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Re: From Being a Boy to a Man

Posted: 28 Dec 2022, 10:22
by Praiyz Pearlumie Olushegun
It was in his home life, the man mission just gave him an opportunity to brood on whatever has happened previously in his home life.

Re: From Being a Boy to a Man

Posted: 11 Feb 2023, 10:17
by Charles lib
I believe he discovered his transition on his Man Missions as well as in his home life. Let me elaborate a little when he was faced with losing his job and a failing marriage a lot dawned on him. Then again on his Missions he realized how much of himself he had actually lost playing the role of husband and committed father. We are after all individuals before we are Husbands or wives. That part of us always remains the same no matter what roles we take up in life.

Re: From Being a Boy to a Man

Posted: 14 Feb 2023, 06:57
by Success Azuka
During the missions, I believed each saw relationships that reminded them of theirs and how to tackle them. Every journey brought back a new man back home.

Re: From Being a Boy to a Man

Posted: 23 Feb 2023, 16:44
by NutellaBanana
I think he transitioned to being a man when he put the needs of his family first before considering his own needs.

Re: From Being a Boy to a Man

Posted: 24 Feb 2023, 04:49
by Nathaniel Sarah
I think there was a growth in Evey of the mission. So the transition came from each mission.

Re: From Being a Boy to a Man

Posted: 03 Jul 2023, 11:43
by Mercylib
You can only be a man when you're ready to be a man. So I think the discussion was up to him to make.

Re: From Being a Boy to a Man

Posted: 07 Feb 2024, 15:44
by Favy Moses
For me his transformation started when he embarked on a mission that was filled with uncertainties and struggles,i believe that it made understand life in a higher perspective from before and that was how he began to learn to balance his life and everything else.