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Re: Romantic tragedy or Karma?

Posted: 22 Apr 2020, 14:40
by Nujudee
I'll certainly go for tragedy..
It really hurts to realize what happened to Amy.
This book is a must read, certainly.

Re: Romantic tragedy or Karma?

Posted: 22 Apr 2020, 20:51
by Marlaszw
I would say both also. But the Karma was brought about by Amy's refusual to connect with Renfield. Not the bigger picture of the GenTech stuff. It was more of a personal Karma, because she didn't connect with the father of her child by telling him about it, she and the baby lost that connection forever. Had Renfeild he been attached to anyone he may not have thrown his life away so cavalierly. I mean, he was pretty dumb to go marching into that office. There had to have been another way to go about what he was trying to do if he just stopped to think it over. He couldn't help anyone dead.

Re: Romantic tragedy or Karma?

Posted: 23 Apr 2020, 00:36
by Nath_chuks
For me,I think it's both. Although I view it more as romantic tragedy. Andrew Reinfield was kinda decent, I feel he was caught up in his job.

Re: Romantic tragedy or Karma?

Posted: 25 Apr 2020, 07:26
by Jajachris
For me, I'd say it was karma. Decent or not, he was part of a company that snuck life out of humans. He lost on his own end too, life has a way to balancing things and Dr. Reinfield got his karma from humanity by dying without the knowledge that he'd be a dad.

Re: Romantic tragedy or Karma?

Posted: 26 Apr 2020, 16:56
by Maconstewart
I believe you have an excellent book when the reader enjoys considering alternative outcomes for the story. To me, that means the reader has made connections with the characters and wants to stay in that imaginary place created by the writer for just a little while longer. Some books you read, and, at the completion the story is done. The reader moves on. A great book is the one the reader don't want to move on so quickly.

These comment tell me this must be a great book since several indicate readers that stuck around imagining other ways the characters parts could have gone, and possible other outcomes.

Re: Romantic tragedy or Karma?

Posted: 03 May 2020, 15:03
by Diana Lowery
I lean more towards romantic tragedy because of the emotions that are evoked when we read about the pregnancy. Sorrow for Amy is strong, not only because of the now fatherless child but also because of the missed opportunity to inform the father. However, the act of not telling Reinfield about the baby could be considered karma.

Re: Romantic tragedy or Karma?

Posted: 03 May 2020, 16:59
by kljrox
I say it was a romantic tragedy. I think both Amy and Andrew tried to do the right thing and neither encouraged or participated in the torture and abuse. I'm really looking forward to finding out what happens to the child.

Re: Romantic tragedy or Karma?

Posted: 20 May 2020, 03:32
by Sumansona1344
I think it is both. I see romantic tragedy as a result of karma.

Re: Romantic tragedy or Karma?

Posted: 20 May 2020, 16:29
by Dannyphery
It was definitely a tragedy, but then I also think they saw it coming.

Re: Romantic tragedy or Karma?

Posted: 22 May 2020, 13:42
by Clorinda Donovan
I think it was definitely a case of karma and the scientists should be more empathetic.

Re: Romantic tragedy or Karma?

Posted: 22 May 2020, 16:37
by Cardinalsparrow
It is definitely tragedy both for Reinfield and Amy. Reinfield got worse than he deserved.

Re: Romantic tragedy or Karma?

Posted: 23 May 2020, 08:19
by Barbie_sidhu
From how much i have read its both a romantic tragedy and karma....

Re: Romantic tragedy or Karma?

Posted: 24 May 2020, 18:27
by brown_gal
I think it was a combination of both. Reinfield was a decent guy if we take into account the other scientists, but he still supported the others. So it’s Karma from Reinfield’s side. From Amy’s side, it seems like a romantic tragedy that she could never tell the father of her child about it. She procrastinated way too long and lost the chance forever.

Re: Romantic tragedy or Karma?

Posted: 24 May 2020, 19:11
by ciecheesemeister
Renfield was actually one of the better people in the story. I'll go with a romantic tragedy on this one.

Re: Romantic tragedy or Karma?

Posted: 24 May 2020, 20:14
by Faithful Oso
I think it is both.. The fact that he couldn't get a second chance was painful. He was better than them all, only if he knew he had a child.