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Review of The Cynical Prophet

Posted: 24 Feb 2024, 22:34
by Clauson Justin
[Following is an official review of "The Cynical Prophet" by Denis Joseph Stemmle.]
Book Cover
5 out of 5 stars
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The Cynical Prophet is a fictional novel written by Denis Joseph Stemmle. The book follows Don Steiner, an eighty-year-old widower of the Catholic faith with a cynical outlook who has a strange encounter similar to that of St. Bernadette.

While on a pilgrimage with his current romantic interest, Joelle, in Stonehenge, Ireland, Don encounters an apparition of a strange woman. He engages with her, discussing his life, relationship, faith, and choices. The encounter leads to several more apparitions, including some with Seamus, his Guardian Angel. Eventually, he is given a task: to rewrite the parables of Jesus in the context of modern times. This proves more challenging than expected, as the response is not all positive. What impact will Don's cynicism have on his life and his relationship? How will Don handle the situation when faced with the backlash that results from this endeavor? Find out in this engaging book.

The book has quite a lot to like about it, the first among them being its message on the importance of empathy. I found myself questioning my life decisions as I read Don's versions of the parable of the good Samaritan, particularly the third version. One of the book's greatest strengths is its ability to mirror real life with regard to Christians's reactions to the rewriting of these parables. I also appreciated the book's handling of issues such as intimacy in marriage, which, in my opinion, was excellently executed. The writing style was simple and easy to understand. The dialogue was always engaging, and I particularly liked the debate featured in Chapter 26.

I did not have any negative issues with the book. It forced me to have a lot of introspection about my faith. Ultimately, it was an excellently written book.

I did not find any errors in this book. It was well edited. I rate it 5 out of 5 stars. It was an interesting read with an important message. I recommend it to lovers of fictional novels with themes of spirituality.

The Cynical Prophet
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Re: Review of The Cynical Prophet

Posted: 29 Feb 2024, 19:33
by Alex Lynn
The review of "The Cynical Prophet" by Denis Joseph Stemmle provides a clear overview of the novel, highlighting its unique premise, engaging narrative, and thought-provoking themes. The concept of an eighty-year-old widower encountering apparitions and being tasked with rewriting the parables of Jesus in a modern context adds an intriguing layer to the story.

Re: Review of The Cynical Prophet

Posted: 03 Mar 2024, 12:41
by Vinay Penubothu
Thank you for your detailed review! Your insights have piqued my interest, and I'm excited to dive into the book. Your review convinced me it's a must-read. Thanks for sharing your thoughts - they've inspired me to explore further.

Re: Review of The Cynical Prophet

Posted: 03 Mar 2024, 12:45
by Vinay Penubothu
Thank you for your detailed review! Your insights have piqued my interest, and I'm excited to dive into the book. Your review convinced me it's a must-read. Thanks for sharing your thoughts - they've inspired me to explore further.

Re: Review of The Cynical Prophet

Posted: 03 Mar 2024, 16:18
by Jennifer Coxon
Thank you for your insightful review. I don't think I would have chosen this book myself. However, several books recently have caused me to be introspective of my religion and I can appreciate the effect from this book. The only thing that confused me was Stonehenge being in Ireland - I only knew of it in England.

Re: Review of The Cynical Prophet

Posted: 04 Mar 2024, 14:37
by Rohith Kumar Pakala
Thank you for your valuable insights, your review built interest in me to read this book. Great information is given by you about the book, thank you for that.

Re: Review of The Cynical Prophet

Posted: 04 Mar 2024, 20:49
by Anil Baade
Thank you for your valuable insights about this book. You've explained about the book very well. I'll definitely add this to my reading list