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Re: Which character is the most well-rounded?

Posted: 05 Apr 2020, 13:30
by Queenyx
Daniel's character was well developed and explicitly detailed. Which is why I couldn't help but fall in love with being him if I were to be a man in my next life. Lol

Re: Which character is the most well-rounded?

Posted: 14 Apr 2020, 10:59
by Reagan Reg
Daniel is the all rounded character in the book. He is so organized in all his undertakings but still have his own share of flaws. His marriage with Pamela does not end well. He represent the typical person in society, everyone with goodness must have his flaws.

Re: Which character is the most well-rounded?

Posted: 15 Apr 2020, 06:05
by Standor5865
Daniel seems to be the most organized person. And with such organization in a person's life he would seem well rounded. Daniel it is.

Re: Which character is the most well-rounded?

Posted: 16 Apr 2020, 07:11
by HanElizabeth397
habsfan212 wrote: 18 Mar 2020, 18:50 I was not sure about Daniel at first, he seemed too perfect for me. However, when he realized Pamela and he were unhappy, the character really grew up in my opinion. He was no longer judging. He understood what life is about and worked through his issues. That makes him the most well-rounded to me.
This is very true! I also found him 'too perfect' at first and I would have described Sam as most well-rounded but I do think Daniel grew up and became a bit more normal when he started having some problems.

Re: Which character is the most well-rounded?

Posted: 16 Apr 2020, 13:00
by Harty
I thought Sam was more well rounded as, like a Neanderthal, he is practical and an optimist. He is the one who lights fires in the Man Missions.

Re: Which character is the most well-rounded?

Posted: 10 May 2020, 00:21
by Estrellah254
I think Daniel is the most well-rounded among the four. He is well organized and responsible.

Re: Which character is the most well-rounded?

Posted: 10 May 2020, 17:16
by alicia_fountain
It seems weird that some people are suggesting that well-roundedness is equal to well put together. A well-rounded character, in my opinion, is one that has had their personality fully filled out. I mean, a character can have a house, family, one pet dog, and one pet cat, their dream job, etc., but have a flat personality that doesn't do anything for the story. I've felt that issue with the book I'm currently reading: Shepherds of Destiny. One of the main characters is a doctor and has studied how to download a human brain into a cyborg. While that is super cool in itself, the character doesn't actually have a personality other than "I'm a doctor and should be professional, so I will always speak in a certain manner, I will always act in a certain manner, I will never deviate from the rules set forth for the kind of person I should be." It's almost robotic.

Re: Which character is the most well-rounded?

Posted: 11 May 2020, 07:50
by Jajachris
Undoubtedly, Daniel has the most well-rounded character. He knows how to put himself together and is very organized. Eric also grew up as the story evolved but I'd stick with Daniel

Re: Which character is the most well-rounded?

Posted: 13 May 2020, 18:38
by pantsyjean25
Daniel is a very well rounded character and is almost like a thread that holds everyone else together. However, the main protagonist is the most realistic, because he has imperfections and flaws, and those are what make us human. Because let's be honest, almost no one is as well rounded as Daniel.

Re: Which character is the most well-rounded?

Posted: 03 Jun 2020, 16:01
by Gathoni1991
B Creech wrote: 04 Jan 2020, 11:50
Nerea wrote: 04 Jan 2020, 05:08 True, Daniel's character is fully developed. But on the other hand, I think the protagonist too because his character reveals imperfection (no human is perfect). And his ability to take care of other responsibilities in his life despite his personal weaknesses earns him a plus. The protagonist course of life as well as his limitations perfectly portray what majority today experience.
That's a great point, I never thought to look at the protagonist that way. I agree, no person is perfect. Thank you for commenting.
I too never consider a protagonist's weak sides.

Re: Which character is the most well-rounded?

Posted: 04 Jun 2020, 06:50
by NetMassimo
I felt that the protagonist was realistic as well, having imperfections like all humans and struggling throughout the novel to find a way to become a better man, sometimes choosing the wrong path.

Re: Which character is the most well-rounded?

Posted: 19 Aug 2020, 23:34
by gelli_baranda
I'm digging Daniel for the most well-developed character. Not perfect, but well-developed.

Re: Which character is the most well-rounded?

Posted: 02 Sep 2020, 06:32
by HanElizabeth397
gelli_baranda wrote: 19 Aug 2020, 23:34 I'm digging Daniel for the most well-developed character. Not perfect, but well-developed.
I think his character development/arc was the most developed in the book! The person he was at the beginning was so completely different from the man he was at the end. His change was more pronounced than the protagonist's in my opinion

Re: Which character is the most well-rounded?

Posted: 06 Feb 2022, 10:16
by Chinazo Anozie
B Creech wrote: 03 Jan 2020, 14:18 The four men in the story are good, long-time friends but are so different. The main protagonist seems wimpy to me. He's a follower, not a leader. Eric is a playboy. He wants to party and womanize!. Sam is a good athlete and likes a challenge. Daniel is organized, a good athlete, and seems to go with the flow. Of the four, I think Daniel is the most well-rounded, although I have never known a man that organized! What are your thoughts? Who do you think is the most well-rounded of the four?
I agree with your descriptions of them (although I think you mean Alec not Eric) but I think each of them are okay and all have their individual strengths and weaknesses.

Re: Which character is the most well-rounded?

Posted: 01 Mar 2022, 19:34
by jimmy02
Daniel. Because, he's more relatable. Everyone can't be a leader. And Daniel is the follower type. He takes care of the execution and organisation part in the Man Missions and plays an instrumental role in their execution.
