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Re: Official Review: Roan by E. R. Barr

Posted: 07 Apr 2024, 02:26
by Ejimma Chika Promise
I would want to know what the woman at the fountain said about Conor's future. Does it have any connection with his mother's dying wish? Nice review!

Re: Official Review: Roan by E. R. Barr

Posted: 07 Apr 2024, 02:30
by Jinumol KR
Roan by E. R. Barr presents itself as a promising fantasy adventure, but unfortunately falls short of expectations. While the premise had potential, the execution left much to be desired, resulting in a lackluster reading experience.
One of the glaring issues with Roan is its pacing. The story unfolds at a sluggish pace, with long stretches of mundane events that fail to captivate the reader. The plot lacks urgency and fails to build suspense, making it difficult to stay engaged.
Furthermore, the characters in Roan feel underdeveloped and one-dimensional. They lack depth and complexity, making it challenging to connect with their struggles or root for their success. Protagonists feel like caricatures rather than fully realized individuals, which detracts from the overall immersion in the narrative.
Another significant drawback is the writing style itself. While the prose is technically proficient, it lacks flair and fails to evoke the sense of wonder and magic expected from a fantasy novel. Descriptions feel flat, dialogue falls short of being engaging, and the overall writing fails to spark the imagination.
Additionally, Roan suffers from a lack of originality. The plot feels derivative, borrowing heavily from familiar fantasy tropes without adding anything new or innovative to the genre. As a result, the story feels stale and predictable, failing to offer any surprises or twists to keep the reader invested.
In terms of editing, Roan leaves much to be desired. While I didn't come across any egregious typos or grammatical errors, the writing could have benefited from tighter editing to improve pacing and streamline the narrative.
Overall, Roan by E. R. Barr is a disappointing read that fails to deliver on its promises. With lackluster pacing, underdeveloped characters, uninspired writing, and a lack of originality, it falls short of expectations for a fantasy novel. While some readers may find enjoyment in its familiar tropes, others may struggle to stay engaged. My rating is 2 out of 5.

Re: Official Review: Roan by E. R. Barr

Posted: 07 Apr 2024, 02:31
by Jinumol KR

Re: Official Review: Roan by E. R. Barr

Posted: 07 Apr 2024, 02:31
by Eisha Nadeem
A well-crafted and insightful review that highlights the book's strengths and captivation, while also recommending the audiobook for its exceptional narration.

Re: Official Review: Roan by E. R. Barr

Posted: 07 Apr 2024, 02:33
by Harty Muli
I like the fast pace of this book that centers on the town of Tinkers Grove. I wonder what will become of Walter Johnson as he runs away from otherworldly powers present in this town. Thanks for the review.

Re: Official Review: Roan by E. R. Barr

Posted: 07 Apr 2024, 02:35
by Sarvesh J Yadav
Conversely, DIOGENE, a biogenetics company pursuing the truth about Conor's background, also presents complications. Conor is sabotaged by prophecies, myths, and cutting-edge science. He must unravel his own identity and the one that fits him into the increasing events.

Re: Official Review: Roan by E. R. Barr

Posted: 07 Apr 2024, 02:44
by Sky Revews
The never-ending battle of good against evil and the descriptions of the river monster (Piasa) and metamorphosis characters produce a distinctive atmosphere. Congrats on #BOTD!

Re: Official Review: Roan by E. R. Barr

Posted: 07 Apr 2024, 02:46
by Vasu Bansal
the review gives a detailed and precise description of the theme of the story. It helps readers to know what kind of journey they are going to experience without disclosing the twists and turns. Mentioning of characters, their role engages interest and generate curiosity.

Re: Official Review: Roan by E. R. Barr

Posted: 07 Apr 2024, 03:09
by Yahya Amir Anwer
Well written review! Although I haven't read it yet, this one seems like something I would truly adore. Regards!

Re: Official Review: Roan by E. R. Barr

Posted: 07 Apr 2024, 03:10
by Nisha DSouza
Roan by E. R. Barr is an adventurous fantasy novel with a mix of shapeshifters, a river demon, and an orphan boy named Connor with unique powers. Will Aunt Emily and the townspeople be able to protect the children from the river demon? Get this book to find out more. Congratulations on the BOTD!

Re: Official Review: Roan by E. R. Barr

Posted: 07 Apr 2024, 03:11
by Himanshu K Yadav
Conor Archer's life falls apart dramatically after a terrible event occurs. Left orphaned and afflicted with a strange disease triggered by something bizarre, he wanders off to a small town in Wisconsin, acting upon his dying mother's request.

Re: Official Review: Roan by E. R. Barr

Posted: 07 Apr 2024, 03:13
by Phillip Olutosin
Roan by E. R. Barr takes readers on an exhilarating journey into a small Wisconsin town and tells of the stories of mysterious people who possess powers. Congratulations on BOTD.

Re: Official Review: Roan by E. R. Barr

Posted: 07 Apr 2024, 03:16
by Nancy004
"Roan: The Tales of Conor Archer" by E.R. Barr weaves a captivating blend of myth, mysticism, and heroism. The rich characters, from Conor to the townsfolk, create a world brimming with depth and intrigue. Barr's storytelling keeps readers hooked, rooting for Conor in this classic tale of good versus evil.

Re: Official Review: Roan by E. R. Barr

Posted: 07 Apr 2024, 03:21
by Betebem sinovine mary Mary
It was fun reading this book
It really interesting

Re: Official Review: Roan by E. R. Barr

Posted: 07 Apr 2024, 03:32
by Abiodunakinola
This book seamlessly blends elements of myth, mysticism, and small-town dynamics, providing readers with a rich backdrop for the unfolding narrative. From the death-defying escape of Walter Johnson to Conor Archer's journey of self-discovery, the story navigates the complexities of good versus evil with depth and nuance, keeping readers engaged from start to finish. Nice review.