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Re: Re: Was the ending plausible?

Posted: 02 May 2019, 01:28
by Anthony__
The book shows great sense of hope. At the end, they all were joyful. This shows that there is always a shiny light in the end of the tunnel.

Re: Was the ending plausible?

Posted: 03 May 2019, 10:03
by PalmTreeWolf
I had the same question when I finished. It felt like an improbable Hollywood ending where a more realistic and stoic outcome was needed. William, I felt, would be perfectly fine sacrificing himself heroically, or else found much sooner or even alive and well living in a temporary shelter. Sheldon pushed a little too hard to paint William's survival as impossible, even misdirecting with the boat to the afterlife vision, or the weight of Williams sacrifice and definitive death would have been a better choice.

Re: Was the ending plausible?

Posted: 03 May 2019, 10:36
by Christine Penny
Was the ending plausible? To me it wasn't first of all you can't slap someone out of hypothermia, it will only cause life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias in the person... so that part definitely wasn't plausible... and secondly for her to come out of a hypothermia induced coma and remember specific compass directions that she had traveled exactly... is way fictional... she would mostl likely be postitcal (such as when someone comes out of a seizure meaning they are very sleepy and groggy and unable to even be aware of their environment for a while... even a few hard slaps to the face would not help... coming out of a coma she would most likely have some brain impairment especially memory. Plus William was buried in snow, and wasn't it still either raining or snowing? Exposure would have killed him in less than three days being unable to move at all. For a happy ending it was fine for reality finding a needle in a haystack? Not likely.

Re: Was the ending plausible?

Posted: 06 May 2019, 15:30
by Azrevread
Although the story of is a fictional saga, I take into consideration that unexpected events happen.
To me, the last three chapters of the book seemed more like a prequel to a sequel to Adrift.

Re: Re: Was the ending plausible?

Posted: 07 May 2019, 07:07
by jahagen
In some cases I might think that there's a chance for it to be plausible, but for this one I'm not sure. William was older and not in the best health to start off with. Then he got injured, and based off his injury I don't believe he'd be able to move very far. He was already starving and freezing, and now is immobile and was out there for little over a week. So while I'm happy he somehow survived, I'm not sure I quite believe it.

Re: Re: Was the ending plausible?

Posted: 07 May 2019, 12:45
by KDJ
I want to believe that the ending was plausible. Sergei said that some believed people had the ability to hibernate, but then lost that ability. That put the idea it could happen into my head while reading. I think that it is possible that he was still barely alive when they found him but possibly passed away while they tried to reanimate him. It was still a few hours before they could get him to the hospital for the actual hypothermia treatment. A part of me thinks he died in transport, the other part is so happy they found him. :D :D :D

Re: Re: Was the ending plausible?

Posted: 09 May 2019, 06:47
by OskaWrites
I was absolutely convinced he was dead and completely ready to accept it when they found him. I was very surprised when he survived, and I think because I had been convinced it felt a little 'miraculous' to me that he was alive. I don't think it was impossible, but I didn't expect it at all.

Re: Re: Was the ending plausible?

Posted: 09 May 2019, 09:41
by magnoparisi
Possible but not probable. In real life William probably wouldn't survive. David Goggins would probably survive. Willian? I don't think so.

Re: Re: Was the ending plausible?

Posted: 14 May 2019, 12:04
by ayomie
Even in the real world, unexpected things do happen. Therefore, I think the ending is plausible because it is very much possible for things to turn out that way in real situations.

Re: Re: Was the ending plausible?

Posted: 24 May 2019, 16:44
by Rachel Lea
Could a human being actually survive in the situation that William was in, lying out in the cold for days on end with no heat and no food? I kind of doubt it, but some incredible things do happen in real life so I’m not going to rule it out as impossible. I think the author was trying to make a point about the strength of the human spirit.

Re: Was the ending plausible?

Posted: 30 May 2019, 02:09
by Verna Coy
I believe the ending was plausible. William's character had the will to survive and that IS survival. The power of the human mind is an amazing thing. It can get you through things you didn't know you could get through.

Re: Re: Was the ending plausible?

Posted: 03 Jun 2019, 04:37
by Beatus
If you have never been in a situation where you are so helpless and the only hope you have is to continue to think that a better turn will definately come. It is that and death. Those that choose to hold that faith often live to tell about it. Well..., if you have never encountered this you can dispute this statement and its understandable.

Re: Re: Was the ending plausible?

Posted: 21 Jun 2019, 03:47
by Ekta Swarnkar
I think the end of the story was plausible, only the writer had provided more details for his survival, but at least it gave the story a happy ending and a moral of team spirit. :roll2:

Re: Re: Was the ending plausible?

Posted: 25 Jun 2019, 03:02
by cornelia_SD
Actually, when I reached the end of the story, I think there could be another sequel to the book. Of course, I was happy that William is still alive. But I was yearning to know more what would happen to the characters. I guess they made that much impression to me.

Re: Was the ending plausible?

Posted: 26 Jun 2019, 12:32
by Samantha Simoneau
I think it's plausible. Outlandish things like this have happened, unlikely as they are. Great question!