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Re: Should Uncle Clarence be forgiven?

Posted: 11 Mar 2022, 23:48
by Berry_
Honestly, this part really pissed me off. The fact that he got away with trying to assault Maureen was infuriating. His mother cradling a grown man after the attempted assault was also appalling. No matter the challenges he went through as a kid, he was grown and sheltered too much by his mother.

Re: Should Uncle Clarence be forgiven?

Posted: 30 Mar 2022, 08:34
by Zaynnie
His past is not enough to say he's blameless, he was clearly at fault childhood trauma or not. However I feel he should have received professional help like seeing a therapist since the incident happened to him. It didn't make any sense leaving him to deal with his trauma like that

Re: Should Uncle Clarence be forgiven?

Posted: 30 Mar 2022, 21:00
by Ad_mInistrAtoR
Clarence's lewdness and his attempted assault on Maureen were acts he committed while in a sober state of mind. He was very much aware of his action. On the subject of forgiveness, I feel that his sudden mental breakdown begs some compassion as he would not remember what he had done nor would he be able to harass Maureen again.

Re: Should Uncle Clarence be forgiven?

Posted: 02 Apr 2022, 21:00
by Tebogo Eugene M
No, he must not be forgiven because all this time he was not doing anything but till Maureen was alone so in my opinion, that's unacceptable we all experience a lot of difficulties in life that the way it makes you tough, so toughen up Clarence and be a man.

Re: Should Uncle Clarence be forgiven?

Posted: 04 Apr 2022, 10:08
by Neha Aslam
I do feel that this part was not taken too seriously. In my opinion, Uncle Clarence was forgiven way too quickly. His traumatic past should not be seen as an excuse. He is a grown man and should take responsibility. If he is not able to take responsibility for his actions, then he should not be allowed to roam around alone or he should be seeing a therapist. Maureen can be said to have had a traumatic past, however, that was not fully seen as an excuse for her actions. Everyone is responsible for their own actions.

Re: Should Uncle Clarence be forgiven?

Posted: 10 Apr 2022, 07:53
by Cece Maina
I think that no matter what he was going through psychologically, Uncle Clarence had no right to try to force himself on Maureen. His trauma was not an excuse at all!

Re: Should Uncle Clarence be forgiven?

Posted: 21 Apr 2022, 07:24
by honeybear_11001
I think no matter what, our past should not define us and Clearance should be held accountable for his actions and for forcing himself onto Maureen.

Re: Should Uncle Clarence be forgiven?

Posted: 07 May 2022, 03:46
by Shillah Andeso
The fact that uncle Clarence went through some sort of trauma in the past shouldn't be used as an excuse for his actions. I, however, believe that forgiveness should be offered despite the circumstances but appropriate action should always be taken.

Re: Should Uncle Clarence be forgiven?

Posted: 08 May 2022, 02:03
by FunkyFlowerLady
Someone's past trauma can't excuse their present actions which they undertake fully consciously. Clarence can't be forgiven and the way they overshadowed his actions because of his past is also a mistake. Maureen shouldn't be expected to easily forgive him for causing trauma to her now, on top of already having his overbearing personality intrude in their lives all this while.

Re: Should Uncle Clarence be forgiven?

Posted: 09 May 2022, 12:34
by n3stl3y_
He should definitely not be forgiven!!! He tried to rape Maureen and it was not okay for everyone to treat the matter as lightly as they did.

Re: Should Uncle Clarence be forgiven?

Posted: 11 May 2022, 16:57
by Ola_Elise
Clarence's actions are not excused by his past. Because he had experienced such tragedy in the past, his past should have been the one to caution him. Even while forgiveness is divine, one must confront the consequences of their actions.

Re: Should Uncle Clarence be forgiven?

Posted: 13 May 2022, 10:52
by Andrada Madalina
I don't think childhood abuse justifies Clarence's inappropriate behavior. Each person is responsible for their own actions. I agree that trauma can affect your psyche, but we are the ones who have the will and can control our insecurities in the end. From a victim to an aggressor is a long way off, and Clarence should not be forgiven for the attempted rape.

Re: Should Uncle Clarence be forgiven?

Posted: 22 May 2022, 23:34
by fire_spice
No! Oh my goodness. I don't think he should! I think they should be no strict with him and maybe get him therapy but not make excuses for him because he can harm others. That's what I think.

Re: Should Uncle Clarence be forgiven?

Posted: 23 May 2022, 11:32
by Meenahhhh
Definitely not! Under no circumstances whatsoever. What Uncle Clarence did should not be forgiven. Trauma or no trauma, we all make our choices and Uncle Clarence made his. I personally think he should have ended up in jail.

Re: Should Uncle Clarence be forgiven?

Posted: 31 May 2022, 09:13
by Similoluwa Odumuyiwa
:( :( Attempted rape is definitely unforgivable.