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Re: Strong Women

Posted: 18 Jun 2019, 15:39
by SomaKenya
Lovely discussion, this was a big plus in the book for me the depiction of women as strong characters, Sarah gets this one for me...that faith to hold on despite all odds...I would love to have that

Re: Strong Women

Posted: 19 Jun 2019, 00:54
by Robyn_original
Louise was my favorite. She stays strong after what happened to Larry. Most people would panic in that situation but she just kept her head down and did what she had to do. She showed incredible fortitude and was quite inspiring.

Re: Strong Women

Posted: 20 Jun 2019, 12:45
by coffeeteal
Adding this book to my list of books to read! Thank you people :)

Re: Strong Women

Posted: 21 Jun 2019, 12:03
by Wriley
In real life, women are usually the ones that keep a stressful situation together in many ways. The book did a good job showing what strong when do when things get tough. I thought the book did a good job showing realistic women.

Re: Strong Women

Posted: 28 Jun 2019, 00:30
by Gracedscribe
Giving women a role that is more than just skirts and envy truly humanises them doesn't it? I mean that is what happens in everyday life - women step up when they need to, they work with men to keep the world going round. I'm starting to like the sound of this book more and more.

Re: Strong Women

Posted: 29 Jun 2019, 02:47
by Charlie19
Me makes me think of my sisters and my wife..also my beautiful daughter..they are there for a reason..women are amazing

Re: Strong Women

Posted: 29 Jun 2019, 15:00
by Sam Ibeh
Louise it's my pick. She was dogged and showed exceptional strength. She isn't easily a likeable character. But she can stand up for herself to prove her worth.

Re: Strong Women

Posted: 30 Jun 2019, 13:55
by Vickie Noel
I have to pick Louise because when push came to shove, she displayed her awesome leadership abilities.

Re: Strong Women

Posted: 01 Jul 2019, 09:08
by safah26121990
I'm glad to hear that women played a strong role in this book!

Re: Strong Women

Posted: 01 Jul 2019, 10:19
by Clorinda Donovan
Eclecticmama wrote: 14 Apr 2019, 14:18 Both Anne and Louise were my favorite female characters.
I loved Anne’s determination to not quit. She reminded me of myself in my current situation. She was also the one who got the second team found, barely holding on herself.
Louise reminds me of my mom, in a way. Despite her own personal tragedy, she got the job done.
Charlie Sheldon did an excellent job showing just how tough a woman can be when faced with the toughest odds. It was one of the reasons I wanted to go on and read his other work.
I have to agree with you on one point that Anne's determination to find her dad was courageous and admirable. All things considered she was my all time favorite character.

Re: Strong Women

Posted: 08 Jul 2019, 01:55
by MatereF
Eclecticmama wrote: 14 Apr 2019, 14:18 Both Anne and Louise were my favorite female characters.
I loved Anne’s determination to not quit. She reminded me of myself in my current situation. She was also the one who got the second team found, barely holding on herself.
Louise reminds me of my mom, in a way. Despite her own personal tragedy, she got the job done.
Charlie Sheldon did an excellent job showing just how tough a woman can be when faced with the toughest odds. It was one of the reasons I wanted to go on and read his other work.

I agree with you. The portrayal of women in the book is a reminder that women are strong.

Re: Strong Women

Posted: 08 Jul 2019, 01:58
by MatereF
I loved Anne and Louise.
Anne's determination is unmatched while Louise does not let what happens to her on a personal level affect her ability get the job done.

Re: Strong Women

Posted: 09 Jul 2019, 23:08
by Florence Nalianya
Louise stood out for me in the entire book. She was able to take on the leadership role really well. She was able to take on any pressure and still come out strongly.

Re: Strong Women

Posted: 10 Jul 2019, 10:12
by Oyedeji Okikioluwa
My favourite is "Sarah." She is full of hope. She never felt Williams was dead. She is a great source of hope to William's daughter.

Re: Strong Women

Posted: 19 Jul 2019, 14:26
by Kemunto lucy
I loved Anne's character, she is pretty admirable and motivating. She has that drive to accomplish what she wants.