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Re: Lessons to be inferred

Posted: 19 Nov 2020, 12:15
by zainherb
Vic Chimezie wrote: 10 Jul 2020, 01:28 Nothing is really to achieve. If you seek and adventure, you have to be ready for dangers involved. Another lesson is that alcohol when abused can lead to serious problems. Best of all is that humans are unpredictable and act based on impulse and their environment.
I agree.
Humans are unpredictable.
Alcohol can and does cause problems.
Adventure is potentially dangerous and rewarding in the end.

Re: Lessons to be inferred

Posted: 12 Jun 2021, 20:29
by Rayne Sheffer
Adrianna Melillo wrote: 10 Jul 2020, 15:07
shynmr wrote: 10 Jul 2020, 07:25 I think the idea of leaving the natural world as unmolested as possible is one of the biggest lessons. Had the team not interfered with nature, their encounters with the wolves may not have been as harrowing. Its "do unto others as you would have done to you" applied to non-humans and has echoes throughout society. We are arriving to be more humane and this is a shining example of why and when that could matter.
I have to agree with this. When they stole from the animals, the animals wanted revenge. When they returned the bones to the wolves, the wolves showed respect. While we perhaps can’t have quite the same level of relationships as Grant and his crew did with the wolves, we should all practice respecting nature (and I think nature rewards us when we do; e.g., preserving land then getting to observe plants wildlife at work).
The wolves that they met at the beginning of their trip were the first thing I thought of when thinking of this book's lessons! I agree. I'm not sure I would phrase it as not interfering with nature, but maybe just thinking of it as respecting nature and other species. After all, they are kind of interfering with nature when gathering food, but if they are respectful about it, it isn't a problem. I also think that maybe leadership in dire situations should be respected more, or at least you should heed their precautions when they tell you to not do something for a reason (like stealing the bones of the wolve's dead). I think that lesson is a nice change of pace from some other fiction, as I seem to read more things about rebelling against authority with every ounce of your being, but we have to realize that sometimes they actually know what they're talking about!

Re: Lessons to be inferred

Posted: 19 Jun 2021, 09:59
by Michelle Menezes
I think there are lot of mysterious things in the world that have never been explored, and it's probably a good thing. When humans get their hands on these, destruction isn't far. This is what the characters realised too, which makes them keep Zona a secret.
Also, when greed and the want for power takes over, the consequences to those are never good. Karma definitely won't let you go easily.
Animals are intelligent, they feel and understand just like we do. I actually think they're way better than humans.

Re: Lessons to be inferred

Posted: 10 Nov 2021, 14:16
by Quinton Lester
instilled democracy will break if society collapsed.. we saw with the argument over alcohol once respect in authority is gone a soon collapse of democracy will follow

Re: Lessons to be inferred

Posted: 10 Nov 2021, 14:23
by Quinton Lester
“If we don’t go, we will never know if we could have made a difference or not. It is better to try and fail than do nothing at all.”

Re: Lessons to be inferred

Posted: 09 Jun 2022, 00:07
by Prestige-best
I learnt so much about documentation, especially as a science student. It wouldn't have been easy for Grant if Randall hadn't kept his past journals.

Re: Lessons to be inferred

Posted: 07 Jul 2022, 02:19
by Donald Trust
This book taught me the need for documentation and safekeeping. It can be seen how easy it was for Grant read his uncle's work and get some meaningful answers that he needed.

Re: Lessons to be inferred

Posted: 09 Jul 2022, 05:00
by kensgarment odogwu
Different lessons can be derived from various parts of this book. From the Protagonist Grant I learnt bravery and dedication.

Re: Lessons to be inferred

Posted: 22 Sep 2022, 13:31
by Agbata Precious 1
I believed that when you seek for you believe to get something either good or bad. Likewise this book they wished for an adventure is they were prepared for the worst and also good.

Re: Lessons to be inferred

Posted: 22 Sep 2022, 13:32
by Agbata Precious 1
I believed that when you seek for you believe to get something either good or bad. Likewise this book they wished for an adventure is they were prepared for the worst and also good.

Re: Lessons to be inferred

Posted: 23 Oct 2022, 18:37
by Gandhi_D 1st
Human desire will always surface and hinder their judgment even in critical times.

Re: Lessons to be inferred

Posted: 17 Dec 2022, 08:30
by E Daves
I learned that, just because we start out with good intentions but end up succumbing to drink, immoral behavior, or mistrust does not automatically make us terrible or evil. It is what makes us human.

Re: Lessons to be inferred

Posted: 17 Dec 2022, 08:33
by E Daves
The most important lesson, in my opinion, is that, despite our best efforts, temptation and being human can overcome our ability to be our best selves. I enjoyed that aspect of the novel.

Re: Lessons to be inferred

Posted: 24 Dec 2022, 13:47
by Jakub Bystrowski
I learned how to be strong willed. I also learned that teamwork is key in life. Different relationships will be key to being successful as well as hard work.

Re: Lessons to be inferred

Posted: 31 Dec 2022, 07:04
by Odindi Omo
If there were hidden lessons in this book, then I didn't discover any. It was just a good read.