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Re: The First Murder

Posted: 24 Jul 2020, 11:58
by Ediomis_Enwongo01
I opine that God created us with the willpower to choose. More often than not, we make the wrong choices. So any sin we commit is a consequence of our choices.

Re: The First Murder

Posted: 24 Jul 2020, 15:02
by Grace Macharia
I think that there's very little of what happens from without that can determine what happens within. Mark 7:21 says, just to paraphrase, 'From withing a man's heart come evil thoughts, sexual immorality , murder etc ' So I do believe that with or without the devil's involvement with mankind, we would still have sinned. I believe that was God's plan all along that we may be able to experience His salvation.

Re: The First Murder

Posted: 25 Jul 2020, 07:36
by NDeMeer
A tricky question! Like some of the other commenters here, I think that God allows us to be tempted towards that original sin. It is our own choice whether we do evil things or not. I don't believe we should blame this on some evil outside of ourselves, because then we'd never strive to be better; we'd just strive to get rid of that evil entity, which is an impossibility. Thanks for your interesting question!

Re: The First Murder

Posted: 27 Jul 2020, 23:16
by Fatima Saif
Id urges man to do bad deeds. If Satan doesn't urges man to do bad deeds, id still can force man to do bad activities.

Re: The First Murder

Posted: 05 Aug 2020, 19:05
by shamayelnur
I feel we have the potential to be the wrongdoer given that we have freewill but the devil is the catalyst which makes the wrong seem more pleasurable to us. Well, its just a human opinion we never know what the real answer might be.

Re: The First Murder

Posted: 06 Aug 2020, 17:52
by Kola+wole
With free will comes responsibility. The ability to rise above temptations is inherent in every human.

Re: The First Murder

Posted: 13 Aug 2020, 06:31
by jerimiahsebastian
Good question!
In my opinion I think we are born into sin. And sin came as a result of disobedience and not murder. I stand to be corrected!
And pertaining your question I think humanity could have been much better off

Re: The First Murder

Posted: 19 Aug 2020, 06:08
by Nqobile Mashinini Tshabalala
Your question really is thought provoking and necessary. I believe that initially, Adam and Eve were not born with any sin. However, their descendants inherited sin.

Re: The First Murder

Posted: 19 Aug 2020, 10:56
by Amaraah
I think we are all bone with original sins, this was to fulfil mankind. But then, every individual should be responsible for his or her own sins. We all have freedom to choose between good and evil.

Re: The First Murder

Posted: 21 Aug 2020, 12:23
by Asunshine
Yes, we would have gone a different way because that was God's plan. But because of the sin committed in the garden of Eden, we are born with sin but after accepting God in our life and baptised, we are saved. We have been given the free will to choose between good and evil, but whatever we do we are hold accountable.

Re: The First Murder

Posted: 23 Aug 2020, 01:55
by Lilyflower-x2
slj3988 wrote: 03 Jun 2020, 07:29 There is much debate amongst the religious community over the birth of murder as a sin. My question is if the devil hadn't tricked or persuaded mankind to commit such sins, would humanity have gone a different way?

It is argued by some that we are all born with original sin. We are all capable of such monstrosity. Given that we have free will, can we fairly blame evil on an entity outside ourselves?
Yes, humanity would experience a totally different life if it was not for the devil's trickery.

Adam and Eve were created pure, free of sin. Their one act brought sin into the world. We are descendants of them and inherit this original sin. God gave us free will, to know what is right and wrong, and the choice is ours. I would not wholly blame the devil for my bad choices.

Re: The First Murder

Posted: 24 Aug 2020, 09:38
by Clancy193
Kirsi_78 wrote: 03 Jun 2020, 09:49 That is a very good question. Unfortunately, we'll never know the answer.

And what comes to your second question, I suppose Eve and Adam were not born with original sin, but they used their freedom of choice and as a result, everyone who's come after them is born with original sin. But even with this original sin we still have the freedom to choose what we do and what we don't do... That's what I've reasoned about this difficult topic so far.
I'm very much satisfied with your answer. I agree with what you've said.

Re: The First Murder

Posted: 27 Aug 2020, 03:10
by Lhammamy
As a Muslim I believe that our actions is triggered only by our free will. Yes definitely life would have been so different is evil didn't exist but we would lose too the propose of our lives; to fight our desires, lusts, and bad wills to choose the right and do it always.

Re: The First Murder

Posted: 02 Sep 2020, 03:45
by Menace Crypto
I believe there's a light and darkness in everyone, but we have the ability to control which part that manifests, so ultimately we are responsible for everything including murder.

Re: The First Murder

Posted: 04 Sep 2020, 10:28
by Laura Mich
God gave human beings the free will to either choose right or wrong. Humans chose the latter, and here we are tilling land and going through labor pains during child birth.