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Re: Your opinion on Cynthia's character

Posted: 07 Jul 2019, 12:30
by a-b-c-
Even though she had a job with the governor she was a girl that wanted love. I think the book was more about Cynthia's love life than her job. I think that it was her boyfriend Dan that made her look like she was a little unbalanced. It was a little strange that she got suck in a traffic jam and went to a strangers apartment and had sex on the first day. That might have made her character look a little unbalanced as well. She also had a job that all she had to do is tell the other girls to get the information and return to her and then she would make her discussion on what they would do.

Re: Your opinion on Cynthia's character

Posted: 07 Jul 2019, 12:41
by a-b-c-
Even though she had a job with the governor she was a girl that wanted love. I think the book was more about Cynthia's love life than her job. I think that it was her boyfriend Dan that made her look like she was a little unbalanced. It was a little strange that she got suck in a traffic jam and went to a strangers apartment and had sex on the first day. That might have made her character look a little unbalanced as well. She also had a job that all she had to do is tell the other girls to get the information and return to her and then she would make her discussion on what they would do.

Re: Your opinion on Cynthia's character

Posted: 07 Jul 2019, 20:38
by LSequeira
I didn't like Cynthia's character primarily because I can't get a read on what her personality is supposed to be. Is she supposed to be a strong, independent woman? Her job title would suggest so, but then she throws herself into Sky's arms and acts like a classic overemotional damsel. What modern self-respecting woman, who supposedly works in personal defense, would allow herself to one, be manhandled by a stranger, two, go to his house and three, not be freaked out that he knows where you live without you telling him! Everything about Sky's character should be a blazing red flag, but she just wilts.
In addition, like other characters, she doesn't seem real. She speaks in an odd, overly formal way, which to me says that the author is an older individual that's attempting to emulate how a young woman talks but can't quite slip themselves into their character's shoes. I mean, nobody says "golly," anymore.

Re: Your opinion on Cynthia's character

Posted: 08 Jul 2019, 00:13
by mam_reader
I didn't like her character in the book. She doesn't treat Dan well. Considering how highly educated she is, the way she acts as a damsel in distress when she is around men is silly.

Re: Your opinion on Cynthia's character

Posted: 09 Jul 2019, 15:47
by Sakeenah143
From my own part I do feel like Cynthia is a strong lead, her behaviour though might be influence by a psychological struggle only she knows and feels and despite that she didn't break. I like her.

Re: Your opinion on Cynthia's character

Posted: 09 Jul 2019, 19:12
by Rafaella Michailidou
There is a thin line that makes a flawed character loved by the readers. Usually, those are bironic characters or character you can easily find yourself in them. That wasn't the case with Cynthia.

Re: Your opinion on Cynthia's character

Posted: 10 Jul 2019, 01:20
by Samy Lax
I am so in agreement with you on this. Anyone who blatantly cheats is a real irritant for me. Cyntia's cheating behavior was really bothersome, and to top it all off, the author seemed to want to justify it.

Re: Your opinion on Cynthia's character

Posted: 10 Jul 2019, 07:21
by Florence Nalianya
I disliked Cynthia's character for she looks up to others all the time to save her. She respects nobody and to my opinion she only loves herself

Re: Your opinion on Cynthia's character

Posted: 10 Jul 2019, 07:58
by Nuel Ukah
BuzzingQuill wrote: 03 Jun 2019, 12:36 I loved flawed characters, I really do, but for some reason, I just could not bring myself to like Cynthia's character, yes she did win some of my sympathy towards the middle and the end of the book, but still, I did not like or empathize with her character. I believe my reasons for this were: (1) When she had cheated on Dan there was no hint f a sour relationship and, she did not express much regret for cheating or even pity the man she claimed to love (I mean she even says she loves him on her license plate :lol: ) after cheating on him and (2) she is often framed in a way that puts her in the moral high ground and I think this kind of framing along with her flaws didn't do her character any favours. So I was wondering do you share a similar opinion on Cynthia or do you have a completely different one?
I understand what you mean. But let's not make a big deal out of it. Cynthia is just a character. But you know, there are people like that in life. They do wrong, and they don't care about the people they hurt. They only care about themselves.

Re: Your opinion on Cynthia's character

Posted: 10 Jul 2019, 22:21
by Felicity Granger
There's a craft in being able to cultivate your character's shortcomings and attributes so that despite them being flawed with the bare essence of their humanity depicted, readers can relate and empathize with them. Being constantly weak-willed and seemingly shallow without any other likable feature to offset this is very off-putting. Cynthia seems like the person you desperately want to like but just can't bring yourself to.

Re: Your opinion on Cynthia's character

Posted: 10 Jul 2019, 23:44
by Renu G
She seems rather unbelievable as a character from the way she reacts to the situation and responds to Sky.

Re: Your opinion on Cynthia's character

Posted: 12 Jul 2019, 15:57
by arielkiaira_
Julie Petitbon wrote: 04 Jun 2019, 19:43
BuzzingQuill wrote: 03 Jun 2019, 12:36 I loved flawed characters, I really do, but for some reason, I just could not bring myself to like Cynthia's character, yes she did win some of my sympathy towards the middle and the end of the book, but still, I did not like or empathize with her character. I believe my reasons for this were: (1) When she had cheated on Dan there was no hint f a sour relationship and, she did not express much regret for cheating or even pity the man she claimed to love (I mean she even says she loves him on her license plate :lol: ) after cheating on him and (2) she is often framed in a way that puts her in the moral high ground and I think this kind of framing along with her flaws didn't do her character any favours. So I was wondering do you share a similar opinion on Cynthia or do you have a completely different one?
I completely agree. She wasn't the most likable character. I hated the way she treated Dan. Very shady! I also didn't like how easily she was led by men. For example, who in their right mind would leave their car in the middle of the street and go have lunch with a strange (and pushy) man? And then go back to his apartment? For a woman that is supposed to be highly intelligent, she acts pretty foolish and puts herself in dangerous situations.
I disliked how she treated Dan, especially since just in the beginning of the book it was pretty obvious that she was very much in love with him and cared a lot about him. But, for the being "The Head of Security" and a woman of high intelligence it was unlike her to be so gullible. So I agree with you 100 %, she ignored all the warning signs about this guy and put herself at risk. Not even once thinking about Dan.

Re: Your opinion on Cynthia's character

Posted: 12 Jul 2019, 16:50
by arielkiaira_
esp1975 wrote: 04 Jun 2019, 21:02
Julie Petitbon wrote: 04 Jun 2019, 19:43 I completely agree. She wasn't the most likable character. I hated the way she treated Dan. Very shady! I also didn't like how easily she was led by men. For example, who in their right mind would leave their car in the middle of the street and go have lunch with a strange (and pushy) man? And then go back to his apartment? For a woman that is supposed to be highly intelligent, she acts pretty foolish and puts herself in dangerous situations.
I am so there with you. I am not done with the book yet, but right now, I feel like Cynthia is two different characters. I seriously don't know how to reconcile this young woman who thinks of her ass as cute, is driving her first new car (which is apparently brand new), and allows herself to be pushed around by a man, who takes her to his apartment and makes her a drink out of her sight with the woman who is supposed to be head of security for a Senator.
You don't get to be head of Security for a Senator at 25. You just don't. But the rest of her character, at least so far (and I am not super far into the book), feels more like 25 would a stretch for how old she is. I mean, she doesn't even know what Plan B is?

I am having a hard time with my suspension of disbelief.
Oh my god, yes! Her character has two different personalities and both are like the complete opposite of the other. & I HATED that line when she was talking about her "cute butt" because honestly it was very unnecessary and cringey to read. The initial description of her made the readers view her as a powerful woman and when she allowed herself to be pushed around by Sky it seemed beside her character.
Considering that Cynthia is young it was also surprising to me that she was the head of security for the Senator.

Re: Your opinion on Cynthia's character

Posted: 12 Jul 2019, 16:58
by Kansas City Teacher
Speaking of flawed characters, what about Dan? I didn't really like Cynthia. She is very gullible and not what you would expect from a bodyguard. You would think she would have taken more precautions in her own life. And she fell very quickly at the beginning.

Re: Your opinion on Cynthia's character

Posted: 13 Jul 2019, 13:08
by Renu G
Kansas City Teacher wrote: 12 Jul 2019, 16:58 Speaking of flawed characters, what about Dan? I didn't really like Cynthia. She is very gullible and not what you would expect from a bodyguard. You would think she would have taken more precautions in her own life. And she fell very quickly at the beginning.
Yeah. She is so gullible!