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Re: Was Eden a true paradise?

Posted: 02 Sep 2020, 03:39
by Menace Crypto
In every sense, Eden was a true paradise because it was devoid of all forms of suffering.

Re: Was Eden a true paradise?

Posted: 04 Sep 2020, 08:01
by Siphesihle99
I think Adam doesn't represent one person, so doesn't Eve, and Eden doesn't represent one place, rather a time when people were in harmony with God.

Re: Was Eden a true paradise?

Posted: 04 Sep 2020, 10:04
by Laura Mich
Eden is a true definition of paradise. The place had everything that its inhabitants needed.

Re: Was Eden a true paradise?

Posted: 05 Sep 2020, 09:08
by eddhee_
Eden was a true paradise no doubt. The bible's description was clear;a heaven on earth. It is the best gift to Adam and Eve until they got thrown out.

Re: Was Eden a true paradise?

Posted: 08 Sep 2020, 16:40
by Magnify3
gelli_baranda wrote: 01 Jul 2020, 10:06 Eden has always been described as heaven on Earth. If it was, with all the good things there, shouldn't a murder a mishap in the so-called paradise?
Not sure exactly what you mean. However, whether you read this book or read the Bible (though I prefer to stick to the Bible) the description of Eden is so perfect. It was indeed a true parsdise.

Re: Was Eden a true paradise?

Posted: 09 Sep 2020, 11:17
by Joan642
The murder did not occur in the garden of Eden. But to answer your question, Eden was more than a paradise on Earth as the Bible described.

Re: Was Eden a true paradise?

Posted: 09 Sep 2020, 19:50
by Ldpuff
It should have been a paradise, yes, and would have been if Adam and Eve could have continued their stay. They were out before the murder to which you are referring to.

Re: Was Eden a true paradise?

Posted: 12 Sep 2020, 04:16
by Book Lover7
Yes, Eden is a real paradise.

Re: Was Eden a true paradise?

Posted: 13 Sep 2020, 12:28
by pablo10
gelli_baranda wrote: 01 Jul 2020, 10:06 Eden has always been described as heaven on Earth. If it was, with all the good things there, shouldn't a murder a mishap in the so-called paradise?
People have free will. The Garden of Eden didn't force them to murder each other. Human beings chose to do that themselves.

Re: Was Eden a true paradise?

Posted: 14 Sep 2020, 04:27
by Primetjay
It was a true Paradise and murder couldn't have taken place that's part of the reason Adam and Eve were kicked out so as to preserve the sanctity of the garden

Re: Was Eden a true paradise?

Posted: 15 Sep 2020, 14:29
by Sarah Nichols 7
Eden was paradise until they ate the forbidden fruit. Like several people have already said, the murder didn’t happen until after they were kicked out of the Garden.

Re: Was Eden a true paradise?

Posted: 17 Sep 2020, 01:37
by tirsy
Eden was just a peaceful garden with everything one could ever wished for. Until God chased Adam and Eve out of the garden.

Re: Was Eden a true paradise?

Posted: 29 Sep 2020, 15:43
by fancyjg
Eden was a paradise full of great things although I don't really understand your question, the issue of murder by Cain happened way later after Adam and Eve were kicked out of the garden of Eden after eating the forbidden fruit.

Re: Was Eden a true paradise?

Posted: 14 Oct 2020, 21:49
by AbbeylincolnSty
Eden was a true paradise until the tendencies of man came into play. Man decided to exercise his right to choose. However, he made the wrong choice and was punished.

Re: Was Eden a true paradise?

Posted: 23 Oct 2020, 08:30
by Ogbara
gelli_baranda wrote: 01 Jul 2020, 10:06 Eden has always been described as heaven on Earth. If it was, with all the good things there, shouldn't a murder a mishap in the so-called paradise?
Yes Eden was a true paradise, and there was no account of a murder being committed in Eden.