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Re: Overall rating and opinion of "I Will Make of Thee a Great Nation" by Val D. Greenwood

Posted: 07 Sep 2019, 08:45
by Purti10
I would love to read this book to know more about bible stories.The author has offered a chronological account of all the stories,which makes it more interesting.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "I Will Make of Thee a Great Nation" by Val D. Greenwood

Posted: 07 Sep 2019, 13:21
by iced_sunshine
I think this was an okay book. I wasn't too opposed to it and the fact that the author made things a little more interesting was a bonus in my mind. Bible stories always have to be told well to be remembered and I liked this one.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "I Will Make of Thee a Great Nation" by Val D. Greenwood

Posted: 08 Sep 2019, 18:45
by julianndipren
Although I have not yet finished the book,I appreciate the modern English as well as, the chronological order of the stories. The Bible can sometimes feel like a daunting read and so far, I am finding it engaging and doable.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "I Will Make of Thee a Great Nation" by Val D. Greenwood

Posted: 09 Sep 2019, 10:41
by Sana Rabbani
I appreciate the idea of making everything in the book interesting and appealing for the readers to understand logically. A good read.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "I Will Make of Thee a Great Nation" by Val D. Greenwood

Posted: 09 Sep 2019, 20:51
by SavannahJones
I thoroughly enjoyed I Will Make of Thee a Great Nation. I am religious myself, and have read the Old Testament with my family before, and I found Val D. Greenwood's book to be so much easier to read than the original scriptures. I really like how Greenwood retold the Bible as a story, not just as scripture. As an avid reader, I find the book/story format to be much easier to understand and enjoy. I did not like how some of the principles were a little changed from what I remembered reading earlier in my life. I will definitely recommend this book to others; I already have recommended it to my dad and younger brothers! I think they will enjoy it a lot because we are all the same religion and study the scriptures together.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "I Will Make of Thee a Great Nation" by Val D. Greenwood

Posted: 11 Sep 2019, 11:14
by Mindy Conahye
I haven't read this book yet, but there are so many positive reviews on it that I think I will enjoy reading it. I do like religious based books, as long as they aren't too pushy. This one does sounds like one I'd enjoy.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "I Will Make of Thee a Great Nation" by Val D. Greenwood

Posted: 12 Sep 2019, 03:54
by juliusotieno02
i loved the way it dug deep into religion and struggled to update christians on matters religion. the arguments of the author were very valid too

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "I Will Make of Thee a Great Nation" by Val D. Greenwood

Posted: 13 Sep 2019, 20:07
by tkpumpkin
Excellent book; I rated it 4 out of 4 stars. So much research went into it. I have considered doing something like this myself for my own notes--just compiling the Old Testament stories in a synopsis for myself. Val Greenwood did many Christians a huge service! He can be trusted too as he is very transparent in his views and opinions which are in the footnotes.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "I Will Make of Thee a Great Nation" by Val D. Greenwood

Posted: 13 Sep 2019, 20:08
by tkpumpkin
Excellent book; I rated it 4 out of 4 stars. So much research went into it. I have considered doing something like this myself for my own notes--just compiling the stories in a synopsis for myself. Val Greenwood did many Christians a huge service! He can be trusted too as he is very transparent in his views and opinions which are in the footnotes.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "I Will Make of Thee a Great Nation" by Val D. Greenwood

Posted: 15 Sep 2019, 13:37
by Kabui-nj
This is a great book because it deals with Bible stories and tries to connect the missing gaps. This kind of book is rare and it's thought provoking.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "I Will Make of Thee a Great Nation" by Val D. Greenwood

Posted: 15 Sep 2019, 16:23
by Browneh
I have to be completely honest; I'm not overtly religious. In my youth, my Grandmother gave me a Children's bible book and I did take religious studies in high school.

Apart from that, I don't know a great deal about the Old testament. I feel as if this book is a good way of getting people interested in the stories - summarizing them in a gripping way that would appeal to the next generation. Awesome!

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "I Will Make of Thee a Great Nation" by Val D. Greenwood

Posted: 15 Sep 2019, 18:25
by Liana Mayhew
I'm not a religious person so this book wasn't really for me, but I gave it a go as I have always believed in keeping an open mind. I did like the easy to read language of the text. Normally the old testament can be hard to read so this was nice. I would recommend this to my religious friends as I do feel this was well written. I'd rate this 3 out of 4 stars.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "I Will Make of Thee a Great Nation" by Val D. Greenwood

Posted: 17 Sep 2019, 09:01
by Bukola02
Excellent book, it's a must read for every christian who is looking to understand the bible stories more. The author did a great job by making the book easy to understand, it is well written and edited. i highly recommend this book.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "I Will Make of Thee a Great Nation" by Val D. Greenwood

Posted: 19 Sep 2019, 21:15
by ChainsawCat
I would imagine that this book would be helpful to someone who wants to understand more Biblical references in culture and literature.

Re: Overall rating and opinion of "I Will Make of Thee a Great Nation" by Val D. Greenwood

Posted: 22 Sep 2019, 09:01
by Storm+
I really enjoyed this book. I thought it was well-written and full of amazing resources. In fact, there was absolutely nothing I disliked about it other than a few spelling and punctuation errors. Otherwise, I felt that this book was excellent.