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Re: Grace Revealed by a non-religous person

Posted: 29 Jun 2020, 12:10
by bennettalex
If you are a non-religious person I would still highly recommend this book. In my opinion, this is for whom the book was written. The main focus of the book is how valuable and helpful having a true relationship with God is. It is not a self-help book in terms of giving many solutions to mental health issues. It focusses on one very powerful method of help, asking God to help you and to trust him to do just that. Even if you think you want something more than just prayer, you should probably read this and find out how useful "just prayer" can be.

Re: Grace Revealed by a non-religous person

Posted: 30 Jun 2020, 10:20
by Wonna33
I consider myself more of a spiritual than a religious person. Even though I'm not a huge fan of religious books, I can still read this book and receive its message. Non-religious people can still make a connection or learn a lesson.

Re: Grace Revealed by a non-religous person

Posted: 01 Jul 2020, 00:34
by shravsi
I have no base of Christian teachings. I am debating whether I would understand the concepts in the book without knowing basic teachings of Christianity.

Re: Grace Revealed by a non-religous person

Posted: 01 Jul 2020, 03:23
by Samgum50
I think it depends on the mentality you go with as you read it. I'd say non religious readers should maybe read it if they're willing to do so with an open mind. However if reading clashes with your own beliefs then I don't think anyone should force themselves.

Re: Grace Revealed by a non-religous person

Posted: 02 Jul 2020, 12:26
by char8026
I think you will find the book is beneficial for everyone. You do have to read it with a bit of an open mind. I enjoyed the bible verses. They give a reference, and I enjoyed the research. As for the book itself, I did not find it life-changing, and I do not feel that it will turn a nonbeliever into a believer. I think it would be interesting to have a review from someone who is nonreligious and see what they think.

Re: Grace Revealed by a non-religous person

Posted: 05 Jul 2020, 11:19
by Pendrick reckon
This book is really funny, I must take some time read again. I would like to know more about the story.

Re: Grace Revealed by a non-religous person

Posted: 05 Jul 2020, 20:26
by gelli_baranda
People with religious and non religious views will have varying opinions matter about it, but I think non believers will also benefit from reading this book. I mean, it is chock full of stories enough to make you think otherwise about your perspective in life and how you live your life.

Re: Grace Revealed by a non-religous person

Posted: 05 Jul 2020, 21:21
by Jyockel08
I usually have similar questions before starting a book, so I enjoy all the answers on this thread. Sometimes I like to branch out and a book like this seems to offer so much.

Re: Grace Revealed by a non-religous person

Posted: 06 Jul 2020, 03:44
by OB Brian
I believe God is there and so is Jesus. I believe Jesus died for us, for me. I don't know if that makes me religious. Nevertheless, I find religious books, especially the Bible, to be very educative and relevant to our physical well being as much as they are to our spiritual growth. So I think you will fins meaning in the book.

Re: Grace Revealed by a non-religous person

Posted: 06 Jul 2020, 12:01
by JessieHartness
AlphasFemale wrote: 28 May 2020, 15:52 Ok so I have just accepted Grace Revealed to review for online book club but first I came to the forums to see what others are saying about it. Now I do suffer from anxiety and at times depression and from what I gather there are stories in this book that heavily focus on such topics, along with other tough to talk about things. I have also noticed that a lot of people who are reading and enjoying this book would consider themselves to be religious and I am not. So I have to wonder, is this book one that will still be beneficial for those that are not a part of the religious community or is it so heavily religious that others will not be able to find much enjoyment in it. My goal is largely to look for lessons or help that dose not focus on prayer alone as a solution.
In no way am I against anyone's personal beliefs I just am looking at ways that this book might help those who are not part of said communities and who have no interest in joining one. I know stuff like this is a controversial or "hot topic" so please do not think that I am trying to upset anyone.
I am interested in the opinions of others who have came reading this book for the same reasons. Who else here dose not subscribe to the Christian way of life and yet have found this book to be enjoyable and or helpful?

I know you are wanting opinions from those who are non-religious so I want to be up front from the start that I accepted Christ in my life about two years ago. I feel I can offer a non-religious view (from my prior experience), even though I hold to the Christian beliefs central to this book. I suffered from extreme anxiety which lead to depression (they usually go hand in hand) all throughout my life. I would have moments of relief but it never quite went away. The only thing that truly helped me was focusing on the things I can control versus what I couldn’t. You don’t have to be religious to be able to apply this to your life. You’ll find this theme in all the stories, the only difference is the people experiencing them place God in control.

Also, the inspiring accounts of those who have been able to overcome their hardships and use their experiences to be a light to others who are in similar situations are something everyone can enjoy... in my opinion. You don’t have to be religious to achieve this either. I really hope this helps.

Re: Grace Revealed by a non-religous person

Posted: 08 Jul 2020, 18:45
by Nwaogazie Goodness
It doesn't mean. I think reading or enjoying a book, in this context, does not depend on whether you're religious or not. Sometimes you just have to read with an open mind, and you'll grasp a lot.

Re: Grace Revealed by a non-religous person

Posted: 08 Jul 2020, 21:09
by Rodel Barnachea
Officially, I am a Roman Catholic but I consider myself a non-religious person. I am currently contemplating if I should go back to being my religious self. I think it is better to approach this book with the right amount of skepticism. Also, we should manage our expectations. I'm sure we'll learn different teachings aside from praying.

Re: Grace Revealed by a non-religous person

Posted: 09 Jul 2020, 13:42
by angela roura
If you are anti-religious then I don't think you would like the book. However, if you are simply just non-religious I do believe there are good take aways. There are stories of people who have experienced hardships and are pulling through. And they are sharing things that helped them pull through- primarily God's grace. You could always try it and see if it is helpful for you!

Re: Grace Revealed by a non-religous person

Posted: 10 Jul 2020, 12:36
by InventorT
I haven’t read the book yet but I don’t think it matters weather you are religious or not because the underlining idea is to do good which both religious and non religious people can relate to.

Re: Grace Revealed by a non-religous person

Posted: 10 Jul 2020, 15:18
by TCG
I'm part of the Christian community, but I believe this book definitely help non-Christian. The biblical principles of faith can help anyone who wishes to subscribe to them.