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Re: Do you think the title is suitable for the book?

Posted: 15 Sep 2019, 13:50
by Kabui-nj
Not really. When I first read the title, my mind shifted to the patriotic part of the Bible and not stories of key figures in the Old Testament.

Re: Do you think the title is suitable for the book?

Posted: 15 Sep 2019, 16:26
by Browneh
I don't particularly mind the title, taking from the Bible directly.

However, I do feel like it takes away from the theme of the book - particularly if you aren't familiar with the teachings of the Old Testament. At first glance, I thought it was a book about the United States politics or something similar.

"Thee" is not exclusive to biblical stories either, it's found in a lot of Shakespearean era works.

Re: Do you think the title is suitable for the book?

Posted: 17 Sep 2019, 10:47
by Bukola02
I think the title is well suited for the book since it focuses on the old testaments in the bible. Those who are familiar with the bible would be quick to pick it up.

Re: Do you think the title is suitable for the book?

Posted: 18 Sep 2019, 09:23
by Once_a_reader
The book's title is appropriate because it conveys God's promise to Jacob. This, however, sets the stage for religious conflict since those who follow the old testament (Christian or not) will want to claim that they are the chosen nation. Hence, the intolerant individuals within these religious groups find a reason to perpetuate violence.

Re: Do you think the title is suitable for the book?

Posted: 18 Sep 2019, 11:36
by Ekta Swarnkar
I think it is perfectly suitable and the word "thee" gives a hint about the plot.

Re: Do you think the title is suitable for the book?

Posted: 20 Sep 2019, 18:11
by MsH2k
I think the title is perfectly suited for this book. Those familiar with the Old Testament will recognize this immediately as the promise God made to Abraham. These words are not just for Abraham, but for the whole world because a little after this statement in Genesis it also says that all nations of the world would be blessed through him.

Re: Do you think the title is suitable for the book?

Posted: 21 Sep 2019, 07:38
by Adebowale_Gideon
I think the title is okay, because "thee" is used alot in the Old Testament in the Bible.
When I saw the name I knew it would be about religion. Although I haven't read it yet I still think it is a good name.

Re: Do you think the title is suitable for the book?

Posted: 23 Sep 2019, 13:51
by danielleamy
Initially, I thought the bok may be related to politics or patriotism according to the title. I did not expect it to be about religion.

Re: Do you think the title is suitable for the book?

Posted: 23 Sep 2019, 14:16
by Hannalore
I think the title fits well with the book. The promise of 'a great nation' was made in the old testament and this book is purely based on that.

Re: Do you think the title is suitable for the book?

Posted: 02 Oct 2019, 08:29
by spluficvictory
I think the title is appropriate for the book. It speaks of God's promises to Abraham and Israel

Re: Do you think the title is suitable for the book?

Posted: 08 Oct 2019, 07:11
by BookPower9
The Title was taken from the Bible itself. Genesis Chapter 12 verse 2. When God talk to Abraham and promise him to be a Great nation. And it is appropriate because that's ultimate goal of God for the Human kind. And was shown for every book in the Bible including the New Testament.

Re: Do you think the title is suitable for the book?

Posted: 12 Oct 2019, 02:23
by Nikolas Farmakis
I disagree with your opinion, as I believe that the title is suitable for the book. This is because the title is God's promise given to Abraham on making his descendants a great nation. This promise is one of the first promises of the Old Testament. Thus, the title sets the mood for the book, since the book is focused on God's promises throughout the Holy Scriptures, in this way making the title extremely effective.

Re: Do you think the title is suitable for the book?

Posted: 17 Oct 2019, 06:23
by kperm
I had mixed feelings about the title. When I first saw the title, I didn't think that the book would be biblical. My first thought was that the book would be more political or social. Now, after reading the book, I think the title is actually very suitable for the book.

Re: Do you think the title is suitable for the book?

Posted: 17 Oct 2019, 08:38
by mensah2
It seems the title is suitable for the book. The Old Testament traces the Genesis of the contemporary society and how it has developed into a great nation with many continents.

Re: Do you think the title is suitable for the book?

Posted: 17 Oct 2019, 15:16
by Akpome1
Viewing the title from the author's point of view, I think the title is very suitable for the book. You are thinking otherwise because you are viewing it from your point of view. The title is a quotation taken from Genesis 12:2 (King James Version). The book is based on the nation of Israel and not the making of any other nation.