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Re: favorite story

Posted: 07 Jun 2020, 10:45
by Abigail Peake
Jane's story was definitely my favourite. She was so strong minded in her faith-something I respect and look up to.

Re: favorite story

Posted: 07 Jun 2020, 17:00
by Amesthenerd
I liked Kia’s story a lot. What was powerful to me (in my agnostic perspective) was her in her old house, screaming, because of her addiction and her want to break free.

Re: favorite story

Posted: 08 Jun 2020, 13:13
by Abigail Klinkerman
Jane's story had such a powerful message that truly inspired me.

Re: favorite story

Posted: 08 Jun 2020, 22:45
by Misty20058
Jane's story is truly inspirational. She lost absolutely everything but her faith, and she still managed to make sure that she would not lose it.

Re: favorite story

Posted: 09 Jun 2020, 11:59
by Arwa_here
All the stories had their different morals and provided different perspectives. The best one was definitely Jane's. Truly inspiring and something to think about long after finishing the book.

Re: favorite story

Posted: 12 Jun 2020, 11:41
by jhunt
My favorite story was Jane's as she always remained unmoved in her dedication to her faith, no matter what was happening around her to derail her!

Re: favorite story

Posted: 13 Jun 2020, 00:48
by anoushka_thakur
AntonelaMaria wrote: 01 May 2020, 04:40 Which character or story resonated with you the most?
I found this book owerwhealming to read, especially as I read it in one sitting. I think there are many stories here that were hard to read. I could understand turning to faith in hardships. I liked reading about Jane. I am in awe of her strangth especially after losing so much, her dad, son and then taking care of her mom. The life just kept on punching her with blow after blow. She found solace in her faith. I find that admirable. It would be so easy to blame God for so much heartache.
I agree wholeheartedly with your opinion on Jane. Throughout the book, her strength was shown differently. She got up even if life had nothing good to offer her.

Re: favorite story

Posted: 13 Jun 2020, 15:19
by Grace Bela
Twylla wrote: 04 May 2020, 15:14 Coss Marte's story was my favorite. I listened to the Ted Talk he gave about his business Conbody. I started doing his Conbody workout, and I am on my way to having the prison body I have always wanted! It was so funny - he said in his Ted Talk that when he got out of prison and he was thinking of starting his fitness studio, he zeroed in on his target market - ladies in yoga pants. That's me! How did he know that ladies in yoga pants would love his workout? I don't know, but at 2:00 every afternoon, I get up and do my prison workout. I don't need equipment and I just need a small area. Coss Marte seems like a good guy! I am so glad he turned his life around and found the Lord!
I'll definitely have to listen to his TED Talk! I hadn't thought about doing that. Seeing lives changed due to God is so amazing. No one is beyond His saving grace and love!

Re: favorite story

Posted: 13 Jun 2020, 20:17
by Jocelyn Eastman
AntonelaMaria wrote: 01 May 2020, 04:40 Which character or story resonated with you the most?
I found this book owerwhealming to read, especially as I read it in one sitting. I think there are many stories here that were hard to read. I could understand turning to faith in hardships. I liked reading about Jane. I am in awe of her strangth especially after losing so much, her dad, son and then taking care of her mom. The life just kept on punching her with blow after blow. She found solace in her faith. I find that admirable. It would be so easy to blame God for so much heartache.
I liked both the Vietnam vet and the business man who fell from grace. I liked the Vietnam ver because he served our country and I liked the business man because he reminded me that you can have a life after making a mistake.

Re: favorite story

Posted: 14 Jun 2020, 15:39
by Nelson Chocha
JANE's story was my favorite, the plot really mulched hope, God always has our backs; be in good times or bad times.

Re: favorite story

Posted: 15 Jun 2020, 09:15
by BookBoyP
Jane's story was inspirational and very easy for me to relate to. I enjoyed reading it the most.

Re: favorite story

Posted: 15 Jun 2020, 15:03
by mairu
Jane's story was my favorite but at the same time was so heart wrenching despite its depth of sadness beyond that there is the inspiration to take away from it and a lot can be taken away from her story.

Re: favorite story

Posted: 16 Jun 2020, 07:18
by bennettalex
I enjoyed Cosse Marte's story. I could understand getting way too deep in some bad stuff when money is on the line. As a young kid that didn't have much, it must have just made sense to do whatever you could to make money for your family. Before long, that drive to earn takes over. It's nice to see that through God, Cosse was able to redirect that energy towards something more wholesome. Now instead of hurting people by selling drugs to make money, he can help people through exercise and still make a living. God's ways are truly remarkable.

Re: favorite story

Posted: 17 Jun 2020, 03:12
by Sharon2056
I really enjoyed a number of stories in the book because they were all inspiring. However, I liked the story of Jane and how she was resilient in her faith even after everything that she faced.

Re: favorite story

Posted: 17 Jun 2020, 14:20
by Amystl26
Twylla wrote: 04 May 2020, 15:14 Coss Marte's story was my favorite. I listened to the Ted Talk he gave about his business Conbody. I started doing his Conbody workout, and I am on my way to having the prison body I have always wanted! It was so funny - he said in his Ted Talk that when he got out of prison and he was thinking of starting his fitness studio, he zeroed in on his target market - ladies in yoga pants. That's me! How did he know that ladies in yoga pants would love his workout? I don't know, but at 2:00 every afternoon, I get up and do my prison workout. I don't need equipment and I just need a small area. Coss Marte seems like a good guy! I am so glad he turned his life around and found the Lord!
Haha, I love your response! And I love prison workouts! Super simple and effective. I'll have to listen to his TedTalk; thanks for mentioning it!