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Strong Women

Posted: 13 Apr 2019, 21:04
by Manang Muyang
I am glad that women played vital roles in the book. Louise, Myra, Anne and Heather all showed grit and stability in the midst of their desperate situations.

Which woman is the most unforgettable for you?

Re: Strong Women

Posted: 14 Apr 2019, 14:18
by Eclecticmama
Both Anne and Louise were my favorite female characters.
I loved Anne’s determination to not quit. She reminded me of myself in my current situation. She was also the one who got the second team found, barely holding on herself.
Louise reminds me of my mom, in a way. Despite her own personal tragedy, she got the job done.
Charlie Sheldon did an excellent job showing just how tough a woman can be when faced with the toughest odds. It was one of the reasons I wanted to go on and read his other work.

Re: Strong Women

Posted: 14 Apr 2019, 16:44
by Dusamae
Louise stood out most for me. I loved, though she doubted herself, how she handled the boat like she had been doing it for years, though she had not been for a long time. She did what was needed and handled herself well when she found out her husband was injured and dying.

Re: Strong Women

Posted: 17 Apr 2019, 02:42
by Nellbathory
I found that even though I didn't really like Louise as a person, I liked the strength she showed and how independent she was. Often times in books characters like her are just there to ask for help.

Re: Strong Women

Posted: 17 Apr 2019, 06:12
by Kibet Hillary
The one who was outstanding to me was Louise. She was able to take on the leadership role really well. Her ability not to bow to any pressure was also great.

Re: Strong Women

Posted: 18 Apr 2019, 23:02
by Brandy C
Hands down it has to be Louise. She gets the job done even with doubts. Louise is the epitome of women everywhere. Although it may be hard and we may not know how we are going to do it, we always manage to get it done. Her strength and determination spoke to me. I didn't necessarily love her as a person but I love the representation of a strong woman.

Re: Strong Women

Posted: 19 Apr 2019, 03:19
by Ekta Kumari
Yes, all women in this book play important roles and show great examples of grit and determination. I would say Anne is my favourite in all of them. Her courage in not quitting was inspiring. I liked Sarah too for her positive outlook on life and not questioning her optimism and faith in the toughest of times.

Re: Strong Women

Posted: 19 Apr 2019, 07:46
by Michgal 32
I feel Sarah and Anne stood out more. Sarah was the only person who was so sure that William was alive and even insisted that she had to go for the search. Anne on the other hand was very strong willed and would make a very good leader.

Re: Strong Women

Posted: 19 Apr 2019, 14:19
by NicholsC97
Sarah is, she reminds me too much of my mother for me to pick any other character as a favorite.

Re: Strong Women

Posted: 19 Apr 2019, 14:24
by unamilagra
I really liked all the women in the book, but Anne was my favorite. I loved how she did what she had to do, even though she was way out of her depth the entire time. She never complained about it either.

Re: Strong Women

Posted: 19 Apr 2019, 21:01
by lisalynn
I like the fact that there were strong women in the book. Too often, adventure stories are all told from the male perspective. These women demonstrate fortitude in the face of trial and perform admirably.

Re: Strong Women

Posted: 19 Apr 2019, 23:48
by Aniza Butt
I like a book which depicts the women in strong and lead position. Glad to hear that women in this book aren't that fragile to wait for a male pursuer to save them in a difficult situation.

Re: Strong Women

Posted: 20 Apr 2019, 00:55
by Nyambura Githui
Louise stood out the most. She has determination and spirit. Even with doubts she keeps on. It is really great to see women characters portrayed showing such strength.

Re: Strong Women

Posted: 20 Apr 2019, 10:44
by sri varshini303041
I loved Anne for her endurance and perseverance. It is true that this book has strong female characters. They don't wait for men to protect and save them. A woman can take care of herself. And I am glad this book portrays that.

Re: Strong Women

Posted: 20 Apr 2019, 11:58
by Connie Otwani
unamilagra wrote: 19 Apr 2019, 14:24 I really liked all the women in the book, but Anne was my favorite. I loved how she did what she had to do, even though she was way out of her depth the entire time. She never complained about it either.
My thoughts exactly!