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Who else thought Man Mission was outdated?

Posted: 21 Apr 2020, 15:47
by margaretjacobson12
I read Man Mission and thought the concept of the "bro" culture was overused and outdated-- we see this culture every where-- it's in real life, pop culture like the "Hangover" movies-- and we really haven't been able to escape it yet.

Does anyone else think we could have gotten something new?

And who else felt the storyline of the 15 Man Missions were redundant? We all knew injuries would be sustained and there would be run-ins with nefarious actors. Maybe 5 Man Missions would have sufficed?

Curious to know if anyone else had these thoughts...

Re: Who else thought Man Mission was outdated?

Posted: 23 Apr 2020, 03:45
by Netvigator72
I didn’t really have such thoughts but now that you mention it, I’m beginning to think about it. I’d love to hear from others.

Re: Who else thought Man Mission was outdated?

Posted: 24 Apr 2020, 19:45
by margaretjacobson12
Thanks for your comment. I would like to hear other thoughts as well.

I hope I'm not alone in this :/

Re: Who else thought Man Mission was outdated?

Posted: 27 Apr 2020, 07:28
by Northernbird84
You raise an excellent point! I think you have hit the nail on the head as to why I have little desire to read this one! xx

Re: Who else thought Man Mission was outdated?

Posted: 02 May 2020, 20:33
by margaretjacobson12
Thanks for your comment! I was a little mislead by the author's description. He characterized the man missions as "eat, pray, love experiences," so I thought the missions would be a lot more insightful, moving, or spiritual. NOT the case at all! Good choice to find another book!

Re: Who else thought Man Mission was outdated?

Posted: 03 May 2020, 11:27
by alicia_fountain
"Bro" culture does seem to be dying down in real life. That is a great point you brought up. In my opinion, I haven't seen much of new media presented that does represent this type of culture, although, I do still have experiences of "with the guys", however, it is less of a macho feeling and more of an "I can relax and play games with the guys" kind of moment.

Re: Who else thought Man Mission was outdated?

Posted: 03 May 2020, 12:30
by HanElizabeth397
I wonder if that's because it was based on the authors life and therefore the first mission would have taken place years ago. Even the last mission probably isn't that recent because the author had to write and edit the book, which he may not have done right away

Re: Who else thought Man Mission was outdated?

Posted: 06 May 2020, 03:48
by Kachi_Ejiogu+_
You know, I had the same line of thoughts about the over usage of the "Bro" culture. However, I'm glad to hear the opinions of others about this as well. Great observation.

Re: Who else thought Man Mission was outdated?

Posted: 06 May 2020, 16:11
by Krishalliday
I definitely see what you are saying about the “bro” culture, BUT I think that was the point of the book, to challenge society’s view on what it means to be a “man”. I liked how he learned by the end that it is important to be vulnerable, open, and present in all moments of life. I thought the man missions were very symbolic of the struggles he was going through in his day to day life. I thought it was very relatable and I am a woman 🤷🏽‍♀️

Re: Who else thought Man Mission was outdated?

Posted: 07 May 2020, 11:28
by Lady-of-Literature
It didn't really bother because so many stories are rehearsed versions of something before them, but I get what your saying. In a lot ways, genres and stereotypes not only fence us in but create the whole land where the story is told. In this case the Bro Culture things is perhaps over used, but at least the story was entertaining.

Re: Who else thought Man Mission was outdated?

Posted: 11 May 2020, 09:28
by Jajachris
Your point is valid but I did not even think in that line because I was too engrossed with the characters and the storyline.
Outdated maybe, but they are fun and educative.

Re: Who else thought Man Mission was outdated?

Posted: 13 May 2020, 20:18
by pantsyjean25
Though I understand that the author was trying to bring back the meaning of being a man, I also thought it was outdated, and I don't think I would read this again! Although I loved the interesting and somewhat relatable characters!

Re: Who else thought Man Mission was outdated?

Posted: 18 May 2020, 10:31
by NetMassimo
The outdated idea about being a man is what caused the protagonist's problems. When he realized that doing what he thought he was supposed to do to be a man, he started actually being a man.

Re: Who else thought Man Mission was outdated?

Posted: 19 May 2020, 03:03
by Pstodumeje
This is an excellent point of view. The story looks outdated in a why. I think it's the concept of the writer. He tries to give us a different unique point of view. Some may not like it and regard it as outdated. But traveling with friends for fun and adventure is something we like. Some of the missions where not present day. Like the last mission.

Re: Who else thought Man Mission was outdated?

Posted: 08 Aug 2020, 10:06
by LuciusM
I don't think it's outdated in any way.