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Review of The Conscience of the C.O.D.

Posted: 19 Apr 2024, 03:00
by Dani Elle Ele
[Following is an official review of "The Conscience of the C.O.D." by James Terminiello.]
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4 out of 5 stars
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The Conscience of the C.O.D. by James Terminiello is a fiction book set against the backdrop of the ship "Climax of Dreams," known as the C.O.D. The book started with Torrent's assignment to Bayonne. Everything was going well. Just in good shape until the C.O.D.-athon was hosted, bringing together different people of different calibers and statuses. O'Higgins, the main antagonist, and his team took the ship hostage, demanding food, fuel, and a large sum of money in exchange for releasing the hostages and a billion dollars for Xminus 1. Will Torrent accept the offer? The police, SWAT teams, and the National Guard arrived at the scene, along with the NYPD Apology Squad. Will they be able to take control of the pending situation and save the refugees? Read this book to learn more.

The actions in this book were really captivating. I loved the way the Navy executed their plans in this book while following strict orders. I also loved the fact that the antagonist in this book was not depicted as a total villain. O'Higgins carried out his treacherous plan to get away with funds. At times, people cross boundaries and do unimaginable things to get what they want; nevertheless, it does not stop them from being human. The author's writing style was very detailed, leaving no room for confusion.

Despite my love for this book, I had some issues with it. There were many cases in this book where the author used "da" and "dat" to replace the words "the" and "that." I felt it was a matter of style by the author, but its excessive usage seemed awkward to me. This book has a lot of characters, and what made it more confusing was that the names given to some of the characters in this book were complex. Just like Sonnie Chance Arain, Simón Bolívar Francisco de Miranda Bernardo, and a few more. Sometimes Sonnie Chance Arain was referred to as Sonnie, sometimes as Arain, which gets me confused at times. Almost everything had a name in this book; even the hurricane that was approaching the ship had a name, which wowed me. Due to the flaws I found in this book, I will deduct one star from it, awarding it 4 out of 5 stars. I found a few errors in this book, which shows that it was professionally edited. I recommend this book to lovers of thrillers and action-packed books. 

The Conscience of the C.O.D.
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Re: Review of The Conscience of the C.O.D.

Posted: 25 Apr 2024, 00:21
by Naushin Moledina
"The Conscience of the C.O.D." by James Terminiello seems like a promising read for action and thriller lovers. You sure have put up a good case for someone to try this book. I am adding it to my reading list. Thank you for the review. It was perfectly blended with equal weight for flaws and advantages.

Re: Review of The Conscience of the C.O.D.

Posted: 26 Apr 2024, 01:06
by Anozie Stephanie
I love this kind of fictional book, and "The Conscience of the C.O.D." by James Terminiello is the right one here. Imagine putting a game on hold because of your demands.

Re: Review of The Conscience of the C.O.D.

Posted: 27 Apr 2024, 14:26
by NetMassimo
This seems like a classic example of fast-paced thriller full of action, so I see why you got annoyed by things like the use of character names: it can be confusing and therefore distracting, which is really bad in the middle of some action! Thank you for your great review!

Re: Review of The Conscience of the C.O.D.

Posted: 09 May 2024, 17:16
by Aremu Titilopemi Funmilayo
I guess one have a lot to learn about the Navy in this book, that's a good one and good review by the way!

Re: Review of The Conscience of the C.O.D.

Posted: 10 May 2024, 00:15
by Mark Maxwell 2
Embark on a thrilling journey aboard the C.O.D. where the stakes are as high as the waves. With twists and turns as unpredictable as the sea, 'The Conscience of the C.O.D.' by James Terminiello will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last page.

Re: Review of The Conscience of the C.O.D.

Posted: 18 May 2024, 16:40
by Christian Kay
"This book sounds like a real page-turner! I'm intrigued by the idea of a ship being taken hostage and the main character, Torrent, having to make a tough decision. The addition of the police, SWAT teams, and National Guard raises the stakes even higher. I'm curious to see how the situation unfolds and whether the hostages will be saved. Great review, it's got me hooked!"

Re: Review of The Conscience of the C.O.D.

Posted: 09 Jun 2024, 08:27
by Sunday N Florence
The plot follows the tension-filled standoff and the efforts of various law enforcement agencies to resolve the situation.