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Re: Review of The Return of the Knights

Posted: 25 Feb 2024, 23:02
by MMcB
A science fantasy, The Return of the Knights (The Dance of Light Book 1) by Gregory Kontaxis, is a great read with its wonderful world building and thorough character development. There is a list of the characters and the story unfolds using dialogue as well as flashbacks. This is the first book in what is planned as a pentology, so if you like it there may be four more in the series. There is an antagonist that is pure evil and the events unfold in ways that will continuously confound and delight the reader! Thank you for the thorough and inviting review!

Re: Review of The Return of the Knights

Posted: 25 Feb 2024, 23:08
by mrlefty0706
Hi @ Deborah Belanger, I just read your comments on the official review of "The Return of the Knights" and I agree it is a book to read. I really liked the character development, the detailed battles, the description of the evil Walter and the good knight Elliot. I also added this book to my to-read shelf. @Mrlefty0706

Re: Review of The Return of the Knights

Posted: 25 Feb 2024, 23:26
by RomanceBound T
This sounds like such an interesting book and the suspense factor in this is what makes me wanna read this. I'm glad to see that the author didn't make Elliot into this flawless hero bcs i personally connect to characters who are flawed makes them more relatable. Congrats on BOTD.

Re: Review of The Return of the Knights

Posted: 25 Feb 2024, 23:35
by Henry1989
The Return of the Knights" by Gregory Kontaxis sounds like an engaging and well-crafted fantasy tale.

Re: Review of The Return of the Knights

Posted: 25 Feb 2024, 23:36
by Ika Apro
People like Elliot can easily convince people of somenthing. I have no doubt that they will have hard time fighting for the throne, but Elliot will encourage people enough that they might qin the war.

Re: Review of The Return of the Knights

Posted: 25 Feb 2024, 23:36
by Sonia_Gonzalez
Walter has never been closer to the crown and finally ending the war that has been destroying Knightdorn. When everything was about to end, when Lovbridge was certain everything was over for him, an unknown hero changed everything.

Re: Review of The Return of the Knights

Posted: 25 Feb 2024, 23:57
by Bettny Andrade
I love the cover of this book. It catches my attention quickly. This is a book with a great narrative, and good character construction. full of suspense for whoever managed to win the war for the Knightdorn crown. Congratulations to The Return of the Knights for being today's #BOTD

Re: Review of The Return of the Knights

Posted: 26 Feb 2024, 00:01
by Yahya Amir Anwer
I like and appreciate this well-structured review. The excellent book and catch my interest, prompting me to add it to my bookshelf. A great review. Thanks!

Re: Review of The Return of the Knights

Posted: 26 Feb 2024, 00:12
by Anusha Thatavarthi
The review highlights the well-crafted worldbuilding, vivid descriptions, and unique characters, especially the flawed yet resilient protagonist, Elliot. Okeke expresses excitement for future books in the series, commends the lack of predictability, and highly recommends the professionally edited and captivating epic fantasy to lovers of historical fiction.

Re: Review of The Return of the Knights

Posted: 26 Feb 2024, 00:27
by Moses musankabala
Eliot was a determined, courageous and powerful knight who used to conquer evils.. it's a very interesting story I can't wait for the part to be published..

Re: Review of The Return of the Knights

Posted: 26 Feb 2024, 00:31
by Priyankan Nayak
Congratulations on the BOTD. The review provided here is insightful. The book includes maps for a better understanding. The author's descriptive ability is well done. Each scene was described vividly. The book is full of suspense, historical, and epic fantasy. An intriguing book indeed!

Re: Review of The Return of the Knights

Posted: 26 Feb 2024, 00:59
by Olga Markova
Your review is great! I sampled the first chapter where Elliot meets and kills Hicks and his companions who threatened to kill Elliot unless he took them to women in his village, and I agree with you about Gregory's descriptive ability that makes us feel like spectators of the vivid scenes he creates. This book feels like a top quality read!

Re: Review of The Return of the Knights

Posted: 26 Feb 2024, 01:16
by Francis Kapola
I was captivated by the intricate dance of power and resilience depicted in "The Return of the Knights." Elliot's unconventional heroism and Walter's chilling villainy painted a vivid picture of Knightdorn's struggle for survival.

Re: Review of The Return of the Knights

Posted: 26 Feb 2024, 01:24
by Devipriya Rajaram
Having delved into the initial chapter where Elliot confronts and neutralizes the threat posed by Hicks and his associates, I concur with your assessment of Gregory's exceptional descriptive prowess. His skill in crafting scenes immerses readers as active spectators, lending a top-tier quality to the overall reading experience. It's evident that this book holds substantial promise as a compelling and engaging read.

Re: Review of The Return of the Knights

Posted: 26 Feb 2024, 01:28
by Alida Spies
I love suspense, intrigue and unpredictable events popping out in the storyline. A protagonist who sounds like a normal person, making mistakes and having character flaws, is easy to relate to. Thank you for the insightful review.