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Re: Official Review: Worldlines by Adam Guest

Posted: 06 Jan 2024, 18:46
by Misael Carlos
The multiverse concept is a very controversial and interesting concept so I’m looking forward to digging into this novel to find how Gary will solve the crime he apparently committed while dreaming, or was it the other Gary in another worldline?

Re: Official Review: Worldlines by Adam Guest

Posted: 06 Jan 2024, 19:12
by Jennifer Coxon
This book has such an intriguing concept, voiced in the opening, of “Do we ever die?” The book is on the premise of the multi-verse and all possible outcomes happening at the same time. I loved the discussion with the professor of Gary’s near-death experience and the questions posed. It's very thought-provoking, and from the OBC review, there is a lot more about to happen.

Re: Official Review: Worldlines by Adam Guest

Posted: 06 Jan 2024, 19:14
by azza lia
I love the stories that involve the multiverse. The premise is quite fascinating. I'm sure that the repetition would bother me too, but is nescessary regarding the theme of the book. I think it would make more sense and less boring in a movie form. This is definitely a thought provoking read. Maybe a bit too much for me. Thank you for your honest review.

Re: Official Review: Worldlines by Adam Guest

Posted: 06 Jan 2024, 19:30
by Susan Ledezma
This seems like an intense and fascinating story line. I will admit that I heavily dislike books that have too much repetition. However, considering the plot of the story is so intriguing I think I'll enjoy this book regardless. I'll keep this book in mind. Congrats on BOTD!

Re: Official Review: Worldlines by Adam Guest

Posted: 06 Jan 2024, 19:43
by Cheryl Erickson
This metaphysical fiction book features Gary Jackson who exists in a multiverse and has the ability to interact with other worldlines through his dreams and hallucinations. It appears to be a compelling read for fans of visionary, magical realism. Terrific book review!

Re: Official Review: Worldlines by Adam Guest

Posted: 06 Jan 2024, 19:46
by Marissa Michael
The theories of many worldlines is too much for me to handle. Interesting premise but will require more of my retention of which I cannot give more given my life commitments. Sorry I have to pass this but congratulations on #botd.

Re: Official Review: Worldlines by Adam Guest

Posted: 06 Jan 2024, 20:31
by Asma Aisha Ansari
Gary's multiverse dilemma in "Worldlines" is captivating, and I can't wait to explore the mystery and philosophical questions posed by the multiverse theory in this well-edited and intriguing novel.

Re: Official Review: Worldlines by Adam Guest

Posted: 06 Jan 2024, 20:36
by Hy Be
Nice review. "Worldlines" by Adam Guest revolves around Gary and his lucid dreaming. The question revolves whether Gary really committed murder and is someone really rotting in jail because of his crime? The author did exceptional job in showing multiverse theory creatively.

Re: Official Review: Worldlines by Adam Guest

Posted: 06 Jan 2024, 20:49
by Stephen Christopher 1
I love the concept of a multiverse so this book is right up my alley. I'm looking forward to seeing if the innocent Gary can prove that he's not the killer. Thanks for the thorough review.

Re: Official Review: Worldlines by Adam Guest

Posted: 06 Jan 2024, 21:15
by Jessica Azuka
This is indeed a sci-fi. How's it possible that Mary saw his dream. I wonder if Gary gets out of this. I am looking forward to reading this book. Congratulations to the author on winning book of the day.

Re: Official Review: Worldlines by Adam Guest

Posted: 06 Jan 2024, 21:52
by Seetha E
Gary in several multiverse incarnations. One of him is in charge of the other and acts in a way that the other will be held responsible for. Interesting! We take note of the repetition concern. The OBC reviewer provided an honest and concise analysis. Congratulations to the author on BOTD!

Re: Official Review: Worldlines by Adam Guest

Posted: 06 Jan 2024, 21:54
by Alexander Victoria
In 'Worldlines' by Adam Guest, the concept of Gary committing murder in a lucid dream takes a chilling turn when his girlfriend's dementia-stricken mother claims to have witnessed the crime. The narrative delves into the intricacies of the multiverse theory, skillfully weaving a tale where different instances of Gary face the consequences of one Gary's actions, leaving readers questioning the blurred lines between dreams and reality.

Re: Official Review: Worldlines by Adam Guest

Posted: 06 Jan 2024, 21:57
by Emma Jane Grey
Sounds like a fascinating multiverse story; could be an interesting mind bender!

Re: Official Review: Worldlines by Adam Guest

Posted: 06 Jan 2024, 22:02
by milyjohnson
I read the sample. It sounds like it turns into an interesting mystery. The author keeps you on the edge of your seat with the story and makes you want to keep reading it.

Re: Official Review: Worldlines by Adam Guest

Posted: 06 Jan 2024, 22:12
by Altaf Alkhaldi
When i have read this story
I got enjoying with scaring and i felt i wanaa to finish quickly because i have felt so stressed to know what is the ending