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Review of Eternal Hero

Posted: 05 May 2024, 06:50
by Alice Heritage
[Following is an official review of "Eternal Hero" by William Grace.]
Book Cover
4 out of 5 stars
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Enjoy thrillers and science fiction? Then look no further than Eternal Hero (Omniverse Chronicles Book 1) by William Grace for your next read.

In an exotic cocktail of the two genres, San Francisco lawyer Jack Thornton has got on the wrong side of boss Artie Traub, who boasts of mob connections. Traub is not the only character Thornton must watch his back around. His fat Austrian neighbour Werner Vogel is on the warpath because of the racket he makes during his nightmares. Thornton is a Vietnam veteran, but it's not flashbacks to the jungle that disturb his rest. Little does he know, he's not the only player on the stage to have excelled in combat. Nor is he the first to have gazed into a pair of eyes "the same purple God would wear if God ever decided to wear purple." (p. 46) When the regulars in the Irish pub where he drinks hear of that image from his dreams, Jack's world starts to change drastically. He begins to learn that he is called upon to play a hero's role in ways that are hard to grasp at first. As for the villains, Traub thinks his hatred for Thornton is fuelled by his flirting with his wife, while Vogel feels humiliated when he bests him with martial arts skills. Yet both feel in thrall to a force darker than those mere resentments, welling from a source literally out of this world.

Traub and Vogel are just two of the colourful characters that people this story. It was immersive and so compelling that I sometimes had to allow myself to read just one more chapter. The writing style was a definite strength. It was crisp and flowed well. Mythological passages took on lofty tones while action scenes fired off rounds in swift staccato. With early 1970s San Francisco providing the setting, tunes on the radio gave this cinematic tale a soundtrack. Nowhere to Run, as played by "Hanoi Hannah" to taunt the US troops, was the theme song. Symbolizing the danger to Jack, it took on more and more significance each time it was heard.

Jack Thornton was an accomplished hero, and weapons enthusiasts will relish all the details in this book. Be warned that you'll need a strong stomach for some episodes. Since it features frequent violence and profanity, this book is not well suited to younger or more sensitive readers. Otherwise, I can highly recommend it for its vivid scenes and well-constructed plot.

It slips a little from attaining a perfect rating, partly because while Jack and his main antagonist were complex and nuanced, the other characters got a little too stereotyped. The tropes, including a legendary IRA gunman, a professor and a brigadier straight out of the British empire, were on point and entertaining. Overall, however, they appeared and talked a little too much in character, which sometimes felt overdone. I also found more than ten typos throughout, so in line with site policy, I have to deduct a star to rate this book four out of five stars.

Overall, it's a fascinating story of warriors destined to test their skills and grapple with more things in heaven and earth than Horatio could dream of.

Eternal Hero
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Re: Review of Eternal Hero

Posted: 05 May 2024, 09:48
by williams Emerald
It’s impressive how the author weaves mythological elements into the narrative, adding depth and intrigue to the story.

Re: Review of Eternal Hero

Posted: 05 May 2024, 16:20
by Amy Luman
An excellent review! I got a real sense of Jack and his sordid interaction with the mafia. I can also understand his sense of protection over his mate. I’m sorry that you found so many errors. Thanks!

Re: Review of Eternal Hero

Posted: 10 May 2024, 10:29
by Gerry Steen
This science fiction and thriller combination sounds enthralling. The boss with mob connections and a hateful neighbor with military experience will keep Jack Thornton on his toes, not to mention the crowd at the Irish pub and the IRA gunman. I am intrigued, thanks to your review. :techie-studyinggray:

Re: Review of Eternal Hero

Posted: 12 May 2024, 13:58
by NetMassimo
Despite the limited development of some characters, this mix of genres that mixes dark forces and a thriller seems engaging. I have no problems with the violent parts if they're part of the plot. Thank you for your great review!

Re: Review of Eternal Hero

Posted: 13 May 2024, 21:44
by Stephen Christopher 1
A science-fiction thriller sounds right up my alley. I love how you said that you 'allowed yourself to read one more chapter.' Lol, page-turners like this can keep me up all night. Shame about the one-dimensional characters and errors, but I'm still adding it to my list.

Re: Review of Eternal Hero

Posted: 17 May 2024, 01:20
by Alice Heritage
Gerry Steen wrote: 10 May 2024, 10:29 This science fiction and thriller combination sounds enthralling. The boss with mob connections and a hateful neighbor with military experience will keep Jack Thornton on his toes, not to mention the crowd at the Irish pub and the IRA gunman. I am intrigued, thanks to your review. :techie-studyinggray:
It's full of action, but always well written. Thanks for reading and commenting!

Re: Review of Eternal Hero

Posted: 17 May 2024, 12:47
by Alice Heritage
NetMassimo wrote: 12 May 2024, 13:58 Despite the limited development of some characters, this mix of genres that mixes dark forces and a thriller seems engaging. I have no problems with the violent parts if they're part of the plot. Thank you for your great review!
I'm the same - I don't like violence in itself, but sometimes it fits logically into a story, for example in situations where a character literally has no good options. This book is like that, but some things that happened were particularly nasty.

Thank you for reading and commenting.

Re: Review of Eternal Hero

Posted: 17 May 2024, 12:51
by Alice Heritage
Stephen Christopher 1 wrote: 13 May 2024, 21:44 A science-fiction thriller sounds right up my alley. I love how you said that you 'allowed yourself to read one more chapter.' Lol, page-turners like this can keep me up all night. Shame about the one-dimensional characters and errors, but I'm still adding it to my list.
I love it when a book has that effect on me, even when I should probably be getting on with something else.

As I said the characters were entertaining tropes, but yes, it did get a bit much, especially as all the female characters were total cliches. It's still a great book that I can recommend, though.

Thank you for your kind comment.

Re: Review of Eternal Hero

Posted: 21 May 2024, 03:32
by R Chinaza Onwuka
Thornton seems to be a good man with some unsolicited enemies . I hope being a Vietnam veteran helps his course. Thanks for the review.