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Re: (Least) Favourite Character

Posted: 21 Feb 2021, 10:34
by Rayah Raouf
I'm not sure how I like the least. I wasn't too much of a fan when it came to the King's POV. But I don't really dislike anybody. They all have a purpose and keep me entertained.

Re: (Least) Favourite Character

Posted: 21 Feb 2021, 15:05
by caina3
I must say that from the start Midius Maido rubbed me the wrong way. He is the type of person I find disgusting. His personality is highly manipulative and always needs attention. He behaves one way in front of all the rich people celebrating after the parade and another way while in the chancellor meeting discussing the Riva Rohavi. He is a man of different appearances and mean-spirited. I do think he was written like that on purpose to add a level of suspicion to the story. He serves as another enemy to the king providing another layer for the reader to consider when contemplating who are all the people involved in all the bad happenings, why they are involved, and what does this particular character stand to gain? I think the character was written well, hence why I despise him so much.

Re: (Least) Favourite Character

Posted: 22 Feb 2021, 12:10
by Vivian Jabeya
I liked Lord Eldus because he was a man with a vision. He had great plans for Hillport. I was very disappointed when he was killed because I felt that he had the capability of taking Hillport to a greater place economically.

Re: (Least) Favourite Character

Posted: 20 Apr 2021, 08:54
by iammiape
Valkyrie9 wrote: 01 Oct 2020, 02:13 Tysz has developed so many stunning characters in this short first episode. Each one has great depth and is given the attention they deserve. Was there a specific character that you connected with and would say is your favourite? Or, on the other hand, was there a character that you absolutely hated? Do you think the character was intentionally written that way so that we would love/hate them? :techie-studyinggray:
Galen have my deepest admiration. His manners are very admirable and his meekness came as adorable to me. On the other hand, my most hated character is Midius Maido. He haven't so far performed any beautiful deed that hints his humanity (from what I remember). Certainly, his makeup was intentionally written since I have high trust that he is designed to be a villain.

Re: (Least) Favourite Character

Posted: 10 Jun 2021, 14:52
by Janet Kimetto
I guess I'm quite easy to figure out. I like the main characters and hate the villains. That said, I liked Galen the most. On the other hand, the more I got to know about Lord Meldorath, the less I liked him. He's the reason for so much death and that's the worst of his plots. No matter what his goals are, the end does not always justify the means.

Re: (Least) Favourite Character

Posted: 12 Jul 2021, 11:13
by Mason Garrod
Honestly, I found Rowan a little annoying, he was still well-characterised, but he seems like one of those people you know in real life who can be so grating. He did feel a little too modern sometimes in his behaviour as well. As for favourite character, it's hard to pick a favourite, everyone was well-defined but nobody has really had the chance to develop much yet. Demetrius definitely stands out though!

Re: (Least) Favourite Character

Posted: 14 Jul 2021, 04:57
by Akshi Porwal
One character I absolutely despised was chancellor Maido. He is entitled, grooss, vulgar and all over a selfish person.

Re: (Least) Favourite Character

Posted: 18 Nov 2022, 04:16
by Mayang Bature
I respect Meldorath. He seems like a man of principle. King Wilhelm on the other hand, is just lying to his people. I wonder what they'd think of that when they eventually find out. For a man who has ruled for a long time, he should know better.

Re: (Least) Favourite Character

Posted: 04 Dec 2022, 12:15
by Jay David Randall
I would say my least favorite character is King Welheim and his chancellors, while reading this novel, their plot was tedious in my opinion and it made me feel reluctant sometimes to read it.

Re: (Least) Favourite Character

Posted: 13 Jan 2023, 11:51
by Omneya Shakeep
I didn't like Midius Maido something about him rubbed me the wrong way, not to mention his delayed decision to send his soldiers coasted people their lives.

Re: (Least) Favourite Character

Posted: 22 Feb 2023, 23:24
by Adekeye Hassan musab
I can't seem to think of one except perhaps the old man. He was kinda creepy and using his powers on the innocent.

Re: (Least) Favourite Character

Posted: 23 Mar 2023, 17:32
by Carlos Mata Saenz
My least favorite one was Beth. I found her chapters too slow. Especially, her first chapter. The style changes so much that it was a big contrast. It's the only chapter I had to stop (a couple of times) reading.