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Re: Perversion or relationship?

Posted: 29 Apr 2020, 15:42
by kmittag67
Yes, I believe Adam would have eventually acted on his feelings. He had a compulsion that could not be understood or controlled. I believe, if Carly had not entered the picture, he probably would have violated his stepmother.

Re: Perversion or relationship?

Posted: 29 Apr 2020, 16:07
by Wy_Bertram
I believe that as troubled as Adam was, and as compelling as JoAnn was, he still had a bit of self control. The way I see it he, he would have likely gone on hating himself for wanting something out of his control.

Re: Perversion or relationship?

Posted: 05 May 2020, 11:14
by alicia_fountain
I've read a lot about other people's opinions on the sexual nature of this book, and it really makes me nervous about whether or not I should read this book. It seems to me that the author was struggling with trying to write a YA book but still appeal to their desires for the outcome and intent of the book. I'm still uncertain whether or not I want to read "Opaque," but everyone here has definitely helped me see a clearer picture of what I may be going into!

Re: Perversion or relationship?

Posted: 05 May 2020, 18:13
by Kayla Cook
The main character's attraction to his stepmom and the scene with Terry is a huge reason I didn't choose to review this book in the first place. It sounded like an interesting plot and what I read in the sample was written well enough, but it was more than a little uncomfortable for me to read about his feelings for his stepmom and what he did to Terry. It was disorienting and disturbing, especially being categorized as YA--you just don't expect that kind of behavior in a YA novel. I'm still considering whether I should go ahead and read it, but I don't think I can bring myself to.

Re: Perversion or relationship?

Posted: 06 May 2020, 03:22
by Kachi_Ejiogu+_
:!: Adam had clearly cultivated an infatuation with his stepmom. That was quite a turn off for me. If Carly had not arrived, I'm certain things would've escalated and it'd have been even more disturbing to read.

Re: Perversion or relationship?

Posted: 06 May 2020, 12:34
by Reviewer1969
Noosh wrote: 21 Feb 2020, 11:41 That is actually what’s making me not want to continue with the book. It’s just too weird for me... the whole thing with the mum (stepmom)... should I keep on reading then? I thought we were dealing with incest
I agree with you on the... uncomfortable nature of the context around this relationships. However, I feel I must keep reading for hopes there will be more to the story than this glaring initial obscenity of the relationship. I mainly still have hope from because the Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare taunted a similar romantic relationship only to reveal there was no worry of incest. I can only hope in the remaining few chapters this does the same.

Re: Perversion or relationship?

Posted: 07 May 2020, 22:43
by Sunday diamond
I've not been able to review the book though.

Re: Perversion or relationship?

Posted: 09 May 2020, 20:24
by Thehorselover
I actually couldn’t finish the book cuz the sexual tension was so weird.. definitely not what I would classify as a YA book.

Re: Perversion or relationship?

Posted: 11 May 2020, 08:28
by Jajachris
I really can't say. I was still trying to wrap my head around how weird it all was until his adoptive mum confessed to sharing those feelings.

I think the book should be for adults and not young adults.

Re: Perversion or relationship?

Posted: 11 May 2020, 22:42
by Sarah_Tricia
Definitely perversion. Even after finding out Jo is really Adam's stepmom it still felt kind of gross looking back on his thoughts of her. For a while, I thought Carly and Adam's relationship was going to turn abusive since it sounded like Carly had to sacrifice the small normal things she looked forward to doing just to keep Adam in line.

Re: Perversion or relationship?

Posted: 13 May 2020, 09:38
by edztan15
It is an uncomfortable read. Though to be honest, I can deal with that if it is really necessary to move the plot. What I can't deal is the superficiality of the characters.

Re: Perversion or relationship?

Posted: 14 May 2020, 17:19
by Sumansona1344
If Carly would not have shown up, I think things would get kind of weird between Adam and his stepmother. He would have become more frustrated with himself and there would have been no character development. I think that it might get him more into the dark place in his head and he might get mental health issues.
He would kidnap his father and try to protect her from everything. His sexual attraction for her and vice versa would turn things to incest.

Re: Perversion or relationship?

Posted: 15 May 2020, 14:08
by Zoe Luh
Yes I do, but I also think "fallen" is maybe the wrong word, since he was so obsessive and creepy. Fallen assumes love, but Adam isn't loving, he's obsessive and toxic

Re: Perversion or relationship?

Posted: 17 May 2020, 15:44
by Little Muse
If Carly never showed up I think things would have taken a bad turn between Adam and his father, worse than it was already and if Adam succeeded in killing Terry, then killing his dad for Jo wouldn't be a surprise.

Re: Perversion or relationship?

Posted: 17 May 2020, 17:13
by daphne_asir
Njkinny wrote: 21 Feb 2020, 11:53
Noosh wrote: 21 Feb 2020, 11:41 That is actually what’s making me not want to continue with the book. It’s just too weird for me... the whole thing with the mum (stepmom)... should I keep on reading then? I thought we were dealing with incest
I am also feeling the same and am undecided. I keep thinking if showing Adam like this is really necessary and considering it is a YA book, just plain weird and shocking.
I feel the same way! But Carly does come into the picture, right? So probably just going to brave through the weird parts. I hate leaving a book unfinished.