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Re: Carly and Dauma's Relationship

Posted: 01 Mar 2020, 05:27
by shish_by_design
I think that most mothers would do whatever is best for their children so it is not really surprising that she did that for her own.

Re: Carly and Dauma's Relationship

Posted: 01 Mar 2020, 07:41
by majdawhispers
It didn't feel like it's too much for me. It was mothers' love at its best.

Re: Carly and Dauma's Relationship

Posted: 01 Mar 2020, 12:54
by Erick Muyesu
Daruma and Carly's relationship was one to emulate. They respected one another and that how it should for parents and their siblings.

Re: Carly and Dauma's Relationship

Posted: 01 Mar 2020, 12:55
by Erick Muyesu
Dauma and Carly's relationship was one to emulate. They respected one another and that how it should for parents and their siblings.u

Re: Carly and Dauma's Relationship

Posted: 05 Mar 2020, 00:15
by GatugiM
I loved Carly's and Dauma's relationship. Any mother would like to have that with her daughter. The sacrifice she made to become one was not at all selfish. I think the Wit line being that powerful would need a powerful leader to match and Dauma's strength was wearing off.

Re: Carly and Dauma's Relationship

Posted: 07 Mar 2020, 05:50
by Sanju Lali
It is quite natural to have a strong bond of affection between a mother and her daughter like Carly and Dauma's relationship. However, it again depends upon the circumstances as in this case Carly was loving her mom at the same time fearing her.

Re: Carly and Dauma's Relationship

Posted: 11 Mar 2020, 09:17
by mhopkins
Their relationship was probably the best part of the book, but I thought the sacrifice thing was weird and not necessary. I did not feel any attachment to either person and was not sad about the sacrifice. I just felt like the author was trying to make it emotional, but I was not feeling it.

Re: Carly and Dauma's Relationship

Posted: 19 Mar 2020, 16:01
by piplup45
I was disappointed. Don’t get me wrong, the actions between the characters show they really do have a close bond and have a great relationship, but I found that it was completely skipped over in the book. Carly barely mentions her mom at all until she starts helping Adam to learn about his powers, but even at that she doesn’t talk about their relationship much at all.

Re: Carly and Dauma's Relationship

Posted: 20 Mar 2020, 06:23
by Bookreviwer2020
I didn't think that she was sacrificing herself, but more like blending or becoming one with her-maybe to support her more and to be always with her. I thought it was really sweet and added to the feeling of love and closeness in the story
Especially since she also did not want to remain without her husband, which was also sweet

Re: Carly and Dauma's Relationship

Posted: 24 Mar 2020, 17:02
by Alice Festo
I believe Dauma felt that her time on earth was limited and wanted to equip her daughter with greater power to protect herself, since she wont be around. It was a source of peace and comfort for her to now she gave her the best. Her own powers intertwined with hers thats every mothers dream. There is no greater love than a mothers.

Re: Carly and Dauma's Relationship

Posted: 06 Apr 2020, 18:27
by leximutia
thaservices1 wrote: 03 Feb 2020, 02:22 I thought the merge aspect was sudden and could have been worked into the story earlier and the concept explored more thoroughly.
I agree. Out of the entire cast, Dauma was high on my favorites list, and for her to suddenly introduce the idea of merging (and essentially "sacrificing" herself) with Carly, then doing exactly that in the same scene was too sudden.

The concept should have been introduced then worked into the story more naturally before the merging scne with Dauma. Even then, I feel like this sudden sacrifice is a bit of a waste of character potential.

Re: Carly and Dauma's Relationship

Posted: 17 Apr 2020, 13:30
by hasincla
I agree that I really loved the relationship between Carly and Dauma. I also thinks it makes sense that Dauma merger with Carly, as that was probably her plan all along. I mean, she's been alive for 300+ years, and had a lot of time to think about what makes sense to destroy the Iksha and that makes Carly into a superweapon for sure.

Re: Carly and Dauma's Relationship

Posted: 19 Apr 2020, 10:05
by JKO
The relationship between Carly and Dauma is one every mother should have with her child. It's a shame that Dauma lost her husband. I think that changed everything and probably the reason she sacrificed herself.

Re: Carly and Dauma's Relationship

Posted: 22 Apr 2020, 19:23
by NatRose
Dauma and Carly's relationship was probably my favorite relationship in the book. I understand that Dauma completed the merge because she was grieving for her husband, because she wanted to protect her daughter, and because it seemed to be a generational tradition. At the same time, I did find it sudden, and it seemed to me that such a strong woman like Dauma would have been more help to her daughter by actually being present to share her wisdom. If the concept of merging was presented a bit earlier or if we had seen some of this through Dauma's point of view, this decision probably would have made more sense to me and probably also have the emotional impact it was intended to.

Re: Carly and Dauma's Relationship

Posted: 24 Apr 2020, 00:07
by Kishor Rao
I knew Dauma had something very important to contribute to the story but also I wanted to see an epic showdown between her and the Iksha. So I was bummed when she let herself coalesce in Carly despite the beautiful relationship that they had.