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Sci-fi Fantasy or Classic Fantasy?

Posted: 26 Mar 2014, 08:17
by tennent10
:) I myself prefer Classic fantasy, it's just something about the allure of magic and mythical creatures, and you can literally do anything you want with your world.

Comment your preference

Re: Sci-fi Fantasy or Classic Fantasy?

Posted: 26 Mar 2014, 08:58
by gali
I read both kinds, but prefer Classic one lately.

Re: Sci-fi Fantasy or Classic Fantasy?

Posted: 26 Mar 2014, 09:14
by TrishaAnn92
I enjoy both. :)

Re: Sci-fi Fantasy or Classic Fantasy?

Posted: 26 Mar 2014, 13:49
by AmandaR
I like to read both. Usually I prefer Classic over Sci-Fi. However, Classic can sometimes be predictable and cheesy in my opinion. Whenever I find a book like that, I am done. I do not like reading unoriginal stories.

Basically, as long as it is not cheesy, I like Classic Fantasy.

Re: Sci-fi Fantasy or Classic Fantasy?

Posted: 26 Mar 2014, 14:14
by tennent10
I've had a few books that were cheesy, though I did finish them. They just weren't as compelling as the original works.

Re: Sci-fi Fantasy or Classic Fantasy?

Posted: 26 Mar 2014, 14:29
by JobClass
Hmmm.... :roll:

I think it prefers on my state of mind.

i enjoy Classic Fantasy because of it's predictability, because of the age old boy's family gets killed-finds RPGesque companions, defeats the evil villain and saves the world. I mostly read (and watch and play) this when I cannot control events around me or my life seems somewhat chaotic so fall back on something that is constant.

i enjoy sci-fi fantasy in films and games, I'm going to admit I have not actually read too much in the way of Sci-Fi fantasy. If I think from the top of my head there's "The Hunger Games" books I've read, I think terry Pratchett's Discworld could also fall into this category, but other than that I haven't seen it so much in books.

To answer your question, I do enjoy both, but enjoy them for different reasons.

Re: Sci-fi Fantasy or Classic Fantasy?

Posted: 26 Mar 2014, 14:38
by AmandaR
That is a good point you made about things getting stressful and being able to fall back on something predictable. I did not think about that. While I do get annoyed with predictable books at times, sometimes I need them. Thanks for reminding me of that.

Re: Sci-fi Fantasy or Classic Fantasy?

Posted: 26 Mar 2014, 16:26
by Jen319164
Sci-Fi Fantasy but not a fan of either really

Re: Sci-fi Fantasy or Classic Fantasy?

Posted: 26 Mar 2014, 17:08
by tennent10
I find that Sci-fi is a little bit more of a mystery most of the time, like in the war of the worlds. They didn't know what was attacking, why, or how to destroy them, all up until the end game.

Re: Sci-fi Fantasy or Classic Fantasy?

Posted: 08 May 2014, 14:01
by Nimbus Wolfsbane
Classic Fantasy, I only read two Sci-Fi Fantasy series.

Re: Sci-fi Fantasy or Classic Fantasy?

Posted: 15 Oct 2014, 20:11
by Bwoodby4405
I like both. I started reading the Forgotten Realms and Dragonlance books when I was a kid, and I got hooked.

Re: Sci-fi Fantasy or Classic Fantasy?

Posted: 17 Oct 2014, 19:05
by JennaFay
I like both of them. Honestly, I just like fantasy and speculative fiction in general. It does depend on my mood though. Some days I don't feel like dealing with technobabble that occasionally crops up in Sci-Fi Fantasy and prefer fighting dragons. Other days, I want to read something aspirational but still fantastical.

Re: Sci-fi Fantasy or Classic Fantasy?

Posted: 24 Oct 2014, 13:38
by LivreAmour217
It depends on my mood. If I am feeling nostalgic, I tend to read more sci-fi fantasy (long story, but science fiction reminds me of some good times in my life). I've also noticed that I am more likely to pick up a classic fantasy novel around the holidays, for some reason.

Re: Sci-fi Fantasy or Classic Fantasy?

Posted: 24 Oct 2014, 13:54
by rssllue
I really do enjoy both of them quite a lot.

Re: Sci-fi Fantasy or Classic Fantasy?

Posted: 24 Oct 2014, 21:40
by kio
I like them both pretty equally, but the sci-fi fantasy has been appealing to me the most of late. What are some of your favorite sci-fi or classic fantasy?