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Review of My Sister’s Vengeance & Other Vengeful Stories

Posted: 23 Feb 2024, 13:40
by Jaituni Sanghavi
[Following is an official review of "My Sister’s Vengeance & Other Vengeful Stories" by James R. Green.]
Book Cover
3 out of 5 stars
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My Sister’s Vengeance & Other Vengeful Stories by James R. Green is a collection of stories that are based on the themes of revenge, karma, and the consequences of deviating from one’s path. These stories are succinct and mostly have unpredictable endings, which also leave room for the reader to ponder what happened next. Surprisingly, these stories, though revengeful, have a moral at the end.

To begin with, the first story, 'The Eternal Ride,' explores the complexities of human interaction and the unpredictability of life's twists. This was my personal favorite story in the collection, and I imagined myself on a Ferris wheel with the protagonist and an unwanted stranger. The awkwardness and unexpected connections had me chuckling and on the edge of my seat. I believe this story sets the perfect tone for the entire collection.

The subsequent stories in the book continue to deliver suspense, emotional intensity, and unexpected turns. For instance, 'One-way Ticket' explores hidden motives and the pursuit of retribution, while 'The Stinger’ delves into themes of resilience and belonging. And then, we can see that the stories take a celestial turn in 'My Sister's Vengeance,’ the story after which the title is. I believe this story adds a unique dimension to the collection as it explores sub-tales that tackle themes of divine order, complex emotions, and moral conflict.

Honestly, I had a good time reading this book because the stories are very short and quirky. They’re different, and I liked the unique thought process of the author. I also liked how the narrative blends humor, suspense, and emotion, creating a well-rounded reading experience. Having said that, I do think that the endings could have been improvised in terms of execution, as sometimes they felt a bit ambiguous. This book and the stories it contains may not be enjoyable for all due to this particular reason. Also, the final story, which is named after the title, did not bring me as much excitement as I thought it would; I did enjoy it, but I expected more. I believe the final story is more suitable for readers who belong to the Christian faith, as they could connect better. Also, on a lighter note, I believe the cover of the book needs to be improved or changed altogether. These are just my personal inputs, and keeping them in mind, I rate this book 3 out of 5 stars. It's a decent read, but not the top choice. And of course, I do have to mention that the editing is exceptional since I did not find any errors.

Thus, to conclude, My Sister’s Vengeance & Other Vengeful Stories is a quirky read that offers a unique blend of genres, right from earthly tales to celestial realms. I recommend this book to those who are on the lookout for a different kind of reading experience.

My Sister’s Vengeance & Other Vengeful Stories
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Re: Review of My Sister’s Vengeance & Other Vengeful Stories

Posted: 26 Feb 2024, 15:53
by Gerry Steen
This review makes this collection of unusual short stories interesting. I could step into the wild side as long as the stories are short. The fact that the editing is excellent is also important to me. I am adding this book to my bookshelves. Thank you for this informative and honest review. :tiphat:

Re: Review of My Sister’s Vengeance & Other Vengeful Stories

Posted: 27 Feb 2024, 13:49
by Alex Lynn
You appreciates the compelling narrative that explores the journey of Jesus and his parents in Egypt, highlighting the circumstances that led to their migration to seek refuge from King Herod's threat. The central questions posed in the review create intrigue and contribute to the book's appeal. The writing style is commended for being captivating, making it suitable for readers interested in both history and religion.

Re: Review of My Sister’s Vengeance & Other Vengeful Stories

Posted: 29 Feb 2024, 07:25
by Tobi Adefila
I bet this is a book with a lot of suspense. I love the fact that it's also about karma and getting revenge. It's a book I would love to read. Even by looking at the cover of the book I can tell it's going to be an interesting one.

Re: Review of My Sister’s Vengeance & Other Vengeful Stories

Posted: 04 Mar 2024, 14:48
by Rohith Kumar Pakala
Thank you for your valuable insights, your review built interest in me to read this book. Great information is given by you about the book, thank you for that.

Re: Review of My Sister’s Vengeance & Other Vengeful Stories

Posted: 05 Mar 2024, 02:44
by Ajay Rudrapati
I am very much awaited to read this book, Your review motivated me to read this book ASAP. The way you inculcated the details of the book in a very clear manner is impressive. Thank you

Re: Review of My Sister’s Vengeance & Other Vengeful Stories

Posted: 13 May 2024, 15:32
by Olivier Muhammad
"Y'all, after reading this review, I reckon this book sounds like an interesting read, with its unpredictable endings and quirky stories. Seems like the author really knows how to blend humor, suspense, and emotion. While the ambiguous endings and a specific religious theme might not be for everyone, I'm still intrigued and curious to give it a go. And hey, kudos to the editor for a flawless job! Gonna add this one to my reading list for sure!" Evocative descriptions, brought scenes to life vividly.

Re: Review of My Sister’s Vengeance & Other Vengeful Stories

Posted: 14 May 2024, 00:42
by Joshua Sawders
Hey y'all! After reading this review, it seems like "My Sisters Vengeance & Other Vengeful Stories" offers a unique and quirky reading experience. The stories are short and unpredictable, blending humor, suspense, and emotion. While the endings might have been a bit ambiguous, the collection explores themes of revenge, karma, and moral conflict. Overall, it appears to be a decent read with some room for improvement. Y'all might want to give it a go if you're looking for something different! Gripping plot, held me spellbound throughout.