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Re: Culture

Posted: 22 Jun 2021, 13:29
by Joseph Dunn
I felt that the author listed a variety of treatments in various categories so that readers could implement the one(s) that could be most easily added on an individual basis. If one remedy were impractical based on an individual's culture, preference, or medical disposition, there are multiple alternatives listed in the book that could be effectively substituted.

Re: Culture

Posted: 10 Jun 2022, 15:22
by Simmons32
I am not quite sure how to answer this one. I feel like these methods are good for everyone. There just comes a time when we either have to live with our fears or face them.

Re: Culture

Posted: 27 Aug 2022, 03:04
by Cwaganagwa Dorothy
I think that it does, for example, there is not a culture that does not have that picky aspect about it. For example, the medications may be picked as a danger, if you consume them for long and there seems to be no improvement. There may occur an addition and it would be pinpointed.

Re: Culture

Posted: 25 Sep 2022, 10:44
by Hager Salem
I guess every culture has some practices that help release stress. some dance, others pray, and so on.

Re: Culture

Posted: 18 Oct 2022, 01:49
by Charles lib
djr6090 wrote: 10 Aug 2020, 13:35 The book is pretty comprehensive. There has got to be something in it for most cultural parameters.

Re: Culture

Posted: 21 Dec 2022, 10:04
by Mellino Itz
I think culture and religion has a huge impact on the practicability of most methods discussed by the author in this book. For example some religious groups believe in Miracles and they object the used of medicine. There are also anxiety and stress relieve methods peculiar to some cultural groups around the world.

Re: Culture

Posted: 29 Dec 2022, 01:49
by Chris Azuka
Culture affects all what the authors listed greatly. Things like religion or food, may make individual to avoid some remedies listed out in the book. Culture is a person's way of life and I don't think reading a book would make one divert from his/her culture.

Re: Culture

Posted: 12 Jan 2023, 00:51
by Nicky Rita
Different cultures around the world have different approaches to dealing with stress and anxiety. There is much to learn about these cultures.

Re: Culture

Posted: 31 Jan 2023, 08:02
by Agbata Trust
Well we can't start to count all the cultures that exist in the world. I believe the author wrote based on the culture she is exposed to. So it would be more appropriate to get the main point and find the right steps that suit your culture.

Re: Culture

Posted: 23 Feb 2023, 04:22
by koffi Malay
The ways that different cultures around the world deal with stress and anxiety vary.

Re: Culture

Posted: 25 Feb 2023, 02:02
by Jack Robbinson
That depends. In some religions you would not be seem with good eyes if you practice meditation, Islam, for example, others you would not be allowed to take the medicines. Other slow paced, contemplative cultures, some islands in Japan, you wouldn’t need the methods in the book, avoid anxiety in daily life is the norm

Re: Culture

Posted: 08 Mar 2023, 05:44
by Mellino Itz
Most cultures have unique ways to deal with stress and anxiety. But when it comes to religion, most prominent religious denominations have have remedies discussed in this book peculiar to them.

Re: Culture

Posted: 23 Jun 2023, 14:30
by Mercylib
Different cultures in the world have different ways of addressing stress and anxiety. For example, some cultural rules don't allow people to mourn the dead. If the family of the deceased is stressed, they can't speak out for fear of being isolated.

Re: Culture

Posted: 14 Aug 2023, 13:36
by Ngozi mouau
In my culture, people don't think stress and anxiety are real illnesses. They believe most folks can handle them and get better. People usually keep it to themselves or talk to someone to feel relief.