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Re: Featured Review: Roan: The Tales Of Conor Archer

Posted: 22 Feb 2022, 00:17
by Simon Evans
Shay Carter wrote: 21 Sep 2016, 10:05 Sounds good to me, I'll put this one on my reading list :)
Estrange mythology! And as the prophecies are foretold, its complicating as Conor can’t accept his place as a warrior of Light, then he is destined to be the harbinger of Darkness. this tale will make a great read ................obviously....

Re: Featured Review: Roan: The Tales Of Conor Archer

Posted: 22 Feb 2022, 00:22
by Don smart10
Estranged mythology,this book sounds good,I will include it in my reading list

Re: Featured Review: Roan: The Tales Of Conor Archer

Posted: 22 Feb 2022, 00:28
by Chukwuebuka Ifedigbo
Sounds like the kind of book I would want to read. Full of suspense and plot twists. Excellent review and congrats BOTD

Re: Featured Review: Roan: The Tales Of Conor Archer

Posted: 22 Feb 2022, 01:17
by Favour Uwa
Urban fantasy sounds completely new to me. Nevertheless your review of the novel is so captivating. Also i'm interested in some the concept the writer explored such as the concept of good and evil and the celtic myth.
Thanks for a great review

Re: Featured Review: Roan: The Tales Of Conor Archer

Posted: 22 Feb 2022, 01:19
by Michael Talco
I didn't really read much about Urban fantasy books, but I classify E. R. Barrs' book as based on his research of lores, a good one. Simply done yet its a good read. Needn't say more after reading your review, thanks.

Re: Featured Review: Roan: The Tales Of Conor Archer

Posted: 22 Feb 2022, 01:27
by Sanju Lali
A great job by putting together myths, legends, and folklore in a real-time setting in this story which is about Conor Archer, a teenage boy from Chicago. He comes to know about the mystery of his Celtic ancestry when there is a tragedy in his family. Nice character building in this book makes it an engaging read.

Re: Featured Review: Roan: The Tales Of Conor Archer

Posted: 22 Feb 2022, 01:30
by Blessing Odii
This fantasy is going into my library. Conor Archer's role is going to make this book an interesting read. Nice review.

Re: Featured Review: Roan: The Tales Of Conor Archer

Posted: 22 Feb 2022, 01:38
by Drianie
I am so excited to read this urban fantasy. Conor's journey as he discovers his destiny will take readers on an unforgettable adventure. I can't wait to visit Tinker's Grove and unfold the mysteries hidden there. Congrats on the BOTD selection!

Re: Featured Review: Roan: The Tales Of Conor Archer

Posted: 22 Feb 2022, 01:43
by Saalira Malik
Awesome !This book sounds so cool, and I am really looking forward to reading it!

Re: Featured Review: Roan: The Tales Of Conor Archer

Posted: 22 Feb 2022, 01:44
by mrlefty0706
This story focuses on Conor Archer, a teen from Chicago who finds out he has a mysterious Celtic ancestry during a family tragedy. Conor goes to Wisconsin and he begins to learn of his bloodline and of residents in a small town that share his common heritage. He also learns about even darker secrets. What a great start to a mystery. This book is very well written and I would like to read the entire book. Conor learns that this town is a mixture of Christian tradition, Celtic myth and Native American folklore. This makes me want to read the book even more since I want to learn if Conor becomes a warrior of Light or he becomes a harbinger of Darkness. The book includes past legends that mix with current times. Very good review. I am adding Roan: The Tales of Conor Archer to my to-read shelf.

Re: Featured Review: Roan: The Tales Of Conor Archer

Posted: 22 Feb 2022, 01:46
by Sola Gracia
What a passionate review! I think this is a book I should have in my shelf. It seems that the author laboured to create this book with great plot and unique story-telling style.

Re: Featured Review: Roan: The Tales Of Conor Archer

Posted: 22 Feb 2022, 01:49
by Susan Kihleng
This is definitely not the genre of book I usually turn to but your review has made it sound so interesting that I'm thinking I need to give it a read. I'll add it to my reading list. Great review!

Re: Featured Review: Roan: The Tales Of Conor Archer

Posted: 22 Feb 2022, 01:53
by Tebogo Eugene M
Urban fantasy sounds entertaining I would love to read the book, thanks for the review.

Re: Featured Review: Roan: The Tales Of Conor Archer

Posted: 22 Feb 2022, 01:53
by Atieno Magero
I love this book's storyline. This seems like a fascinating urban fantasy book. I can't wait to read this book. Congratulations on making book of the day!

Re: Featured Review: Roan: The Tales Of Conor Archer

Posted: 22 Feb 2022, 01:55
by Sarrikoziol
It has been quite awhile since I have read anything considered "Dark Fantasy". I am looking forward to seeing what Barr does with the genre. Great review