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Re: Has our God left us alone?

Posted: 16 Sep 2019, 23:10
by Jeremie Mondejar
God exist before man, provides shelter when man disobeyed Him. However, God's account on the man most of the time rejected because nowadays humans are liberated and therefore embrace on sinning. The world today only wanted God will do all the bad demands for the sake of being self-centered.

Re: Has our God left us alone?

Posted: 17 Sep 2019, 04:47
by Syson Dolph
If God had left this world alone, there would be life forms on planets like Mars, Venus or Jupiter. If God had left planet Earth,Earth would have been extinct. Things explained in the bible are still in existence only in a different way. For example swords were a famous weapon but now there guns like AK 47. Its still the same world if I am not mistaken. Treachery, love ,joy or hate are alive in an enhanced way.

Re: Has our God left us alone?

Posted: 18 Sep 2019, 10:01
by Once_a_reader
The conveniences of modern times make biblical stories seem unrelatable, but the moral lessons still hold. The principles of love and humility are applicable, especially now that the world is becoming more intolerant.

Re: Has our God left us alone?

Posted: 23 Sep 2019, 14:26
by Hannalore
God has not left us but we have left Him and are not leaping the fruits of destroying the world he placed us on.

Re: Has our God left us alone?

Posted: 24 Sep 2019, 11:22
by juliesand
As someone who was raised in the church and is now 55 and a bit battered by life, I find my biggest fear is not the idea of no longer believing in God ... but of God no longer believing in us.

Re: Has our God left us alone?

Posted: 27 Sep 2019, 08:20
by Helena91
The bible is still a very valid reference book. We don't just read it for fun or hubby. Although, I agree that with the whole advancement in technology, a lot as changed.

Re: Has our God left us alone?

Posted: 27 Sep 2019, 15:33
by Pearl Hijabi
I don't think that books like Bible are stuck in time because they are timeless. Even though the time has changed and the new technologies invented with time I still think that these inscriptions still have an impact on people. And that they are a guideline for us. And lastly no I don't think the god has left us because if so the world would have been destroyed

Re: Has our God left us alone?

Posted: 02 Oct 2019, 08:14
by spluficvictory
God has not left us alone and I believe he never will. If you feel like God has abandoned you then you are the one who moved away from his teachings. The Bible says "his hands are not too short that he can't reach us..." I believe he cares about everyone of us, circumstances notwithstanding. God's word will always have an effect on your life if you read it right

Re: Has our God left us alone?

Posted: 08 Oct 2019, 07:21
by BookPower9
Hold the Bible. Pray and Repent. That will answer your doubt if it has little value to today's human kind. That's why in the New Testament, Jesus in many instances, emphasized the Value of Faith to God the Father. He never stop from saying that. Try to read it everyday, that's the best way to answer your question. Nothing more and nothing less.

Re: Has our God left us alone?

Posted: 08 Oct 2019, 14:49
by mensah2
With such discussions I always inquire about the religious background of the author. I can say simply that the scriptures does not change. most of the biblical concepts needs the Holy Spirit understanding. A carnal mind will find this understanding difficult. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever, so is his word.

Re: Has our God left us alone?

Posted: 09 Oct 2019, 14:32
by DonnaKay
I'll disagree with you because I believe the Bible is "life" and it becomes alive if we apply it as it is relevant now as it was years ago.

Re: Has our God left us alone?

Posted: 16 Oct 2019, 13:24
by nooregano
When religions leave, other things come in place of religion and take over our psyche. Spirituality is a key part of the human experience, whether you acknowledge it or not.

Re: Has our God left us alone?

Posted: 16 Oct 2019, 13:32
by Mindi
While there are some concepts, especially in the Old Testament, that were traditions of the times, the Bible still very much applies to our lives today. Jesus' birth and resurrection will remain important, regardless of what changes in the modern world.

Re: Has our God left us alone?

Posted: 17 Oct 2019, 01:29
by Ivana Tomaš
I think it depends on the individual and how he or she will understand and interpret such books.

Re: Has our God left us alone?

Posted: 17 Oct 2019, 15:26
by Akpome1
This is why we have the New Testament. The Old Testament is majorly about the nation of Israel. The New Testament is majorly about us today. As God was with the Old Testament saints so He is with us today, the New Testament saints. We are a fulfilment of the Old Testament.