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Re: Sky vs. Dan

Posted: 28 Aug 2019, 14:33
by klee8988
I had no idea about the hypothesis about Dan and the abortion pill! It makes sense though. Honestly I was surprised when he made the bed and washed the sheets, etc. . . without seeing the letters that were under the pillow. The whole scene I kept waiting for him to mention them or for the author to mention his reaction.

I did think the reaction to Dan's creepy actions was understated. I really wanted to know what happened to him after he filed the false report and was anyone ever going to confront him about the car being moved??

Re: Sky vs. Dan

Posted: 30 Aug 2019, 01:05
by Burnaard+42
Sky seemed obsessed and possessive of Cynthia but I would not say Dan was a better match for her. Despite her withdrawn character, Cynthia deserved better.

Re: Sky vs. Dan

Posted: 07 Sep 2019, 19:51
by Felicity Granger
I honestly felt that all three characters were a whole mess. I lean more towards Dan as a preferred characters, however. Cynthia was far too unlikable a protagonist. In the end, it seemed that casting Dan as the villain was a last ditch attempt to make her stance on the high ground fitting, though it really didn't work. Sky was too perfect, too shiny, then oddly, later the completely opposite. That seems like a headcase waiting to happen.

Re: Sky vs. Dan

Posted: 23 Nov 2019, 04:18
by Bles
Neither Scyler nor Dan should have ended up with Cynthia because both of them weren't fit for her. More so, they both had the behaviour of being creepy and stalking Cynthia which isn't a good character for one's lover.

Re: Sky vs. Dan

Posted: 30 Nov 2019, 18:41
by siusantos
Oh wow. I didn't read in the book about Dan feeding Cynthia any abortion pills. But it did made me think how Cynthia suddenly lost the baby.
And yes, I was a bit disturbed with Cythia's reaction towards Sky during their first encounter. With Cynthia's background, how could she not be wary towards Sky?

Re: Sky vs. Dan

Posted: 16 Jul 2020, 22:30
by Mrunal Tikekar
I have just started reading the book and have come across Sky and Cynthia’s first encounter. I found Sky’s character controlling like Mr. Gray from 50 shades, and Cynthia’s character too submissive for her profession. I am hoping this changes as the story pushes ahead but so far this has diluted my interest in the book.

Re: Sky vs. Dan

Posted: 05 Jun 2021, 07:02
by Hiruni Hansika
teddyj wrote: 24 Jul 2019, 10:52 I thought it might be an interesting thing to discuss whether people were more creeped out by Dan's behavior - such as bugging Cynthia's car and falsely reporting Sky to the police - or Sky's behavior - inviting a strange woman to his apartment, the unprotected sex, the letters.
Personally, I thought Sky was more of a villain than Dan. he had more potential to go south, and seemed unstable and brash in Cynthia's company. i wanted him to get away from her, and thought that no woman would ever react in the ways that she did.

What do you guys think? also, do you think that the author's depiction of Cynthia's reactions creates a worrisome picture of how women should react to advances? and do you agree with the hypothesis that Dan fed Cynthia the abortion pill?

I think they might be the most interesting characters to analyze.
I totally agree with you. Sky was very creepy. Like having sex and talking about abortion and contraceptives the next day. He so wanted to have sex with Cynthia the first time he met her. He was emotionally manipulative towards Cynthia during the contraceptive scene. Didn't he have something better to give Cynthia as a first gift than contraceptives? His conversations were very cringy.

On the other hand Dan was too jealous too. The false police report and tracking Cynthia was creepy. But at least his jealousy was reasonable. Maybe he was trying to see who Sky was because no one told him and even Cynthia did not know. He cared for Cynthia when she was sick whether he was tracking her or not. Sky felt something was wrong but did nothing.

So I liked Dan better than Sky.

Re: Sky vs. Dan

Posted: 02 Feb 2022, 22:48
by sayoniwrites
Sky was way more creepier than Dan. His explanation when consoling Cynthia regarding cheating was a red flag. Dan was supposed to be a deeply flawed character, possibly a bad guy to highlight Cynthia and even Sky; so, his actions like bugging the car were distasteful but justified. But Sky was supposed to be a good guy. Offering pill, his confession in Church, sending letters, offering marriage before actually knowing anything about each other...everything was crazy.

Re: Sky vs. Dan

Posted: 05 Mar 2022, 21:03
by Inks and Quills
I 100% agree Sky’s behavior was just as creepy as Dan. I also think Cynthia’s actions and words made her seem unintelligent, when she supposedly had a very difficult job lol.

Re: Sky vs. Dan

Posted: 12 Jun 2022, 12:49
by Maris Charles M
I have said alot in previous post about this subject. In summary the love triangle or story in this book was very boring and had no element of reality.

Re: Sky vs. Dan

Posted: 23 Jun 2022, 10:19
by Moneybag
I wouldn't blame Dan, I in some way understand he was heartbroken after Three years of being together? It wasn't really easy for him. But on the other hands I hated sky from the beginning of this book and could smell something fishy. I was not comfortable with Sky around Cynthia. Anyway the author made Sky look like a perfect saint, it does not change how I feel about him

Re: Sky vs. Dan

Posted: 27 Jun 2022, 12:56
by Agbata precious
Dan character was boring but I prefer Sky because he made the book more interesting.

Re: Sky vs. Dan

Posted: 09 Jul 2022, 15:10
by third agbata
Sky and Dans's character were off-putting, but I think sky is the worst among the two. He was just like stalker

Re: Sky vs. Dan

Posted: 30 Sep 2022, 01:48
by Wash William
Much wasn't said about Dan character in the book. So I won't be able to compare the both. But I would say Sky was more intentional about the relationship than Dan.

Re: Sky vs. Dan

Posted: 05 Dec 2022, 08:41
by Moo Reny
I didn't enjoy Cynthia's character at all, and the abortion pill idea is absurd, just absolutely wrong