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Re: What Would You Do Differently?

Posted: 07 Aug 2020, 01:37
by Banette
I think that the story should've had a full focus on Adam's struggles to become a better person. As much as I was looking forward to the superpowers, I feel like the Descendant plot really detracts from Adam's character arc and I think the story would have been much stronger if Adam and Carly where just normal humans, or as "normal" as a teenager as deeply disturbed as Adam could be. I didn't believe Adam's character growth but if the story had put more emphasis on his slow development I think it could have been a much stronger arc. It felt like Adam just kinda has an epiphany and realizes that he's wrong instead of actually learning why his thoughts and actions where a problem. And there were times where he was still rather manipulative even after the story told us he was better. But if I could only make one change to the entire story, I would make Adam take responsibility for Terry's death. That plot thread was built up so much in the beginning and it comes to a completely dissatisfying lack of conclusion when Adam and Carly just kinda sweep it under the rug when they finally talk about it. At the very least, Carly should've treated it like the massive red flag that it was and demanded answers as soon as she found out.

Re: What Would You Do Differently?

Posted: 12 Oct 2020, 07:43
by Yvonne Monique
I enjoyed the book, so I wouldn't change a lot, but I did also feel uncomfortable by Adam's obsession with his mum. Furthermore, I would have elaborated the battle in Greenland a bit more. Such a huge, impactful event can't just happen in the blink of an eye.