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Re: Do you think free will man-made relations are stronger than blood relations??

Posted: 24 Dec 2020, 17:04
by reeves
I personally think relationships made of free will can definitely be stronger than blood-relations. As people grow and change, it's the people who are in their lives at the moment that have the greatest influence on them. I think it really depends on how you grow up, what values you're brought up with, etc. Some families are very close-knit from birth so I can see those values maintaining throughout the rest of their lives and this could tie into religion, culture, race etc.

Re: Do you think free will man-made relations are stronger than blood relations??

Posted: 12 Mar 2021, 16:16
by car-mbz
Yes, I think free will man-made relations are stronger because you get to choose who to associate with, those with similar interests. In blood relations, you just find yourself in a gene pool with no choice.

Re: Do you think free will man-made relations are stronger than blood relations??

Posted: 16 Mar 2021, 13:52
by Vivian Jabeya
I believe that free will made relationships can be stronger than blood relationships. Marriage clearly depicts this.

Re: Do you think free will man-made relations are stronger than blood relations??

Posted: 25 Mar 2021, 10:36
by Raluca_Mihaila
I strongly believe that blood relatives can let you down, while real friends can help you unconditionally. However, sometimes family is the only support. Each situation is different, and education plays a major part in that. The important message is that anyone can find a family-like connection, no matter where or how they were born and raised.

Re: Do you think free will man-made relations are stronger than blood relations??

Posted: 29 Mar 2021, 05:36
by smolbird
I believe the stronger bond is between you and those you chose to be your family. After all, the complete version of the famous saying is "the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb".

Re: Do you think free will man-made relations are stronger than blood relations??

Posted: 18 May 2021, 14:31
by Rwill0988
There is a different relationship that forms between family and friends. I do believe, that it is possible for the friends in your life to become like family and there to be a familial love. This book showed that fairly well.

Re: Do you think free will man-made relations are stronger than blood relations??

Posted: 03 Jun 2021, 08:51
by Michelle Menezes
That depends on how you are with people related to you by blood. If your family is good and you get along very well, it can be as good as the relationships you make in your life.

Re: Do you think free will man-made relations are stronger than blood relations??

Posted: 26 Jun 2021, 09:00
by Kaushiki Parihar
I somewhat disagree with it. Any relationship (whether free will man-made or blood relation) will only work out when both parties trust in each other. To build any relationship, you need to water them with love, faith, sharing, forgiving, and understanding

Re: Do you think free will man-made relations are stronger than blood relations??

Posted: 03 Jul 2021, 08:32
by Mason Garrod
Either can be stronger depending on the two people in question, but family who is chosen as a result of liking a person and choosing to be around them has more initial meaning in it than a family bond which is essentially the result of random chance

Re: Do you think free will man-made relations are stronger than blood relations??

Posted: 03 Jul 2021, 17:00
by Nivedita BookBee
I think what counts is the willingness and efforts of a person to keep a certain specific person in their life regardless of the bond being connected by blood or it being independent of blood. Right people stay and you put efforts to make them stay. Nurturing, nourishing and growing in relationships make them stronger regardless of blood ties or man made ties. It's all on you, who you wanna keep, who you wanna let go.

Re: Do you think free will man-made relations are stronger than blood relations??

Posted: 04 Jul 2021, 05:00
by JHING Estanislao
hellonewuser wrote: 05 Sep 2020, 02:36 "I wish everyone knew the entire saying. It's not 'blood is thicker than water,' it's 'the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.' Meaning relationships built by choice are stronger than those built by birth."Only those relations are the one you should care which are true to you not because of need of you"
I also believe in this saying. We don't get to choose our family at birth, but the bond we forged with someone else are deeper and stronger that just with are blood relatives.

Re: Do you think free will man-made relations are stronger than blood relations??

Posted: 10 Jul 2021, 08:39
by Janet Kimetto
Not necessarily, it's not really black and white. I think it depends on individual relationships and how close those bonds are. Some families got each other's backs and love each other so much that their bonds are unbreakable. Others have had a falling-out, met loyal friends they would die for.

Re: Do you think free will man-made relations are stronger than blood relations??

Posted: 13 Jul 2021, 00:51
by Adego 002
Sometimes circumstances can draw people together. Even though these people are not related by blood, the similarities in their situations make them understand what the other is going through. They end up depending on each other for advice and other necessities. Blood relations may be strong but they may sometimes falter. Free will bonding is not easily broken since it's built from understanding.

Re: Do you think free will man-made relations are stronger than blood relations??

Posted: 27 Jul 2021, 11:27
by Nathaniel Owolabi
I do agree with this. For a person to have a relationship with a person and become as close as family, they have to be intentional about it. They have to really give a lot for the growth of the relationship. On the other hand, family by blood can often be a relationship where people just tolerate each other because they are related. I feel man made relationships are often times more genuine.

Re: Do you think free will man-made relations are stronger than blood relations??

Posted: 27 Aug 2021, 04:12
by Oyster
I think that it is stronger. We don't get to choose our bliid-relationshions. Be that as it is, we are under no obligation to love them. They are family but our consent were not sought before such a family was created.

But you see relationships between people that gladly and willingly went into it,that is gold. You chose to be with that person (whether romantically or platonically). That mere chance of choice makes the bond stronger if both parties choose to make it so