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Re: Seamus

Posted: 11 Jun 2020, 18:14
by Dragonsend
I thought Seamus was poorly written. He was on the fence about everything and most of all scared about beinig caught. The author did not follow through with anything concerning his actions until the very end and did a poor job of conveying his emotions.

Re: Seamus

Posted: 13 Jun 2020, 19:11
by Thea Frederick
B Creech wrote: 02 Mar 2020, 13:26 What is your opinion of Seamus? Good guy or a bad guy? I didn't like him at all. I felt he was greedy. He supposedly loved Bridget but he also wanted his cut of money for the amusement park. He knew Bridget could be in danger when she started getting the dolls. But, he was more focused on getting his money!
I think Seamus was confused. I think he was a good person who went down the wrong path. And his two biggest problems were greed and lust. He had potential for a very happy marriage to a wonderful woman except that he was to greedy and that relationship was founded on lust. Seamus did not truly love Bridgette but was rather driven by his passion for her. Relationships like that have a weak foundation and will, in time, crumble.
Nonetheless, you can see at certain points in the book he was repentant to a certain degree but his greed kept his conscience from guiding him away from the immoral situations he was in.
His sense of guilt is what eventually drove him insane. He was caught between good and bad but he was to weak to return to what was good and so fell (mediforicly and literally).
So, I don't think he is ”bad”, but rather, confused and lost. Perhaps he will redeem himself in the future!

Re: Seamus

Posted: 13 Jun 2020, 19:13
by Thea Frederick
Dragonsend wrote: 11 Jun 2020, 18:14 I thought Seamus was poorly written. He was on the fence about everything and most of all scared about beinig caught. The author did not follow through with anything concerning his actions until the very end and did a poor job of conveying his emotions.
I do have to agree that Seamus’ character needed a little more attention. It kind of seemed to jump from him being sad for Bridgette, afraid for Hillary, and then to insanity without much explanation in between.

Re: Seamus

Posted: 14 Jun 2020, 13:16
by Brenda Creech
Thea Frederick wrote: 13 Jun 2020, 19:11
B Creech wrote: 02 Mar 2020, 13:26 What is your opinion of Seamus? Good guy or a bad guy? I didn't like him at all. I felt he was greedy. He supposedly loved Bridget but he also wanted his cut of money for the amusement park. He knew Bridget could be in danger when she started getting the dolls. But, he was more focused on getting his money!
I think Seamus was confused. I think he was a good person who went down the wrong path. And his two biggest problems were greed and lust. He had potential for a very happy marriage to a wonderful woman except that he was to greedy and that relationship was founded on lust. Seamus did not truly love Bridgette but was rather driven by his passion for her. Relationships like that have a weak foundation and will, in time, crumble.
Nonetheless, you can see at certain points in the book he was repentant to a certain degree but his greed kept his conscience from guiding him away from the immoral situations he was in.
His sense of guilt is what eventually drove him insane. He was caught between good and bad but he was to weak to return to what was good and so fell (mediforicly and literally).
So, I don't think he is ”bad”, but rather, confused and lost. Perhaps he will redeem himself in the future!
Very well said, and I agree. I think he got himself in too deep and didn't know how to get out of the project of the amusement park. He wasn't a bad person, he just didn't know how to handle a relationship or a partnership!

Re: Seamus

Posted: 28 Jun 2020, 17:11
by LinaJan
I still don't know what I make of him, to be honest. His storyline was one of those that I found to be somewhat incomplete. But if to speak of his character, I found him to be a coward before anything else. Fair enough, he kind of tried to set some things right or to prevent further tragedies, but his methods were rather inadequate.

Re: Seamus

Posted: 29 Jun 2020, 17:35
by Ada Ling
djr6090 wrote: 05 Mar 2020, 10:53 I found him to be more complex than I thought from the earlier parts of the book. It's obvious that his conscience is his undoing. I think he got himself into a situation that he lost control of, but because of his ego, was unable to back away from. He loved Bridget but was unable to protect her. He wanted money but was not ambitious enough to make it on his own. His losses did bring him to a catharsis though, and I liked the author's way of resolving his stresses.
I also find him a complicated person. He loves Bridget but he tried take advantage of their relationship to get Bridget to off her plan.

Re: Seamus

Posted: 12 Feb 2022, 13:59
by Patty Allread
Gilam gave us a lot of background about Seamus and painted his personality very colorfully. That made him very three-dimensional and explained his true nature--a cowardly, insecure, and defeated man who didn't really love Bridget. And f we weren't sure in the beginning if Seamus was a bad guy, then the author foreshadowed that possibility whenever Hillary questioned whether Seamus was the right man for Bridget.