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Re: Official Review: Strong Heart by Charlie Sheldon

Posted: 25 Jan 2020, 04:00
by Fazzier
This book seems like a fascinating read. I like the fact that it is filled with adventures, mystery, and drama. I'm, therefore, looking forward to reading this. Thank you for this wonderful review!

Re: Official Review: Strong Heart by Charlie Sheldon

Posted: 25 Jan 2020, 04:01
by Ekta Kumari
Considering the nature of the storyline, inclusion of legends is an interesting aspect. Plus, all the characters have their own unique perspective and distinctive personalities. Thank you for the amazing review.

Re: Official Review: Strong Heart by Charlie Sheldon

Posted: 25 Jan 2020, 04:02
by Han26+
An adventure story mixed with Native American legends and archaeology sounds like the kind of thing I’d be glued to reading! Glad I downloaded this book now. It’s a pity the characters don’t have much background and the ending is abrupt, but I am fascinated to find out just what happened to young Sarah when she went missing.

Re: Official Review: Strong Heart by Charlie Sheldon

Posted: 25 Jan 2020, 04:41
by Nonso Samuelson
I also don't like it when stories end abruptly, unless there's a sequel. I don't know about audio books; I've never listened to a book before but it sounds like it could be worth a try. Thanks for this review.

Re: Official Review: Strong Heart by Charlie Sheldon

Posted: 28 Jan 2020, 00:10
by QuirkyPenn
This sounds like a book I would like to read. I especially enjoy books steeped in science and legend.

Re: Official Review: Strong Heart by Charlie Sheldon

Posted: 28 Mar 2020, 09:56
by tjportugal
I feel this book will become one of those classic ones that everybody will have heard about, even if they haven't read it.
I bet that, within a few generations, kids will have to study it at school.

Re: Official Review: Strong Heart by Charlie Sheldon

Posted: 29 Mar 2020, 17:20
by tsh1001
Just finished this weekend! Great read... Great adventure & such great detail throughout! 4 stars from me!

Re: Official Review: Strong Heart by Charlie Sheldon

Posted: 31 Mar 2020, 18:39
by tsh1001
What part of the ending didn't you care for? Did you want more about the "after effect" of their journey? I kind of like how it ended openly like that, leaves room for interpretation OR even a sequel. But I can see the want to know more. I would rather a story end openly than have an author try to hurry the ending and cheapen the integrity of the whole story. (Seems like it happens a lot)

Re: Official Review: Strong Heart by Charlie Sheldon

Posted: 25 May 2020, 11:39
by HanElizabeth397
Great review! I completely agree with what you said about the ending! I felt like it was a little abrupt and I was left with questions

Re: Official Review: Strong Heart by Charlie Sheldon

Posted: 26 May 2020, 18:50
by summerday307
I have a hard time paying attention when listening to an audiobook so I also prefer a written one. I enjoy reading about Mative American legends and this book sounds like it also has plenty of mystery too.

Re: Official Review: Strong Heart by Charlie Sheldon

Posted: 27 May 2020, 16:01
by Zoe Luh
This book sounds really interesting and I'm definitely adding it to my list. I think that I wouldn't listen to the audiobook though, I don't like having someone else's voice in my head, and find that it often flattens the story.

Re: Official Review: Strong Heart by Charlie Sheldon

Posted: 11 Jul 2020, 13:04
by Vic Chimezie
I just finished reading this book. I think I would love the experience of listening to the audio book. I had a very good time reading this book though. Lovely review from you.

Re: Official Review: Strong Heart by Charlie Sheldon

Posted: 28 Feb 2022, 20:04
by Aan Granados
I have not had the chance to listen to an audiobook but I feel that I would not like it so much as reading the book. This book sounds like a great adventure story with Native American details. Thanks for your review!

Re: Official Review: Strong Heart by Charlie Sheldon

Posted: 23 Aug 2022, 01:37
by Umesh Bhatt
I would be going through this book. The review has evoked much curiosity. Thanks.

Re: Official Review: Strong Heart by Charlie Sheldon

Posted: 04 Feb 2023, 22:17
by Divine Nicole Galan

"Strong Heart" is a novel written by Charlie Sheldon. It is a captivating and emotional story about a young Native American boy named Zits trying to find his place in the world. The story takes place on a reservation in the Pacific Northwest and focuses on the themes of identity, belonging, and the impact of historical trauma on Indigenous communities.

Zits is a foster child with a troubled past, and the reader is introduced to him as he is being transferred to a new family on the reservation. Throughout the story, Zits grapples with feelings of anger and frustration as he tries to come to terms with his identity and find a sense of belonging in a world that often seems hostile to him. He is haunted by memories of the traumatic events that led to his placement in the foster system, and the reader sees how these experiences have impacted his development.

As Zits tries to navigate the complexities of life on the reservation, he encounters a diverse cast of characters, each of whom has their own unique story to tell. Sheldon does an excellent job of creating fully-realized characters that are both relatable and complex, and the reader is able to see the world from their perspectives as well.

One of the standout elements of "Strong Heart" is Sheldon's portrayal of the Native American community. The author draws upon his own experiences growing up on a reservation to create a rich and authentic picture of life on the reservation. Sheldon does an excellent job of capturing the unique challenges faced by Native Americans, as well as the resilience and strength of the community.

Another strength of the novel is Sheldon's ability to tackle difficult and complex themes with sensitivity and nuance. The impact of historical trauma on Indigenous communities is a central theme of the story, and Sheldon does an excellent job of exploring this issue in a way that is both insightful and accessible to a wide range of readers.

In conclusion, "Strong Heart" is a powerful and moving novel that is sure to stay with readers long after they have finished reading. Sheldon's writing is vivid and evocative, and his characters are both relatable and complex. The themes of identity, belonging, and the impact of historical trauma are explored with sensitivity and nuance, and the story provides a rich and authentic picture of life on a reservation. If you are looking for a thought-provoking and emotionally-charged story, then "Strong Heart" is definitely worth a read.