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Re: Review of The Goblin Addiction

Posted: 11 May 2024, 16:18
by Rose Angela
"The Goblin Addiction" by Joe Paul Vanhaverbeke is a captivating dark fantasy novel. The story is set in a world where a curse from the goblin god, Jobo, leads to a lethal addiction for those who consume goblin flesh. The narrative follows the protagonist's quest to save three boys and his community from this deadly addiction. The book brilliantly uses metaphors and dark humor to tackle difficult topics, making it a thought-provoking read. It has been well-received by readers, as reflected in its positive ratings on various platforms. However, the true essence of the book can only be captured by delving into its pages. Happy reading! 😊

Re: Review of The Goblin Addiction

Posted: 11 May 2024, 16:22
by Nemanja Jankovic
"The Goblin Addiction" by Joe Paul Vanhaverbeke is a book whose plot takes place in a fantasy world. That fantasy world is dominated by mythical creatures. It can be said that there is a certain analogy between hatred of goblins and systemic racism in the world.

Re: Review of The Goblin Addiction

Posted: 11 May 2024, 16:46
by Mayang Bature
I've not read any fantasy novel that features goblins as the creatures preyed upon. This approach also highlights some sensitive topics that people face today. Congrats on botd!!

Re: Review of The Goblin Addiction

Posted: 11 May 2024, 17:08
by Jennifer Coxon
This sets out an interesting fantasy world where goblins are an addictive meal. The opening is quite brutal though, from the capture and ‘tenderising’ of the goblin to the shots being fired. I felt quite sorry for the goblins.

Re: Review of The Goblin Addiction

Posted: 11 May 2024, 17:42
by Seamstress
Definitely not my cup of tea and in this rare case I won't hand it to my kid, because while I certainly appreciate how creatively the author raised serious topics like racism for discussion, I believe there's too much violence to make up for the good the book does. Congrats anyway!

Re: Review of The Goblin Addiction

Posted: 11 May 2024, 17:44
by Marie Chalupová
Fantasy is my favourite genre and here the fantasy setting is used to talk about real life problems like addiction and racism.

Re: Review of The Goblin Addiction

Posted: 11 May 2024, 18:13
by Ukaegbu Confidence
What a cruel time to be a goblin. I can't imagine what it feels like to constantly live in fear of being attacked at any moment. I do hope Coach Mayfield successfully ends these killings.

Re: Review of The Goblin Addiction

Posted: 11 May 2024, 18:37
by Surabhi Rani
'Official Review: The Goblin Addiction' by Joe Paul Vanhaverbeke is a detailed analysis of the science fiction story of the book for readers. We get a thorough understanding of the book's content. Readers would note that the protagonists learn the true meaning of death, life, and everything. The point that the story is a fairytale where goblins are being hunted and eaten by Unctionites for the feeling of ecstasy is worth mentioning in the review. The author explores spiritual concepts such as karma and rebirth. Also, as mentioned in the review, the book can be seen as an analogy for systemic racism and power imbalance today. Learning that the storytelling is good and combines humor was great!

Re: Review of The Goblin Addiction

Posted: 11 May 2024, 18:43
by Aremu Titilopemi Funmilayo
Are goblins human beings? Well, I have no idea what this book is about. Regardless kudos to the author for winning BOTD!

Re: Review of The Goblin Addiction

Posted: 11 May 2024, 18:50
by Shirley Ann Riddern Labzentis
Great review! However wonderful that this book may be, it is not the genre that I read, and it seemed very dark to me. I am sure others will find this book quite intriquing.

Re: Review of The Goblin Addiction

Posted: 11 May 2024, 18:58
by Hy Be
"The Goblin Addiction" by Joe Paul Vanhaverbeke is a mystical fantasy book revolving around Unctionite boys who are killing goblins to satisfy their goblin eating urges. The author weaved themes of systematic racism, power discrimination, adventure and fantasy in this book.

Re: Review of The Goblin Addiction

Posted: 11 May 2024, 19:00
by Shiru Elizabeth
This sounds like a compelling dark fantasy book that replicates problems that exist in our world, such racism and inequality, through the usage of legendary animals. Congrats on BOTD.

Re: Review of The Goblin Addiction

Posted: 11 May 2024, 19:16
by Moisés Alcántara Ayre
A book about goblins and evil beings who eat them sounds like the perfect story which is made even more special because it portrays problems that society has failed to solve: vengeance, marginalization, and harmful stereotypes.

Re: Review of The Goblin Addiction

Posted: 11 May 2024, 19:30
by Mercy Belinda
So lovely I enjoy the review.Additionally, your point about the use of humor to balance out the darker themes is reassuring,The Goblin Addiction"The potrayal of a goblin being horribly mistreated by boys is a metaphor for systemic racism.

Re: Review of The Goblin Addiction

Posted: 11 May 2024, 19:48
by Misael Carlos
Themes like for systemic racism and power imbalance in today's world are interesting to read so I’m looking forward to digging into this novel to find out how the three Unctionites are stopped from their goblin addiction.