sequel would anwer some unanswered questions from "Strong Heart", including Myra's and Sergei's relationship. Unfortunately, many issues are not addressed in this installment (which makes it a great standalone story, though).

Re: Re: Myra and Sergei

Posted: 01 Jul 2021, 07:48
by Michelle Menezes
I haven't read Strong Heart and I only saw Sergei for a brief moment in the book towards the end so it doesn't make much of a difference to me whether they ended up together or not. Pete and Mariana on the other hand would have made a cute couple.