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Re: What do you think about the title of the book?

Posted: 02 Jun 2022, 15:12
by fire_spice
I think it's a perfect title. Kalayla is at the center of this story. She represents a lot of the issues discussed including race. She is the reason Lena and Maureen bond.

Re: What do you think about the title of the book?

Posted: 12 Jun 2022, 15:36
by Eva Nyaburi
I don't think kalayla was the appropriate title for the book as the story revolves around three women who's stories are also told and not just kalayla's.

Re: What do you think about the title of the book?

Posted: 17 Jun 2022, 05:46
by Moneybag
I think Kalayla connected all three characters hence the name of this book. I see nothing wrong with the title of this book.

Re: What do you think about the title of the book?

Posted: 30 Jun 2022, 08:37
by Emilia Kvatchadze
I believe Kalayla is a well-chosen title for this novel. The book circles around all three characters, but I strongly think that it centers mainly around Kalayla. She has a connection with everyone in the book, and I would say that she develops the most, out of all the characters in the book. It is also a unique name, which definitely caught my attention!;)

Re: What do you think about the title of the book?

Posted: 04 Jul 2022, 01:55
by Donald Trust
Kalayla was the one with the most active and came at almost every aspect of the book. I would say the title was appropriate.

Re: What do you think about the title of the book?

Posted: 04 Jul 2022, 10:44
by Victoria Ukamaka
The main character of the book is Kalayla, but it's a story about 3 the 3 women. Although the title is OKAY since Kalayla is what brought the other two women together, it would have been a lot better to give it a title suited for what it represents.

Maybe a title that portrays that family relationships are not by blood only.

Re: What do you think about the title of the book?

Posted: 08 Jul 2022, 02:56
by Ohna Martin
I think Kalayla is a suitable choice seen as she is the link between all the other characters and the book is mainly about her and how she deals with everything that happens around her. I do not think that any other title would be appropriate this was really very fitting.

Re: What do you think about the title of the book?

Posted: 18 Jul 2022, 06:29
by Cocobutta
I think the title makes you beleive the focus of the book is Kaylayla when in reality Lena and Maureen's stories were strongly relevant throughout the book. However, I like that the title is not complex and does not divulge much about the content of the book.

Re: What do you think about the title of the book?

Posted: 31 Jul 2022, 02:04
by Loniya Chabili Mubanga
It's such an interesting title, it's what drew me to the book in the first place. As I read on, I began to understand why it was titled that. Because at the end of the day, all roads lead to Kalayla and how she impacted the lives of everyone in her life. Beginning with her mother, Lena, Grandparents and even her cousin.

Re: What do you think about the title of the book?

Posted: 18 Aug 2022, 06:33
by Micah_1
In my own opinion, it doesn't tally, the story is centered around 3 women so I see it unjust for the name to center on one person

Re: What do you think about the title of the book?

Posted: 18 Aug 2022, 06:38
by Micah_1
I feel the title is unjustified. The story is centered on the lives of 3 women, so I feel is unjust that the title should center on one person's name.

Re: What do you think about the title of the book?

Posted: 19 Aug 2022, 02:13
by Eriikeoluwa Nimi
The title is appropriate for me. I was even thinking it could be titled "the making of Kalayla" but Kaylayla is fine too.

Re: What do you think about the title of the book?

Posted: 16 Sep 2022, 06:21
by Gandhi_D 1st
Sushan wrote: 01 Sep 2020, 07:16 The story is woven around three female characters and their lives. Yet, the book is named by the name of youngest protagonist, Kalayla.

Why is that? Is it appropriate? Do you have any suggestions for alternative titles?
Well, the title of the book Kalayla seems nice to me since she was one of the most centered protagonists in the book. I really can't think of a title better than it.

Re: What do you think about the title of the book?

Posted: 11 Oct 2022, 09:38
by Horlarmidey Harkinolah
The title is fantastic and very okay. Kalayla brought the three women together so I feel the title is appropriate.

Re: What do you think about the title of the book?

Posted: 18 Oct 2022, 11:19
by Tara D Morgan
Kalayla is the main character remembered once the book is finished so I think it is wholly appropriate that this book is named after her. The other main female characters are called Maureen and Lena which I don't think would sell the book as well :lol: