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Re: Re: What do you think about Louise's relationship with Larry?

Posted: 28 Jun 2019, 13:53
by Wambui-nj
There might have been love because the married but it died on the way as Louise kept suspecting Larry's infidelity.

Re: Re: What do you think about Louise's relationship with Larry?

Posted: 10 Jul 2019, 11:05
by Noosh
I kinda felt like all Louise knew to be was angry. She was pissed and irritated all the time.
Did she love Larry? I don't think so. She hears about his situation, his amputation, his death and she doesn't even blink? Even the strongest of people show some kind of feeling or reaction.
So, I think the relationship wasn't good, there was no trust (at least not on her side), and there was no feeling either. Just a hollow once-upon-a-time there relationship.

Re: Re: What do you think about Louise's relationship with Larry?

Posted: 18 Jul 2019, 01:11
by Bles
Louise and Larry loved each other. Louise suspected that Larry was cheating on but she still cared about him. I mean if she wasn't, Larry's accident wouldn't have moved him. She cared and thus why she felt bad when Larry was involved in an accident.

Re: What do you think about Louise's relationship with Larry?

Posted: 20 Jul 2019, 13:05
by SA2090
Kajori50 wrote: 01 Apr 2019, 15:23 From the very beginning of the book, Louise had been suspecting Larry of infidelity. She evwn thought of cheating. Even after his death, she kept thinking that he cheated. Soon after his death, she came to know that Larry had always been faithful to her. In fact, he had been talking to the lawyer to dredge up some sort of bequest. When Louise came to know this, she was sad only for a short time. She became elated to find that Larry's death had left her with a lot of money with which she could pay off the mortgage, and give the crew their paychecks.

What do you think about her true feelings for Larry? Do share your thoughts.
Doubts about infidelity can damage any relationship and that is what might have happened.

Re: Re: What do you think about Louise's relationship with Larry?

Posted: 22 May 2020, 23:29
by Jajachris
I do not think that Louise had the purest affections for Larry. She was hardened in my opinion.

Re: Re: What do you think about Louise's relationship with Larry?

Posted: 12 Jul 2020, 19:50
by JGretz-7
I agree that the stress of their situation would have put a damper in any relationship. Add to that the secrecy in which Larry was dealing with the female lawyer, and you can begin to see why Louise would be having doubts. If Larry had been upfront and honest with Louise, how would that have changed the story?

Re: Re: What do you think about Louise's relationship with Larry?

Posted: 30 Nov 2020, 03:52
by Sarah Schmidt
I think Louise and Larry were going through a part in their marriage that was tough on both of them, largely due to the lack of money and the worries that come with it. It was clear that when Larry died, she regretted her actions leading up to it after finding out about what he'd been doing. I wouldn't say that she wasn't grieving, as the happiness surrounding receiving the money also had a lot of gratitude and remorse thrown in. I would just say that she's maybe just hardened, though she could have treated Larry just a tad better.

Re: Re: What do you think about Louise's relationship with Larry?

Posted: 03 Jul 2021, 13:26
by Michelle Menezes
I feel that Louise is the most misjudged character in the book. If she didn't love Larry, she wouldn't have cared whether he was cheating on her or not. After he was injured, she couldn't just leave her boat and go to him, she was responsible for getting them out especially with the Buckhorn people sniffing around. And she did feel remorse after Larry was injured for wishing terrible things on him. She also wasn't convinced that he wasn't cheating even after speaking to Nelson. All these emotions were too much for her to handle. Later, all the responsibilities of the business were on her shoulders. She had to keep everything afloat and take care of people. If she had broken down, others would too. So she stayed strong for them. Everyone grieves differently, maybe after everyone was gone it would truly hit her that Larry was gone and she'd cry.

Re: Re: What do you think about Louise's relationship with Larry?

Posted: 07 Sep 2021, 03:35
by Medhansh Bhardwaj
Louise was not in love with Larry after she made up her strong suspicions about him. Every feeling she had for him became superficial, and she actually avoided contact with him in many parts of the book.

Re: Re: What do you think about Louise's relationship with Larry?

Posted: 04 Jul 2022, 09:27
by Ohna Martin
Louise suspected Larry of having an affair, that sort of insecurity had to come from somewhere. Although she is a strong woman she did count on Larry, he was her husband. She did know him well enough to know he would provide for his crew no matter what. But as far as their relationship goes, it was beginning to fall apart because they started doubting each other.

Re: Re: What do you think about Louise's relationship with Larry?

Posted: 28 Jul 2022, 11:40
by maycherono91
I think it is money that caused the strife in their home, as it is in many homes.

Re: Re: What do you think about Louise's relationship with Larry?

Posted: 10 Mar 2024, 17:04
by Samuel Okoye 2
I think Louise's feelings for Larry had strings attached from the outset; if she truly loved him, then wishing him evil wouldn't be in the picture, especially because her claims were not concrete. She's the only 'true lover' I can think of who wouldn't go out of thier way to save the life of the one they love.