Historical Fiction 2020 Genre Discussion

For April 2020 we'll be reading historical fiction.
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Heidi M Simone
Posts: 7103
Joined: 17 Jul 2015, 20:19
Favorite Book: Harry Potter
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Historical Fiction 2020 Genre Discussion

Post by Heidi M Simone »

Welcome to April 2020 Genre Discussion, where we will be reading books in the Historical Fiction genre!

I'm sure many of you know what this genre entails, but if not, let's start by saying Historical Fiction is a genre there are true/actual events that has happened in the past, but is surrounded with fictional elements. These fictional elements could be the characters, the plot itself, themes, etc.

Diving into our discussion, perhaps we can focus on sharing:
  • What book you read and/or currently reading?
  • Describe the aspects that makes the book you read unique to the historical fiction genre.
  • Were there other genres woven throughout the text? If so, which one(s)?
  • Would you recommend the book? What rating would you give this read?
  • Did you learn any piece of history from the book you've read?
As always, let's enjoy this month's discussion!
"There is nothing as powerful as a mother’s love, and nothing as healing as a child’s soul." – Unknown
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