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Romantic tragedy or Karma?

Posted: 01 Apr 2020, 01:37
by Ferdinand_Otieno
In the story we learn that Amy Saunders is pregnant with Andrew Renfield's child. She had yet to tell him this before he met his death under Project Epsilon's hands.
Do you think that Renfield's death before learning about his child was a case of romantic tragedy from Amy procrastinating or a case of Karma from the inhumane acts they allowed and followed in GenTech?

Re: Romantic tragedy or Karma?

Posted: 02 Apr 2020, 13:44
by Brenda Creech
I think it was a case of romantic tragedy from Amy's procrastination. I thought it was sad he never knew. I think of all the scientists Reinfeld was basically a decent guy. I just think he felt trapped in his job and felt he couldn't leave without repercussions since he knew everything that was going on!

Re: Romantic tragedy or Karma?

Posted: 02 Apr 2020, 19:01
by Drakka Reader
Perhaps both! The scientists all seemed like decent enough people, however, by their allowance for inhumane acts to continue, they still brought their own fates upon themselves.

Re: Romantic tragedy or Karma?

Posted: 03 Apr 2020, 10:14
by Tavaiel26
I think it was tragic in a way, but not unexpected. I hope we will learn further in the series what happens with Amy and her baby!

Re: Romantic tragedy or Karma?

Posted: 03 Apr 2020, 18:48
by leximutia
A tragedy for sure. Despite the inhumane acts he performed for GenTech, Reinfield was genuinely a decent person, and the effort he took in digging up Kalin Taylor's story and his attempt to help both Kata and Tau to escape were both evidence of that. If anything, both Amy Saunders and Andrew Reinfield deserved redemption and a chance to make things right, by turning against GenTech.

Re: Romantic tragedy or Karma?

Posted: 04 Apr 2020, 13:16
by Nzube Chizoba Okeke
I think it's both! but my thoughts tilt more to it being a Romantic tragedy. For the mere fact that Andrew Reinfield was a decent person and as such, deserved redemption.

Re: Romantic tragedy or Karma?

Posted: 06 Apr 2020, 11:51
by Chelsey Coles
She was four months pregnant with his child... she should have told him. He had a right to know. Of course, she had anxiety about how he would take it. Would he be happy or angry? She had no way of knowing. Regardless of his reaction, if he is indeed the father of the child, his reaction should not take prominence over his right to know. No matter how he reacts, he should know. Apart from all of the GenTech drama, of course.

I also find it sad that they kept flirting in a casual way after their intimate encounter that night... He continued to try and pursue her, yet she batted her eyelashes waved it off every time. She was always on one side of her desk and he on the other, for months. I am not sure exactly what I would do in her situation, no one is perfect, but it just makes me sad...

What if she told him and he decided not to continue the investigation behind GenTech's back, would he have lived? Depending on when she told him, would he stop midway for the sake of the child, or pursue justice and keep on? I think they would have made a wonderful power couple, and with both of their brains working together perhaps they could bring GenTech down. I know we'll probably never know, but it's worth thinking over.

Re: Romantic tragedy or Karma?

Posted: 06 Apr 2020, 12:53
I think it was tragic for both Renfield n Amy. I really liked Renfield and he was my favorite character in the book.

Re: Romantic tragedy or Karma?

Posted: 07 Apr 2020, 11:58
by Frannie Annie
I would say tragedy. Renfield tried to do the right thing and fought back against the mentality of the lab.

Re: Romantic tragedy or Karma?

Posted: 07 Apr 2020, 12:55
by vermontelf
I fail to see how it could be is a bit sad that he never knew he would be a dad, that she didn't get to share this news, but clearly she wasn't looking for a full partnership or she would have told him. I'm unclear how long she knew before he died, but I would guess only a month, since she read his emails two months after his death, and she was four months pregnant then.

Re: Romantic tragedy or Karma?

Posted: 13 Apr 2020, 20:01
by Jocelyn Eastman
I think it was a little of both.

I think it was karmic because he was only looking to save Kata and not Tau and in some way, that was still wrong. Tau would still be subjected to Dennison’s treatment and then slavery from an owner from the failure to get him out of there.

I also think it’s a tragic love story because Amy’s beliefs got in the way of her expanding the relationship between herself and Renfield. Now, she will never have the chance to see where it goes with herself and her baby.

Re: Romantic tragedy or Karma?

Posted: 14 Apr 2020, 16:58
by raindropreader
I may be alone in thinking this way but I think it was more an act of karma. I think that because he was a part of a terrible corporation that stripped away human life and identity he also had something precious to him taken away.

Re: Romantic tragedy or Karma?

Posted: 22 Apr 2020, 08:10
by Splendour0606
I think it is a romantic tragedy,because what he did for Gentech didn't strip him of all his good.He deserved to know he would be a father.

Re: Romantic tragedy or Karma?

Posted: 22 Apr 2020, 13:35
by Ediomis_Enwongo01
I want to stay a little in between the two ends. All the same permit me to swing the pendulum a bit to romantic tragedy as there was actually an intimacy between Amy and Renfield.

Re: Romantic tragedy or Karma?

Posted: 22 Apr 2020, 14:16
by Kachi_Ejiogu+_
For me, I'd say it was a case of romantic tragedy. Andrew Reinfield was quite a nice, principled and decent guy and for that, I felt he deserved to know, at least.