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Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Misreading Judas" by Robert Wahler

Posted: 29 Jul 2019, 23:31
I just saw this book for the first time, The title seems very interesting. I am quite intrigued by this book now, I would definitely check it out. Thank you.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Misreading Judas" by Robert Wahler

Posted: 30 Jul 2019, 06:50
by Sahansdal
supernatural143 wrote: 29 Jul 2019, 22:34 The title "Misreading Judas" is thought-provoking. If not for Judas' betrayal, how would have Jesus saved mankind? Can't Judas do good deeds that could help mankind aside from betraying Jesus? In this book, I wonder how the author present the pros and cons about Judas.

I will come back to post my final rating for this book after reading its entire contents.
I will look forward to that. Today I go to see the Master in Petaluma, CA. Wish you could come. ... 5K32J6D6Y1
Please consider reviewing on Amazon. :)

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Misreading Judas" by Robert Wahler

Posted: 30 Jul 2019, 06:53
by Sahansdal
FREDFDK wrote: 29 Jul 2019, 23:31 I just saw this book for the first time, The title seems very interesting. I am quite intrigued by this book now, I would definitely check it out. Thank you.
I hope you do read my book and post your thoughts.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Misreading Judas" by Robert Wahler

Posted: 30 Jul 2019, 11:24
by shae_c
My Overall Thoughts
The book is worth reading, I learned a lot from it due to the Gnostic prospective. I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone that isn't interested in the topic or this is your first book on the Gnostic prospective and Judas. I could see how it can get a quite confusing to read (or listen to) because of the many quotations and parentheses. To those interested in theology or philosophy, get this book on your shelf. If Christian, it's a book to learn about Gnosticism, not to follow or take to heart based on very different belief systems. In the beginning of the book it is enticing and I wanted to know more although the more I read, the harder it became to follow. Overall, I wouldn't read again or use as a reference, on the other hand, its always good to have new knowledge, very thought provoking.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Misreading Judas" by Robert Wahler

Posted: 30 Jul 2019, 17:37
by Sahansdal
shae_c wrote: 30 Jul 2019, 11:24 My Overall Thoughts
The book is worth reading, I learned a lot from it due to the Gnostic prospective. I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone that isn't interested in the topic or this is your first book on the Gnostic prospective and Judas. I could see how it can get a quite confusing to read (or listen to) because of the many quotations and parentheses. To those interested in theology or philosophy, get this book on your shelf. If Christian, it's a book to learn about Gnosticism, not to follow or take to heart based on very different belief systems. In the beginning of the book it is enticing and I wanted to know more although the more I read, the harder it became to follow. Overall, I wouldn't read again or use as a reference, on the other hand, its always good to have new knowledge, very thought provoking.
Thanks. I have a previous title that helps to understand this one, which is just about scholarly misinterpretation of the Gospel of Judas. Would you care to review either on Amazon? ... ler+robert ... 5K32J6D6Y1

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Misreading Judas" by Robert Wahler

Posted: 31 Jul 2019, 06:58
by mzmaldita1376
I don't agree on this book because I strongly believe in the Bibles version and to cast doubt would for me be doubting in the Lord's words. So I will not finish or recommend this book.. Thank you..

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Misreading Judas" by Robert Wahler

Posted: 31 Jul 2019, 13:04
by Sahansdal
mzmaldita1376 wrote: 31 Jul 2019, 06:58 I don't agree on this book because I strongly believe in the Bibles version and to cast doubt would for me be doubting in the Lord's words. So I will not finish or recommend this book.. Thank you..
The "Lord's Word" isn't the Bible. The Lord's Word is Name, 'Name of the Lord' or Nam (Sikhism), Logos of John, or Apophasis Logos, as the Gnostics called It/Him/Her. One can HEAR It in silent meditation. I listen to It in meditation every single morning. Here is a reference to It that few know:

paragraph TWO, or section two:

So beautiful. The Old Testament has many references to the Word, or Name. First one I know is Genesis 4:26. Living Masters, as Seth apparently was, come all the time, and are incarnations of Word or Name. So, no, Jesus is not the first or one and only.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Misreading Judas" by Robert Wahler

Posted: 31 Jul 2019, 18:15
by Sahansdal
If people wonder what motivates me, it is this: Christians -- one-third of the world -- are deceived. I, too, was once Christian. There is no salvation from any bygone savior. The text of the NT itself says the Master must be living. But it is only the red-letter quotes of a Master (I think, likely, James) that are to be believed. John 3:16 is not about Jesus. It is about JOHN, as it is past tense. The SON is the Holy Spirit, not any one person. John 6:40 says one must "SEE" the Master to be saved by him. The context is that they DID see him and didn't believe (6:36) so it is about physically seeing him. John 9:4 is mistranslated from he original "sent US" (Codex Sinaiticus), not "sent me," including Masters needing to be living to work. John 9:5 reiterates this: "AS LONG AS I AM IN THE WORLD, I am the Light of the world." That means not a minute longer. John 14:7 qualifies "I am the Way. the Truth, and the Life" to those present to hear him say it. And Mark 10:45 is about a living giving of Life, not a death ransom. It is for "many" -- not for all, as a death ransom would have been. I cover all these verses and more in my first book: ... ler+robert

Only living Masters can save. They all have taught this, starting with Seth (Genesis 4:26), if not before. The current Master can be found here: He was just here in America this month visiting from India. He is beyond words wonderful.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Misreading Judas" by Robert Wahler

Posted: 31 Jul 2019, 22:41
by THarveyReadALot
Reply to Sahansdal, that I hope will help others
I am troubled that you, Sahansdal, say you were a Christian once but aren't anymore? God, through Jesus, keeps those who truly believe in Him (see John 10:27-29) Jesus is the Word of God in the flesh(John 1:14) Jesus said He Himself is the only way to the Father (John 14:6) God called Jesus His Beloved Son at Jesus' baptism. (Matthew 4)
See John 1:14 King James Version (KJV)
14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
Any more questions?

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Misreading Judas" by Robert Wahler

Posted: 31 Jul 2019, 23:54
by Sahansdal
THarveyReadALot wrote: 31 Jul 2019, 22:41 Reply to Sahansdal, that I hope will help others
I am troubled that you, Sahansdal, say you were a Christian once but aren't anymore? God, through Jesus, keeps those who truly believe in Him (see John 10:27-29) Jesus is the Word of God in the flesh(John 1:14) Jesus said He Himself is the only way to the Father (John 14:6) God called Jesus His Beloved Son at Jesus' baptism. (Matthew 4)
See John 1:14 King James Version (KJV)
14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
Any more questions?
Yeah, Theresa, I do have more questions, for you. DO YOU READ IN CONTEXT? Read John 14:6 WITH 14:7. "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life" was for those PRESENT, who could SEE HIM: "IF you had known me, you would have known the Father; now you know him, AND HAVE SEEN HIM." He says so. The same with 6:40. You have TO SEE the living Master to be saved by him! When did you SEE Jesus? He means WITH EYES, because in John 6:36 he just said they DID SEE him and DIDN'T believe. He then says in John 6:40 what the will of the Father is: TO SEE YOUR MASTER and believe in him. The Gospel authors change the sense of the passage with their personal narrative. John 3:16 isn't even about Jesus, as the SON is the Holy Spirit, not any one man. I just explained this in another thread here today. This is about John the Master BEFORE Jesus, whom he lauds in John 5:35, with high praise. John 1:6-13 are about John the Baptist not Jesus. He is introduced as Word in John 1:14. They were BOTH Word. John first, then Jesus. Jesus was his successor (in this narrative). I think Jesus covers James. He is not known to historians, only Gospel authors. James was the successor according to Jamesian gnostics. THAT is what was a threat to the Pauline faction of the day. They had to discredit James. So they made him into Judas the traitor. The NT narrative IS JUST A STORY. The Dead Sea Scrolls make this dynamic of James as Righteous Teacher and Paul as Liar clear. Read Dr. Robert Eisenman. He knows Judas covers James and that he was preeminent leader of the Jerusalem Assembly.

Mastership succession is what the gnostic story was in the James Apocalypses of Nag Hammadi. The Gospel of Judas is JUDAS as "the man who bears me [Jesus]." This was showing succession, then the Gospel authors COVERED IT UP to make Pauline blood salvation doctrine. It was an inversion of blood PURITY observances of the Essenes, which they were mocking. Dr. Eisenman goes into great detail to show this from the DS Scrolls.

The will of the Father is for EVERYONE to SEE their Master. I saw mine yesterday in Petaluma (well, his successor, to be exact). If you really are a Christian, and follow the teachings as they really are, not as the Gospel authors corrupted them, you would seek out a living Master as I did. You will be amazed when you realize this is how it was meant to be.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Misreading Judas" by Robert Wahler

Posted: 01 Aug 2019, 22:26
by THarveyReadALot
I disagree on a number of points. I already said that Jesus was declared, at His baptism, by God Himself, to be His Son. That's how Jesus could claim to be the "Way, the Truth, and the Life'. The Dead Sea Scrolls confirm the Old Testament, and there are more manuscripts supporting the New Testament then there are for other ancient texts. Are you just picking an argument, or are you receiving anything I'm saying? The Gnostic Gospel of Judas is not true, nor can it be 100% trusted like the Old and New Testaments can. Is anyone receiving what I'm saying? I can repost the URL for the website which shows evidence about ancient texts. Oh, and another issue. Jesus said, after His resurrection, that "blessed are those who believe, even though they do not see Him'. And in John 14, Jesus talks about going to Heaven to build mansions for us, (Believers in Him. Judas did not believe in Him) and then coming to take us unto Himself. So long for now.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Misreading Judas" by Robert Wahler

Posted: 01 Aug 2019, 23:40
by Sahansdal
THarveyReadALot wrote: 01 Aug 2019, 22:26 I disagree on a number of points. I already said that Jesus was declared, at His baptism, by God Himself, to be His Son. That's how Jesus could claim to be the "Way, the Truth, and the Life'. The Dead Sea Scrolls confirm the Old Testament, and there are more manuscripts supporting the New Testament then there are for other ancient texts. Are you just picking an argument, or are you receiving anything I'm saying? The Gnostic Gospel of Judas is not true, nor can it be 100% trusted like the Old and New Testaments can. Is anyone receiving what I'm saying? I can repost the URL for the website which shows evidence about ancient texts. Oh, and another issue. Jesus said, after His resurrection, that "blessed are those who believe, even though they do not see Him'. And in John 14, Jesus talks about going to Heaven to build mansions for us, (Believers in Him. Judas did not believe in Him) and then coming to take us unto Himself. So long for now.
You are reading what people said God said or Jesus said or did, not what God said or Jesus said or did. You can't know for sure what was what back that far. All one can do is compare with other traditions and try to make sense that way. You will NOT understand the Bible without other sources to compare. I have been on both sides of the question, and I know how the different traditions compare. The DSS confirm the OLD, but destroy the NEW Testament. It is the PESHERIM I am talking about. Read Dr. Eisenman! He is a Jew, one who knows what he is doing. All he lacks is knowledge of living Masters, like the ones I know. Just because we have lots of NT manuscripts means nothing. Read Dr. Bart Ehrman. He is the expert on NT texts. A bad original copied a thousand times is One thousand and one bad texts. No surprise there.

The Gospel of Judas is more reliable than the Bible, for one reason. It came out of the ground the way it went in. It wasn't corrupted by scribes through the centuries. It also wasn't copied from the Bible but the other way around, as I PROVED in my book in question here.

Just because you may like what the New Testament says doesn't make it true. It is true if it is true, and it isn't. The Gnostics had the true original. The details are in my book. It is certain and will never change. The Path is mystic, not orthodox. No martyred Master ever needed to die to save others. That is a corruption of the Path that always was and will always be. Don't blame me! I'm just the messenger. I didn't make the rules, just trying to report them accurately. Only LIVING MASTERS can save. John 9:4-5 in the original Codex Sinaiticus version is clear. Masters themselves are subject to working only while living. The Betrayal of Christ story of Judas betraying Jesus is an inversion of a mastership installation narrative the gnostics put on paper in the Nag Hammadi Apocalypses of James and Peter. I show it in my book! That is why I wrote it. Don't be fooled by any book, including mine. Compare.

The red=letter quotes in the Gospels are mostly useful, if vetted for mistranslation and Church-led corruption. the Gospel AUTHORS are the problem. Their twisting of what the Master who is being quoted really said and meant is the corruption.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Misreading Judas" by Robert Wahler

Posted: 02 Aug 2019, 03:49
by Brenda Creech
Sahansdal wrote: 24 May 2019, 22:31
B Creech wrote: 24 May 2019, 07:15
Sahansdal wrote: 07 May 2019, 19:54

If you believe Jesus is your savior, you owe it to yourself (not me) to finish reading it.You need to learn a lot more about your Bible.
I know a lot about my Bible. I fully believe the Bible is the inspired word of God and His word is not for me to challenge. That is in no way a reflection on this book, it is just my firm belief.
My first book The Bible Says Saviors -- Obadiah 1:21 would really help you. That and PLEASE, read Dr. Robert Eisenman, James the Brother of Jesus. You will learn that the New Testament is disinformation. The OT is just fine. I read it myself for great insight. But the NT is pure Church propaganda. It was a shock to me too. They wanted to hide that there was a succession. Masters are ever-present in the world. That is what THEY say. rssb dot org

Some traces of this are left in the NT. Like John 6:40 "SEE" the Son, and 9:4 and 5 in the original text of Codex Sinaiticus. The Master quoted, I believe, is James. There was no Jesus. He is fictional, just like Judas.
There is no historical Jesus.
Not in any verifiable record.
I respect your opinion, however, to say there was no Jesus is to say there was no savior, and that is saying there is no hope. What kind of life would it be without hope? Just saying: if I live my life believing Jesus is real and in the end, it is proven He is then I have won it all. On the other hand, if I live my life believing Jesus is real and in the end you are right then I've lost nothing, so I choose to believe. Just what if I'm right? Where will that leave those who don't believe?

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Misreading Judas" by Robert Wahler

Posted: 02 Aug 2019, 10:57
by Sahansdal
B Creech wrote: 02 Aug 2019, 03:49
Sahansdal wrote: 24 May 2019, 22:31
B Creech wrote: 24 May 2019, 07:15

I know a lot about my Bible. I fully believe the Bible is the inspired word of God and His word is not for me to challenge. That is in no way a reflection on this book, it is just my firm belief.
My first book The Bible Says Saviors -- Obadiah 1:21 would really help you. That and PLEASE, read Dr. Robert Eisenman, James the Brother of Jesus. You will learn that the New Testament is disinformation. The OT is just fine. I read it myself for great insight. But the NT is pure Church propaganda. It was a shock to me too. They wanted to hide that there was a succession. Masters are ever-present in the world. That is what THEY say. rssb dot org

Some traces of this are left in the NT. Like John 6:40 "SEE" the Son, and 9:4 and 5 in the original text of Codex Sinaiticus. The Master quoted, I believe, is James. There was no Jesus. He is fictional, just like Judas.
There is no historical Jesus.
Not in any verifiable record.
I respect your opinion, however, to say there was no Jesus is to say there was no savior, and that is saying there is no hope. What kind of life would it be without hope? Just saying: if I live my life believing Jesus is real and in the end, it is proven He is then I have won it all. On the other hand, if I live my life believing Jesus is real and in the end you are right then I've lost nothing, so I choose to believe. Just what if I'm right? Where will that leave those who don't believe?
Hi. Of course there is hope! Would we be discussing this if not? It isn't true that to say there was no Jesus is to say there was no savior. James was the savior of his day. John the Baptist was the savior of HIS day. Peter was likely the savior of his day following James. I cover all this in great detail in my two books. If one doesn't find and take on a living Master of his or her time, they best they can then hope for is a rebirth as a human to again search for one. And the Masters all warn us that there is no guarantee of another human birth.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "Misreading Judas" by Robert Wahler

Posted: 02 Aug 2019, 13:57
by Brenda Creech
B Creech wrote: 02 Aug 2019, 03:49
Sahansdal wrote: 24 May 2019, 22:31
B Creech wrote: 24 May 2019, 07:15

I know a lot about my Bible. I fully believe the Bible is the inspired word of God and His word is not for me to challenge. That is in no way a reflection on this book, it is just my firm belief.
My first book The Bible Says Saviors -- Obadiah 1:21 would really help you. That and PLEASE, read Dr. Robert Eisenman, James the Brother of Jesus. You will learn that the New Testament is disinformation. The OT is just fine. I read it myself for great insight. But the NT is pure Church propaganda. It was a shock to me too. They wanted to hide that there was a succession. Masters are ever-present in the world. That is what THEY say. rssb dot org

Some traces of this are left in the NT. Like John 6:40 "SEE" the Son, and 9:4 and 5 in the original text of Codex Sinaiticus. The Master quoted, I believe, is James. There was no Jesus. He is fictional, just like Judas.
There is no historical Jesus.
Not in any verifiable record.
I respect your opinion, however, to say there was no Jesus is to say there was no savior, and that is saying there is no hope. What kind of life would it be without hope? Just saying: if I live my life believing Jesus is real and in the end, it is proven He is then I have won it all. On the other hand, if I live my life believing Jesus is real and in the end you are right then I've lost nothing, so I choose to believe. Just what if I'm right? Where will that leave those who don't believe?
I still disagree with you but we can agree to disagree! I will continue to hold fast my belief that there is one savior who died for all that we might have salvation through His blood.