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Re: Take responsability and relax.

Posted: 02 Nov 2020, 14:25
by leiabutler
Everyone should take responsibility for every action in life. This means the good and the bad. It is only when we do this, we and move on from bad and we grow.

Re: Take responsability and relax.

Posted: 02 Nov 2020, 18:26
by Bisqwik
Can some actions be owned as your own responsibility if the action itself is a symptom? Anxiety alone can cause wild fluctuations in brain chemistry, and lead to things that may be out of control. Depression could lead to similar, even if that action is just inaction. Do you need to "own" that you may have a day where you seem unable to do anything?
The illusion of control is very common in certain types of people. They claim you are accountable for your life being what it is, that how it goes and where is entirely upon you and your choices. This is pretty obviously false, but its tempting to believe. Then you are better than everyone "below" you while ignoring the people "above" you most often.
Did the amputee choose to get hit by a bus? Did the quadriplegic choose for the stray bullet to hit their spine? Did the mentally ill choose for their brain to be made differently?
I have cyclothymia. There are things that are out of my control with this illness. Period. Just like in all of life.
You do not owe the world a sense of responsibility for something you didn't choose to happen.
You can own and accept that it exists, which is far more powerful in my opinion.

Re: Take responsability and relax.

Posted: 09 Nov 2020, 23:46
by Atieno Magero
I think taking responsibility is important and it helps improve the quality of people's lives and mental health. If people can learn to accept and move forward then things may not be as stressful. I think that's where the relaxing comes in.

Re: Take responsability and relax.

Posted: 10 Nov 2020, 04:31
by zainherb
mpsmaster wrote: 08 Aug 2020, 06:53 The author encourage the reader to take full responsability for his life as a means for balance and anxiety relief. What are your thoughts on that topic? Do you know good exemplos that prove the advantage of this step? Have you take it in some areas of your life?
This is very true and someone who has been through this process would know very well.
Taking responsibility for your life is a great way to reduce anxiety as among other things, it gives you a sense of control over your life.
As someone who suffered anxiety in the past, I find that part of what causes and worsens the anxiety is a feeling of lack of control over things happening to you.

Re: Take responsability and relax.

Posted: 11 Nov 2020, 09:24
by Gift5
I also agree with the author, accepting full responsibility Helps reduce stress and anxiety, cuz you are able to understand the situations which you can influence and those you can not, in so doing you don't worry unnecessarily and stress is reduced.

Re: Take responsability and relax.

Posted: 17 Nov 2020, 16:20
by Samana95
Taking responsibility for one's life is helping in being able to cope with problems that may cause anxieties. Nobody is perfect and blaming others is not going to help you. Facing your problems is all about understanding what is wrong and seal with it.

Re: Take responsability and relax.

Posted: 23 Nov 2020, 12:53
by Ashley Cremer
I think that taking responsibility for your life is the first real step towards removing anxiety and stress. If you can take responsibility for what is happening in your life then you can begin to take the steps towards accepting that some of the anxiety and stress that is happening in your life may be able to be removed due to you accepting the responsibility for it being there in the first place and making the conscious decision to remove it.

Re: Take responsability and relax.

Posted: 29 Nov 2020, 06:30
by Sarah Schmidt
This reminded me of something my mother once said to me: "It's your life - who else is gonna take care of it?" Unless we take the initiative to control our lives, we'll always be drifting along with the flow. While that's not exactly bad, I feel like in that case you'll always be wondering what the point is.

Re: Take responsability and relax.

Posted: 02 Dec 2020, 19:57
by PeterRabitt20
An example of taking responsibility can be often seen in people who suffer from illnesses such as heart disease or diabetes. They take responsibility by eating right and exercising, which in turn can help reduce anxiety and stress.

Re: Take responsability and relax.

Posted: 11 Dec 2020, 10:45
Taking responsibility for our health is great advice. Many take their health for granted in pursuit of something and probably think it would never happen to them.

Re: Take responsability and relax.

Posted: 16 Feb 2021, 22:09
by Suzer6440 xyz
I think , eventually we can slowly reach this goal, however these things are in the “difficult “ pile In Life. Taking responsibility in our lives and trying to live in the moment is the best thing we can do.

Re: Take responsability and relax.

Posted: 28 Feb 2021, 09:24
by B Sheila Holt
I agree, taking as much responsibility as we can for our current situations and circumstances can take help to lessen a lot of anxieties and frustrations from our lives. If we do what we can to begin to move in a positive direction to correct negative things in our lives, then better situations and events will begin to happen. But it does take work to become fully responsible for everything that happens to us that we can possibly manage. Yes, there will be those things we just can’t control, but overall our anxiety level should decrease greatly.

Re: Take responsability and relax.

Posted: 12 Apr 2021, 15:32
by Archaeoptery
It is common for people to blame others for things that is not in there even their fault. If they start taking the blame or understanding that aren't in other control, will make things better.

Re: Take responsability and relax.

Posted: 05 Sep 2021, 05:25
by Medhansh Bhardwaj
I agree with the author one hundred percent on this one. When you take complete responsibility of your life, it puts you in a certain position of charge and control- which by itself is a very positive change. Basically, you move from "Victim" mentality to "Creator" mindset. And in doing this, you become the master of your life.

Re: Take responsability and relax.

Posted: 10 Jun 2022, 14:58
by Simmons32
I only know this to be true through my own experiences. I have spent more time than I can care to admit being stressed out. Once I forced myself to relax and take care of myself, I could feel a huge difference in my mental and physical health. We have to learn to find balance in our lives or we just simply can't function.