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Re: Has our God left us alone?

Posted: 06 Nov 2019, 09:09
by LeDiplomatique
Our God is the God of love. He would never forsake us and that's why He gave up His Son to die on the cross. I always imagine what i would do if i were told to give my son to save the world. God showed His selflessness by yielding His own Son. That is the greatest gift to show He never left us alone.

Re: Has our God left us alone?

Posted: 06 Nov 2019, 12:17
by Sanju Lali
God will never leave us alone, we get proof from day to day revelations if we observe those revelations by keeping faith on him. Bible has the impact still today i believe.

Re: Has our God left us alone?

Posted: 07 Nov 2019, 01:46
by Van112
Our God is alive and is always watching over us. He is with us. The Bible is God's living word and is constantly affecting our lives no matter what we do. In order for humans to be wise we have to dwell in God's word. In order to fully understand the wisdom of God, we have to live the way he wants us to by following His commandments and understand His word.

Re: Has our God left us alone?

Posted: 10 Nov 2019, 19:48
by Clemens Nickleby
In the Bible, God says, I will never leave or forsake you. And He never does. We are the ones who reject Him and walk away. My question would be, how as a race have we changed? Has any of our new "knowledge" kept us from continuing to lie, murder, steal, or fornicate? Isn't that the crux of man's problem, he can't save himself or change himself, or his world but is doomed to keep trying, and the more he tries, the worse it becomes. That is the point of God giving His word, telling us about Himself, and what He is willing to do for us through the death of His son on a cross as a payment for our sin. Because the good news is, Jesus didn't stay dead, He rose again, and the new life He lives can be ours if we will trust Him and take Him at His word. That new life is transformative, and what wasn't possible before, is now possible in Him. He is our righteousness, and by His stripes, we are healed.

Re: Has our God left us alone?

Posted: 11 Nov 2019, 18:42
by 10mile72
bb587 wrote: 08 Aug 2019, 09:46 If you think reading the bible has no effect on your life, you're not really reading it. Yes, the situations have changed, technology has changed, but His lessons remain. His grace and mercy remain. Books like the BOTM help us to put things into perspective.
I agree. You can't say Scripture doesn't play a role because things have changed; it is not meant to address those things that change (culture, science, medicine, etc...), but those things that stay the same, like sin and the desire for a relationship with the Divine. :techie-studyingbrown:

Re: Has our God left us alone?

Posted: 11 Dec 2019, 10:45
by Nkoo
God is the same, yesterday, today and forever, so is the bible. The bible being inspired by the holy spirit as the word of God remains relevant in the lives of Christians. What has changed is how people perceive and read it. If it is read in the belief, faith and hope that God talks to us through the bible, then we'll find its wordings impactful and we'll remain spirit-filled after reading it, otherwise, it will be read as a novel and nothing serious will be derived from it.

Re: Has our God left us alone?

Posted: 26 May 2020, 12:12
by Jajachris
I think Impact of a book like this, as well as the bible, depends solely on the reader. Remember also that the word of God is divided into the written word(logos), and spoken word(Rhema). This means that the book can be read literally or figuratively(by the help of the Holy Ghost)

Re: Has our God left us alone?

Posted: 10 Jun 2020, 06:18
by Claris L
wordslinger42 wrote: 10 Aug 2019, 10:04 I wholeheartedly believe that God remains present with us today. Circumstances, people, etc., will always be changing, but Jesus Christ remains the same yesterday, today, and forever. God is so steadfast and loving, so I definitely believe that books that use stories from the Bible or are inspired by them are most certainly still important and relevant for us today. God has been using His Word to change lives and hearts from the beginning, and He is still doing so today! :)
I agree with this statement. A lot of things have changed, but the lessons, books and stories that are inspired by the stories from the Bible are certainly still relevant. In this way, God does remain present in our lives, whether we realize it or not.

Re: Has our God left us alone?

Posted: 12 Jun 2020, 11:52
by jhunt
I strongly believe that our God has not left us alone. Things around us may change (tech, government, jobs), but His blessings for us will remain unchanged.

Re: Has our God left us alone?

Posted: 18 Jun 2020, 11:26
by Alexandros92
It depends on what you define as important and where do you live. When I used to live in Suva, Fiji, I found a great lot of people who worshipped Jesus and had built a church in every corner. For them, this message is still of great importance.

Re: Has our God left us alone?

Posted: 16 Jul 2020, 05:01
by Ify_Reviewer
I believe the totality of God's Word is still true and very relevant in today's society. It all depends on how one approaches it. For me, His Word is timeless.

Re: Has our God left us alone?

Posted: 27 Oct 2020, 15:26
by Ogbara
Jsovermyer wrote: 08 Aug 2019, 19:50 Sometimes I also wonder if God has left us alone. With all of the terrible things that are happening today, I wonder if God cares.
God has never left us, not at any point in human history, it's just that most times our sins keep us from reaching Him.

Re: Has our God left us alone?

Posted: 28 Oct 2020, 20:30
by Echezonachukwu
Well the Bible is not a literature. So you obviously won't understand if you read it as such.

Re: Has our God left us alone?

Posted: 05 Jan 2021, 09:13
by Chizioboli
Each of these stories were written to be a resource in different situations. God never left us alone rather He has always been here with us all in our thoughts, in His words

Re: Has our God left us alone?

Posted: 25 Mar 2021, 07:19
by Paige125
God hasn't left us. He gave us the holy spirit to guide us and the scripture is not a storybook but a manual to live life in a fulfilling way. Again, God has not left us and he never will.