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Is still happening today?

Posted: 29 Jul 2021, 13:36
by AngieOdeh
:eusa-think: Do you think sick men like Lena's husband, Joey, exist? Someone so dark that can mistreat his wife beyond physical abuse. Forcing his wife to go to places like UG's and have to do or at least witness all the abominable things that cross through his mind. I would think that women nowadays are more outspoken and less willing to be treated in that way. What is your opinion?

Re: Is still happening today?

Posted: 31 Jul 2021, 12:05
by Linda S 1
As far as I can tell people like Joey exist even in this advanced world. But more and more people are gradually accepting the fact that women are also humans who deserve to be treated with respect and love. The number of domestic violence cases is still high and I hope that more people become aware of this situation. Nobody deserves to be treated the way Lena was treated.

Re: Is still happening today?

Posted: 01 Aug 2021, 08:05
by AngieOdeh
I totally agree with you. But I'm not referring to the physical violence but to the sick sexual perversion that moved that man to treat his wife in such manner. I would have thought that men have matured a little this days.

Re: Is still happening today?

Posted: 05 Aug 2021, 03:41
by Tereza Bencic
Unfortunately, I believe it is safe to say that even worse things are still happening and even sadder that there is a lot of women who's only way out is also the death of their abuser. You can never know what someone has to go through behind closed doors, what we all can do is be there for each other and react when we know we should, and never ever blame the victim. I loved Carlotta for that very reason, she tried to do something and when she failed she was still there for her friend, unlike the rest of Lena's family.

Re: Is still happening today?

Posted: 10 Aug 2021, 02:42
by Clare Jose
I believe there are people like that out there even in this 'modern age' we live in. People with no regard about other people, their opinion or choices . While I think that the number of people who speak out against their abusers are coming up, there are probably many others who get silenced or are simply not heard.
It takes time and understanding, from the society as a whole for there to be any sort of effective measure against abuse in general. It needs every individual to recognise their part in the society, to make their stand, to help those in need.

Re: Is still happening today?

Posted: 13 Aug 2021, 20:45
by Grace McHardy
I recently watched a Criminal Minds episode that tackled something similar to this issue. You would be surprised how powerful Stockholm Syndrome is and just how easy it would be to manipulate a person into staying with you.

Re: Is still happening today?

Posted: 17 Aug 2021, 06:41
by Tayyaba Rehman
Though I do think women are more outspoken now than they were decades ago, there are still some men who are like Lena's husband. Most of us can see that in third world countries. Women tend to not speak up and stay with their abusive husbands because they don't have any other place to go so they choose to suffer in silence.

Re: Is still happening today?

Posted: 27 Aug 2021, 03:58
by Oyster
Even though we have seen increasing cases of women speaking out, I would say that those speaking only a small percent compared to the tens of millions of women that are married to monsters all over the world.

So yes, I strongly believe that men like Joey still exist

Re: Is still happening today?

Posted: 05 Sep 2021, 11:44
by semira yasin
Well, from my experience, I couldn't even save my own educated, highly spoken sister from this! I tried to intervene but I was told to mind my own business by him, and her, well, she said she loves him. He helps her a lot with a lot of aspects. Who am I to judge? I know it is not right, and I believe she does too, but life is hard. People would stay with their abuser for all dorts of reasons including financial reasons, which is really sad.

Re: Is still happening today?

Posted: 10 Sep 2021, 11:26
by MysticSpade
Tereza Bencic wrote: 05 Aug 2021, 03:41 Unfortunately, I believe it is safe to say that even worse things are still happening and even sadder that there is a lot of women who's only way out is also the death of their abuser. You can never know what someone has to go through behind closed doors, what we all can do is be there for each other and react when we know we should, and never ever blame the victim. I loved Carlotta for that very reason, she tried to do something and when she failed she was still there for her friend, unlike the rest of Lena's family.
I honestly could not have worded this more perfectly! It's heartbreaking that there are sadistic, abusive people that find enjoyment in instilling fear into their partners. Carlotta was a great, and super sassy, example of what a supportive friend should look like.

Re: Is still happening today?

Posted: 06 Nov 2021, 22:34
by 19blueofficial
I've actually seen people like Joey in real life and I've heard of them, and majority of those marriages end of badly. It's either the lady divorces the man or she packs her load and her children back to her father's house. Sometimes one of the kids stay with the man. I think Lena would have divorced Joey if her mother hadn't stopped her, maybe she would have been happier. And I love how she ended up with the other dude.

Re: Is still happening today?

Posted: 24 Nov 2021, 17:30
by Gabriella H
Sadly, yes, things like that still happen. There are still men like Joey in the world doing similar things and even worse. Unfortunately, there are also women in similar situations, who out of fear, don't realize they can leave.

Re: Is still happening today?

Posted: 28 Nov 2021, 03:28
by Rizki Pradana
Yes, a man like Joey existed but I also agree with you that woman nowadays doesn't want to be treated like that. Especially, if they are working.

Re: Is still happening today?

Posted: 17 Jan 2022, 17:47
by Regard003
I'd say yes. Men like Joey still exist but what's going to extinction is women like Lena. Women do not stay in abusive homes anymore, only very few.

Re: Is still happening today?

Posted: 23 Jan 2022, 16:29
by Stizzy Monday
I totally think that people like Joey exist today, and are more creative with their abuse and cruelty. It's more emotional and psychological now, and that's the deadliest kind. Gaslighting can lead to acute depression which is what happens today in relationships and marriages.