Preference - fantasy or science fiction?

For March 2020 we will be reading books in the fantasy/science fiction genre.
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Re: Preference - fantasy or science fiction?

Post by DragonLight877 »

hsimone wrote: 17 Mar 2020, 10:46
DragonLight877 wrote: 16 Mar 2020, 12:20
hsimone wrote: 13 Mar 2020, 08:33

I was thinking The Hunger Games , The Giver, Divergent, and books like that.
I love The Giver series. I do think they are considered in the sci-fi genre if you ask me.
Oh nice! I did like The Giver. I tried reading the second in the series, but remember that I wasn't as big of a fan, so I stopped reading the rest. However, it's good to know that it can considered as science fiction since this is the genre that I tend to stay away from.
Yeah, there are 4 books, and they are all quite odd. The third one is also strange, but I really liked the 4th, The Son. You may be able to read The Son without reading the middle two.
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Post by Lesya77 »

My favorite is fantasy. If I could live in a world where such exist I would be happy. But I also read sci-fi because it also leads towards the unknown. But magic and mystery is my favorite place to live.
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Post by Kibet Hillary »

A combination of both science fiction and fantasy make a good read. However, if I were to choose one it would definitely be science fiction.
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Post by NatRose »

I love both scifi and fantasy! I think fantasy is often a bit easier to read than scifi so I prefer it when I just want to escape to a new world and don't have the energy to think too hard. But scifi is often very meaningful and can make you think hard in a good way. Though, of course, I'm sure there are books in both genres that escape these generalizations.
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Post by slj3988 »

I prefer fantasy, specifically dark. I love some sci-fi too. It can be quite hard to find originality though.
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Post by tanner87cbs »

I would have to say that I prefer Science Fiction. I do like Fantasy, but, it does not compare for me.
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Post by Gravy »

It really depends on the specific book.

My knee-jerk reaction was to say fantasy (I definitely tend to read it more, just because it's easier to find ones that work for me), but I love a certain type of sci-fi so very much.
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Post by lwahls2 »

Fantasy! I'm in a fanciful mood where dragons exist and real life is way too boring. Science Fiction can be exciting but for these strange times I would like to read more fantasy novels.
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Post by Brenda Creech »

hsimone wrote: 04 Mar 2020, 17:02 Which of the two genres for this month (fantasy or science fiction) do you prefer? Why do you prefer one over the other?
I am not a big fan of fantasy or science fiction, but I can read some of them. Of the two I would choose sci-fi over fantasy. I usually sort of groan if I get a sci-fi to read and review, but when I get into the story I find I am enjoying the read. I typically stay away from fantasy.
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Post by Netvigator72 »

I would usually have said fantasy without even thinking but I have been coming across some amazing science fiction books and I think I really want to be open minded and read more of those.
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I like fantasy over sci-fi. I like fantasy because of the magical imagination of the writers.
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Post by Julie-p »

Fantasy is definitively one of my favorites genres. Science fiction for me tend to be better in movies, like Star Wars. The world building tends to be better when you are seeing than when you are reading a description.
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Post by blackpinkpurple »

I like science fiction. Fantasy genre can sometimes get out of control, when you experiment too much with unknown stuff. Science fiction is rational and has an explanation for everything.
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