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Re: Take responsability and relax.

Posted: 23 Feb 2023, 04:23
by koffi Malay
I concur with the writer. I believe that accepting full responsibility for your life brings balance, and when those high-pressure situations arise, you are much better able to handle the stress and anxiety.

Re: Take responsability and relax.

Posted: 25 Feb 2023, 02:01
by Jack Robbinson
I also like to support the thoughts if the author.
By taking the responsibilities of our decisions and obligations should to a top priority for everyone. This a seem a little uncomfortable at first. But eventually you can attain this goal. When we reach this point in life, we will be well aware of all the possible results if our decisions. So nothing becomes unexpected to us, which in turn reduces our anxiety. It helps is be aware of our weak points.

Re: Take responsability and relax.

Posted: 08 Mar 2023, 05:20
by Mellino Itz
I support the author's statement. Taking responsibility of you life helps you live a more fulfilled, healthy and beautiful life. You understand you weaknesses your anxiety and Stress level and then know how to put them in check.

Re: Take responsability and relax.

Posted: 23 Jun 2023, 14:29
by Mercylib
Knowing your weaknesses, understanding that by taking responsibility of your actions, you can live a healthier life. With this mindset we can be aware of our decisions and accept the outcome. And the authors says, by dong these things, our anxiety will melt away. I'm not sure if I entirely agree with this, but I'd have to experience it for myself.

Re: Take responsability and relax.

Posted: 14 Aug 2023, 13:38
by Ngozi mouau
It's important for everyone to aim at fully owning their choices and duties. This means knowing your weaknesses, improving from errors, and changing when needed. I always take full responsibility for what I do. It's a good way to avoid problems.