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Re: Apple vs fig

Posted: 13 Feb 2022, 14:39
by Angie Lola
Never mentioned anywhere in the bible what type of fruit it was, human conclusions

Re: Apple vs fig

Posted: 14 Feb 2022, 06:15
by Chinazo Anozie
B Creech wrote: 07 Jun 2020, 11:30 It doesn't tell us anywhere in the Bible what fruit Adam and Eve are from the tree of knowledge in the Bible. I always have heard that it was an apple. I had never heard anyone say it was a fig or any other fruit. God told them (Adam and Eve) not to eat of the "fruit." To my knowledge, the apple is not mentioned anywhere in the Bible, however, the fig tree is. In Mark 11:12-25 Jesus curses the fig tree as a sign the Jewish people don't accept him as the Messiah.

Could the fruit Adam and Eve had eaten in the garden have been a fig as the author portrays? Or was it actually an apple? Or, will we ever know for sure?
Lol, I don't think we'll ever know for sure what fruit it is. I think we all at some point just like to fill in the blanks with our imagination, the same way the author did.

Re: Apple vs fig

Posted: 28 Feb 2022, 05:16
by Janet Kimetto
I also wondered at that because I've only ever heard of it referred to as an apple. But I guess what really matters is that Adam disobeyed God, and that there were consequences.

Re: Apple vs fig

Posted: 20 Mar 2022, 11:52
by Aeesha Bashir
I was taught it was an apple so I was surprised to when the author referred to a fig tree, I guess we'll never know

Re: Apple vs fig

Posted: 12 Apr 2022, 11:16
by Bennaji
The truth is that we would never know. The Bible does not specifically mention any fruit. We can only assume.

Re: Apple vs fig

Posted: 26 May 2022, 18:39
by Marsha JJ
I was curious about the apple vs. the fig myself, so I'm glad you posed this question. I always assumed that an apple was specified.

Re: Apple vs fig

Posted: 29 May 2022, 01:03
by Zaynnie
I've always believed the fruit Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden tree was an apple. Even after reading the book I assumed the author just decided to rename the fruit. But then, we'll never know for sure which one it really is

Re: Apple vs fig

Posted: 30 May 2022, 15:04
by fire_spice
B Creech wrote: 07 Jun 2020, 11:30 It doesn't tell us anywhere in the Bible what fruit Adam and Eve are from the tree of knowledge in the Bible. I always have heard that it was an apple. I had never heard anyone say it was a fig or any other fruit. God told them (Adam and Eve) not to eat of the "fruit." To my knowledge, the apple is not mentioned anywhere in the Bible, however, the fig tree is. In Mark 11:12-25 Jesus curses the fig tree as a sign the Jewish people don't accept him as the Messiah.

Could the fruit Adam and Eve had eaten in the garden have been a fig as the author portrays? Or was it actually an apple? Or, will we ever know for sure?
I think we all just imagined it was an apple. The apple is juicy and we can totally see some one biting into it. Plus a fig tree I don't think just one fig would have been enough for Adam and Eve. Also in the Bible everything happened almost immediately after they took a bite, not after several bites. It must have been a fruit that was a lot like an apple.

Re: Apple vs fig

Posted: 09 Jun 2022, 21:30
by Maris Charles M
My mind never crossed this subject. The bible said the fruit was pleasing to the eyes. Each time I read that part l Imagined some kind of succulent, juciy good looking fruit. It could be an apple, strawberry,... Just any nice looking fruit.

Re: Apple vs fig

Posted: 19 Jun 2022, 07:56
by Drmol
Omg I always thought it was apple, even I never read it from the Bible. Many people think it is also apple but the fig one got me to actually do my research.

Re: Apple vs fig

Posted: 19 Jun 2022, 08:02
by Drmol
Amesthenerd wrote: 07 Jun 2020, 16:41 I was always told it was an apple, except the time I was told that the actual real sin was that Eve slept with Satan and that’s where Cain came from. Otherwise it was always an apple. Maybe that’s why apples are so delicious?
Wait so you're saying that Cain is the product of satan and Eve, but the book says otherwise because they are not the first children. I know that they are some sleeping together but it did not think it was with satan.

Re: Apple vs fig

Posted: 21 Jun 2022, 09:13
by Moneybag
I really don't what they ate but what ever it was it was very appetizing and pleasing to the eyes. Maybe that is why many people choose apples because it fits into the description.

Re: Apple vs fig

Posted: 04 Jul 2022, 19:35
by Laney K
Julyet_Chris wrote: 07 Jun 2020, 16:41 I’ve never thought about this but it actually makes sense now one does, The particular fruit was not mentioned and honestly it doesn’t really matter to me.The apple was generally accepted just like most things we accept without questioning.
I agree that the fruit itself doesn't really matter. There is no way to know for sure what kind of fruit it was, but generally it seems that people tell it to be an apple.

Re: Apple vs fig

Posted: 06 Jul 2022, 01:25
by Agbata precious
This was my first time hearing about fig. It has always been an apple.

Re: Apple vs fig

Posted: 08 Jul 2022, 03:17
by Ohna Martin
Interesting, I should find this discussion today. Just the other day this was a topic in one of my conversations with a friend and according to him, the forbidden fruit was sex. We all grew up with the idea it was an apple just think how shocked I was when he suggested this. Any thoughts on this?