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Review of Resurgence

Posted: 26 Apr 2024, 17:54
by Stephanie Runyon
[Following is an official review of "Resurgence" by R.M. Barrett.]
Book Cover
4 out of 5 stars
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A catastrophic change to Earth has struck: a series of natural disasters erupt across the planet, planes crash, ships sink, and electricity no longer works. After the disaster, “The Altered” emerged among random people seventeen to eighteen years old. They possess enhanced abilities such as telekinesis, control over elements, super speed, and incredible strength. The Vanguard Bureau prevents the abuse of special powers and to create teams for local law enforcement purposes. However, they couldn’t prepare for an adversary that could cross dimensions.

One afternoon, chaos erupts in the city of Haven. An explosion caused a fire at the community center. Chance somehow stops time and uses his mind to reverse the damage and extinguish the fire. Emily and Mary, his two friends, are the only ones who witness Chance’s actions. The three agree to keep his powers secret. They test Chance’s abilities in the privacy of his estate on the outskirts of the town. A week later, they discover an underground compound designed specifically for the trio. The women discover suits that give them enhanced abilities similar to the Altered. The formidable group presents themselves as the “Paladins.” It doesn’t take long for the Vanguard Bureau to call upon the group for help.

The descriptive writing in R.M. Barrett’s Resurgence is exceptional, capturing the essence of each scene vividly. Opening the story expresses the complete horror of destruction. Chance was a humble person, despite being raised with unlimited financial resources. His need to do something fulfilling was admirable. Emily and Mary became his support system in his everyday life when he lost his family members. Their relationship develops into a small family unit. Alternating through the views of Chance, Emily, Mary, Captain Nova, Vox, and several others gave a personal glimpse into the motivation for each character. The cliffhanger ending left me eager to read a sequel.

Resurgence needs another round of editing. The presence of sentence fragments, such as "‘Startled by a bright light that flashed through her window. Gisele shielded her eyes," was distracting. This happens frequently throughout the story. By connecting the two sentences, it would improve the story exponentially.

I rate Resurgence 4 out of 5 stars. The editing was the only negative aspect I found in the book. The vivid descriptions filling the unpredictable plot made it easy to envision the setting. Each of the characters’ thoughts was relatable, and I felt a genuine connection to their experiences.

This story will appeal to readers who enjoy science fiction and fantasy stories. The technology in the story is advanced and futuristic, yet it is explained in a way that is accessible and easy to grasp. This story is devoid of profanity and explicit scenes, making it suitable for a wider audience, including younger readers.

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Re: Review of Resurgence

Posted: 27 Apr 2024, 20:17
by Anozie Stephanie
Teenagers protecting the city? I applaud your review I can't lie, I read on and on and on with no reason to pause at all.

Re: Review of Resurgence

Posted: 27 Apr 2024, 20:45
by Tomy Chandrafrost
Wow. Another science fiction book with a superhero theme. Just looking at the cover of this book is already intriguing to me, and reading your review makes me even more eager to read it. The way you describe its writing style is well-understood and makes me interested in reading this book. Thank you for writing this. What a great review.

Re: Review of Resurgence

Posted: 28 Apr 2024, 14:13
by Sean Patrick Tracy
"Resurgence" by R.M. Barrett sounds like an exhilarating blend of science fiction and fantasy, exploring themes of power, friendship, and the struggle against adversity in the wake of catastrophic events. The emergence of "The Altered" and the formation of the "Paladins" create a thrilling backdrop for the narrative, filled with vivid descriptions and relatable characters. While the need for further editing is noted, the captivating plot and well-developed characters make it a compelling read. With its cliffhanger ending, readers will be left eagerly anticipating a sequel. Overall, "Resurgence" promises an engaging experience for fans of science fiction and fantasy alike, appealing to a wide audience with its accessible storytelling and absence of explicit content.

Re: Review of Resurgence

Posted: 02 May 2024, 20:10
by María Andrea Fernández Sepúlveda
A part of me is always surprised that we often choose kids or teens as our heroes. But I guess it's an age in which one needs to feel powerful, and there's a strength to the impetuous nature of youth. Great review! I hope the author considers your comments.

Re: Review of Resurgence

Posted: 06 May 2024, 15:08
by NetMassimo
This seems like an engaging story of superheroes that just needs some polishing. I'd like to read it but I give priority to well-edited books, so I hope the author does proper proofreading. Thank you for your great review!